"It's all right, sir. I'm also partly responsible for not paying attention to the road ahead because I'm in a hurry."

Chapter Four Follows

Courteous, dignified and virtuous.

This was the first impression Yotsuba gave to Dunn, and this upbringing simply broke through the sky.

In other words, as expected of the direct line of the Yotsuba family.

Dunn scratched his head in embarrassment.

"In order to apologize, I'll treat you to breakfast~ How about dinner?"

Four Leaf Maya smiled softly.

"Sorry sir, I have to catch a plane to attend an exchange meeting. I'll leave this banquet for the next one! Is it okay?"


Dunn instantly thought of something.

Originally looking at the face in the middle of the night, the apologetic eyes suddenly became deep.

"In that case, then we will meet again, miss."

Yotsuba Mayo also salutes her farewell.

After Dunn's back turned around the corner and left.

The middle-aged man behind Yotsuba Maya gently walked a few steps forward and said in Yotsuba Maya's ear:

"Miss, why did you talk so much to that man? It's not like the usual you."

Yotsuba Maya pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes curved into crescents.

"This man makes me feel good."


The middle-aged man behind him, the future housekeeper of the Yotsuba family, Ye Shan, who was well-bred, was also stunned.

Is this puberty?

Sure enough, she has grown up.

Ye Shan sighed inwardly.

You must know that he has been a housekeeper in the four-leaf family for decades, and the two young ladies can be said to have grown up under his watch.

After a brief exchange, the two walked towards the waiting vehicle outside the hotel.

Actually, in this world.

Magicians can take the initiative to choose their partners, that is a very happy thing.

Due to the appearance of the magician, each family wants to have a stronger bloodline inheritance, or in other words, the talent of the magician.

Then, the combination of two powerful magicians is the most perfect thing.

And Yotsuba's identity also gave him no choice.

For the sake of the family, she must choose a powerful man as a union to give birth to a more powerful next generation.

Although she said she had a good impression of Tang En, Ye Shan and herself knew that this was absolutely impossible!

At the very least, in the eyes of the four-leaf family, they were all ants before Tang En showed any magician talent and powerful abilities.


In the restaurant of the hotel, Dunn was thinking while eating a hearty breakfast.

Since Yotsuba may appear in this hotel early in the morning, then the real owner of this hotel is the Yotsuba family.

This is normal, as the four-leafed family, one of the ten most powerful families in this land.

In the development and research of magic, of course, a lot of money is needed.

Then, they secretly have a huge industry, it is natural.

Quietly, Dunn expanded his perception and paid attention to the car that Yotsuba was riding.

Not surprisingly, it stopped at the airport after a long time.

And that plane was heading for the continent across the sea.

Picked up the paper and wiped it, Dunn settled the bill.

Then, he narrowed his eyes and walked slowly towards the beach.

By plane?nonexistent.

While walking, I started to observe and observe, and there was no one within a few kilometers around.

Dunn smiled slightly.

In the next step, the change spanned time and space, and the entire figure disappeared here.


an island.

Here is a lively exchange meeting today.

In the huge banquet hall, dozens or hundreds of young people stood.

Looking at their immature faces, you can tell that the age of these people is only 15 or 16 years old, and the youngest is only 11,12 and [-] years old.

But they all have a common identity, that is, a magician.

Among them, the girl who came with a man was Maya Yotsuba.

And the boy next to her was not ordinary.

Nanakusa Koichi, 14 years old.

Like Yotsuba Maya, he is also the direct heir of the Shishi clan.

And his number is also reflected in the name, seven!

At the same time, Nanakusa Koichi is also Yotsuba Maya's lover and betrothed!

This is what I said above, magicians can fall in love freely, it is simply good luck.

For the next generation, two powerful magicians must be united.

And as the ten master clan, the four-leafed Maya, who is also a direct bloodline, is together with Nanicao Hiroshi, which is the best.

The deeper meaning is that the Four Leaf Family and the Seven Grass Family will also form an alliance in the future.

In this way, their status and interests will also be stronger.

The banquet they came to attend was also invited.

After all, it is the younger generation of the ten most powerful families in the land, and it is only natural to be invited.

This exchange meeting was hosted by the International Magic Association, Asia Branch.

The main content is to provide a platform for young teenage magicians to communicate.

After all, only through communication can we make progress together.

However, no one knows that there is a huge conspiracy behind this exchange meeting.

Since the two entered the banquet hall, they stood in an inconspicuous corner.

"Ma Ye, looking at your boring face, are you bored with this exchange?"

Nanakusa Hiro walked over with two glasses of juice.

You know, the rule in that country is that you can't drink before the age of 18.

Not to mention a magician!

For magicians, each country has strict requirements for the owner!

One of them is not to drink alcohol, and to keep the high-speed operation and fluidity of the mind.

At the same time, the dress code is also strict.

"Yeah, it's boring. Look at the fake faces of these people. I don't know what they went through when they were the same age as us. How can they all look like old foxes."

Passing the glass of juice in his hand to Mayo Yotsuba, Koichi Nanakusa said:

"They represent the organizations behind them, and of course it will become like this. Some organizations need to rely on stronger forces in order to protect their interests, so this is also the rule of the game."

"Do big fish eat small shrimp!?"

Nanakusa Hiroshi twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, fortunately, our family is strong enough, otherwise, our fate will not be much better than theirs."

"Look, isn't there someone here!"

The two were chatting in a low voice, and several young men and women came over with juice at the same time.

"I'm sorry Ma Ye, I'm going to socialize."


Ma Ye smiled slightly.

When Nanakusa Hiroichi left, her face became dull again.

When the two are together, it's a family arrangement, and they don't have any feelings.

No matter how mature Maya is, no matter what status she is, she is a young girl, and she desires to have her own world and love.

Even if she is a magician, before that, she was still a real human, isn't she!

However, what happened next completely shattered all her dreams and fantasies!

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