Standing up, he smiled at the two daughters and said:

"It's okay, he can still open the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation again in his current state, I promise!"

Kushina heard Dunn's ridicule and rolled his eyes at him.

Not long after, the three basic friends also came back, obviously the two goods have been eliminated.

"How's Matt Dai?" The three of them asked nervously as soon as they came back.

"Well, as you can see, there's nothing to do, just rest for a while."

"Ah, thank you so much... uh"

Tang En smiled at Akai: "My name is Vortex Tang, just call me Big Brother Tang, or the boss. I and your teacher Ding Zuo are in the same class."

"Uh, Brother whirlpool, thank you for saving my father." Akai said choked with tears.

"Hey, you don't need to be so excited. By the way, you are also going to the battlefield of the Land of Water, right? Why did you send you here, did Sarutobi's head kick the donkey?"

Dunn's words made Sanjiyou and Akai's team embarrassed.

After all, he scolded Hokage...

"Hey, the first day of the good mist ninja men, your father was kicked out."

Chapter [-] Uchiha Itachi

Lu Jiu coughed to hide his embarrassment and replied:

"This is also something that can't be helped. We Konoha are enemies on all sides, and there are not enough manpower. It is logical for the new generation to go to the battlefield. Isn't that the case with us back then? Even your lazy temperament is not a problem. Lord Shou pulled it to the battlefield to do the task."

After listening to his explanation, Tang En also wanted to understand the ins and outs.

Apparently Konoha is no longer available?Danzo killed himself, Tsunade broke up with Sandai, and suffered from hyperphobia.Zilai also went out to travel, but he was also concerned about Konoha. He was one, Orochimaru, hehe, he has already embarked on the road of science and technology, which is obviously not very reliable.White Fang forced Konoha to his death, is there anyone who can do it?Oh, only the water gate can hold up half the sky.

Counting it carefully, there are only a few of Konoha's shadow-level masters.

This time, everyone finally encountered no other troubles and arrived at the battlefield smoothly.

Before entering the barracks, the three of Tang En were separated from them, because Tang En was not incorporated into the team, and his identity was just an ordinary civilian. He had not done tasks for so many years, and his qualifications were also cancelled.The same goes for Kushina and Mikoto.

Konoha border, big camp.

"Lord Patriarch, support has arrived, but only 2 teams have arrived~, and..."

"What else?" Fuyue raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's Konoha's three Chunin."

"I see, it's better than nothing. Tomorrow's battle is when we decide whether to win or lose. Let everyone be vigilant at night to prevent the enemy's sneak attack!"


After his subordinates left, Fuyue himself fell into contemplation in the tent.On the other hand, the family of Hyuga Mong's family also received news that additional members came, but it was disappointing that there were only 6 people.

The three of Tang En leisurely built an exquisite wooden hut in the forest using the wooden dug. At this time, the family sat at the low table drinking tea.

"I heard that there will be a decisive battle tomorrow, and we are in a hurry. If Uchiha and Hinata can't stand it, let's intervene. After all, we also have to live in Konoha." The two women nodded at the same time.

Tang En looked at Lei Zhiguo, thinking of Watergate, it's almost time to fight against Yun Ren right now?Oh, go over there when this is over!

Silent all night.

The next day, early morning, the battlefield.

On one side are Konoha ninjas, Uchiha, Hyuga and other wealthy family ninjas are also among them.They looked solemnly at the other side of the battlefield.

On the other side, there is the Ninja of the Land of Water, among which Kaguya and the giants of the ghost lamp are among them.But they got a very unfortunate news yesterday that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen disappeared for no reason during the infiltration mission, and no clues have been found so far.This made the frontline commander of the Land of Water furious!When the chain fell at a critical moment, Nima was so relieved.

But when he thought of the decisive battle tomorrow, he decided to block the news.Decisions must not affect morale, and defeat before a battle must never happen!

Whoosh... A gust of wind whipped up the dust on the battlefield.A thick smoke of gunpowder was reshaped over the entire venue, murderous aura filled the air, and the oppressed people couldn't breathe.

