

Boom boom boom boom boom!

For the second time, the light of the sky appeared in the whole world!

The last time was also Dunn's legendary artifact!

And this time, it's another one!

Suddenly, everyone looked over here!

"Aaaaaaa whirlpool Dunn!!!!!!!!! I curse you! I curse you!"

"Heh, the power of your curse is only enough to curse some cats and dogs, you idiot."


Dunn's words fell, and the silver light cannon devoured Li Zeweim Li Huaen Lucifer in an instant!


He roared unwillingly, but what's the use of that!

Facing the legendary artifact that surpassed the limit of his characteristics and the supreme divine power of Dunn.

There is only one way to go by Lizvim Lihuan Lucifer and that is to die!

"Heh... Vortex Dunn!! You... released... monsters... things!"

Along with the silver beam of light, Li Zeweim Li Huaen Lucifer was completely annihilated!

Either the body or the soul!

But at the moment when his soul completely disappeared!

The mechanism on the seal of him and Beast King 666 has been activated!


The people at the top felt it for the first time...the breath from ancient times, vastness, vicissitudes, wild, fierce, bloody, evil, and crazy!

Sazex Lucifer!

Ajaka Beelzebub!

Serafuru Leviathan!

One of the Four Seraphim, Michael!

One of the Four Seraphim, Raphael!

One of the Four Seraphim, Uriel!

One of the Four Seraphim, Gabriel!

Fallen Angel Governor Azazel!

Norse god, Odin!

Etc., etc!

All the top powerhouses were still paying attention to the sky-high silver beam of light just now!

The next moment, they sensed the breath of fear in their hearts!

This is the monster that will completely destroy the world!

"Beast King 666, it's still alive!"

Orpheus from Dunn's house sat on the sofa and put down the popcorn, muttering in a low voice...

Rias and the others also suddenly collapsed.

As the initiator of this time, Tang En also narrowed his eyes and looked into the depths of the distant void...

Kaka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka, seal in the depths of the void, that is recorded in the extermination record, the most evil, the strongest creature, is awakened!The sound of the shattering of the seal, as if it didn't need a medium, spread to all the people in the myths and legends.

"Ooooooooooo!!! Ooooooooooooooo!"

The two crazy roars that seemed to come from the soul made the scalp of anyone who could hear the sound tingle!

"This is really not good. If it is not handled well, the world will really be destroyed."

"...This monster has no wisdom, it only has one will, and that is to completely destroy this world!"

"How's the research on Roseweather's paper!"

"There is no problem, but once this seal is created, then... we can only keep in touch. If Beast Emperor 666 is not destroyed, it will never be possible to return to the world!"

"Oh, that's really good news, but..."

Sazex smiled wryly...

"Beast King 666, even the God of Creation can only seal monsters that cannot be killed, can we kill them!"

"Presumably, if the cooperation is in place, it should take tens of thousands of years to weaken it again to the extent that it can be sealed?"

"Hopefully this idea can come true."

"Then... this war, let's name it the Eternal War!"

Azazel nodded solemnly.

the other side.

Tang En watched the slowly shattering seal through the Ten Realms Divine Wheel with great interest.

"Oh? It actually has the characteristics of immortality and immortality. This should be the top rule in this world, right? Or, it has half of the origin of the world!"

Tang En could see that this world was not as simple as the origin of the world of Pirates.

In this dimension with many worlds, the origin of the world is not single.

It's in two parts!

part of the creation

The God of Creation used creation to give birth to human beings, demons, angels, fallen angels, dragons, vampires, and so on.

The other half is owned by Beast Emperor 666, destroy it!

This monster is the embodiment of the will of the other half of the world!

Its will is the will of Beast Emperor 666!

Destroy everything!Turn everything into nothing!

Chapter [-] The World Assembles

The world is in turmoil, it is dying.

No matter which faction it was, when Beast King 666 appeared, everyone took action!

With the assembly of the leaders of their respective forces, prepare for battle!


"Quickly gather all the adult superior demons, and there is no need for family members. When the demon king leads the assembly!"

"Yes! Lord Sazex!"

With the order of the Demon King Sazex Lucifer, all the families and organizations in the underworld began to function.

"Sazex... Can we really deal with the legendary creatures like Beastmaster 666? Even you..."

Serafuru understood that even if Jessica and Sazex joined forces, it would be difficult to leave even a single scar on Beast King 666.

"Huh... Even if there is no hope, we must protect this world, because our descendants and people have placed all their hopes on us, and this is also our responsibility as the Demon King."

"Damn Li Lin."

Jessica cursed.

As a research scholar, the Demon King is only responsible. His real interests are the same as those of Azazel, but he likes to study all kinds of strange things.

So he longed for peace.

But Li Lin came here, how could he be so happy!

"Master Odin is here."

At this moment, Sazeks said something abruptly.

"I told you what the guy on your side did. It would be fine if he killed Li Lin, but Beast King 666 was released! This is even more terrifying than Ragnarok!"

"Well, old man, calm down. It should be Li Lin's actions. With Tang En's character, this kind of accident will never happen!"

Serafuru quickly comforted her.

"Humph! Forget it. Anyway, this dimensional world is destroyed, and none of us can escape!"

"Father, how can you be so pessimistic, isn't it still me!"

Suddenly, the space in the hall fluctuated.

Then, a red-haired youth wearing a black shirt and black trousers, with shiny leather shoes, stepped out of the space with a cigarette in his mouth.

"You bastard! What should we do now in this situation! Are you gathering the power of the whole world to deal with Beast King 666! That's an existence that even the God of Creation can only seal!"

"Aren't you also the main god? Aren't you the creator god in the hearts of the Nordic residents?"

"Uh! Nima, you steal the concept, can that be the same!"

Odin's glasses almost fell off!

The white beard is also curled up.

"Cough, you are the main god, pay attention to etiquette."

A word almost didn't give the old man Odin choked to death.

"Okay, since Tang En is here, let's get down to business."

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