"For the sake of the village, we must win this battle! Kill!!!!!!!!!"

With a wave of Fuyue's hand, the Uchiha family members took the lead and quickly killed the enemy!

"We can't be behind Hyuga either, come on!"

"Hmph, Konoha has only so many people, barely able to reach half of our troops, how can you defeat us! The ninjas of Mist Ninja Village, kill me!"

Wu Ninja leader took the lead, and after a loud shout, he rushed out instantly with a knife and faced the battlefield!


The two armies killed each other at the same time, looking from the sky, it was spectacular!During this period, all kinds of gorgeous ninjutsu emerged one after another.

Immediately, the entire battlefield was filled with smoke, and the ninjas rushed forward regardless of their bodies.

The ninjas rushed up one by one, waving Kunai to fight in blood, one fell, and the other took over.

One of them is a bright young Konoha ninja, looking at the clothes, he is the Uchiha family.

I saw that he separated many afterimages, reaping the enemy's life with a knife, a little invincible.

The cold light flashed, but it was a moment of suffering. At that moment, the eyes staring at the sky were not closed after all.

The teenager glanced at the enemy, and finally turned to leave.

On the other side, a mist ninja beheaded a ninja from the Hyuga family. Judging from the expressions of the Hyuga clansmen on the side, it should be a clan family.

And this ninja's trophy is the eyes of the Zong family!Taking advantage of the chaos, he slowly faded away, leaving behind the grief-stricken Hyuga family.

The Tang En family stood in the distance, watching this tragic scene, sighing endlessly.

"Should we take action? Dunn." Jiuxinai asked worriedly.

"No need, look, the senior family members have already participated in the war. Once the Uchiha clan opens the writing wheel, they are basically invincible at the same level. It should not be too easy to fight against two. Not to mention the Hyuga clan. Even the country of water has There are two major blood-based borderline families, but there are not many of them on the battlefield. Except for the one we eliminated yesterday, it should be the blood-colored policy of Kirin.”

"Hey, I'll give this group a good surprise tonight."

At this time, Dunn found the Uchiha child who was doing well.

"Oh, is that Uchiha Shisui? The instant body technique is really interesting."

"What are you muttering? What happened to Uchiha?"

"Well, look at you two, that young man is Uchiha Shisui. After this war, he will surely shine and become the new pillar of Konoha!"

The two women followed Tang En's fingers and saw Zhishui.

"The instant body technique is very powerful, and it's no wonder that with the wheel-shaking eye."

Under such a tragic fight, a day passed.

I don't know how many people died on both sides on this day. The corpses on the ground were filled with blood, and some corpses were not complete at all.Presumably in such a war, it is very lucky to be able to leave a whole corpse.

The setting sun dyed the whole earth red, and gradually, the blood-red sunset was gradually fading, and the sound of fighting on the battlefield gradually quieted down.

The war was over, the remaining Mist Ninja forces were defeated and retreated, and Konoha won, but it was obviously a tragic victory.

It's not that Tang En is so cold-blooded that he doesn't help. Even if he intervenes in this kind of thing, he can stop the greed and ambition of human beings once, twice, then the third time and the fourth time!

At this time, a child walked by, looking young, 3,4 or [-] years old.But those eyes are not as innocent and lively as children.

"Hey, who are you?" he asked the three of them warily.

Tang En cast a glance, eh... Is this, Uchiha Itachi?haha……

Mikoto and Kushina also looked at him curiously, such a young child went to the battlefield?Is his family stupid?

"We are also villagers of Konoha Village, not enemies." Mikoto crouched down and patted Itachi on the head.

"Villagers? What are the villagers doing on the battlefield?" Itachi was still a little wary.

Tang En sighed, it really is God Weasel, he has such a mature mind at such a young age.

Chapter [-] Harvest

"You are, Uchiha Itachi, right?" Tang En squinted his eyes and said with a curled corner of his mouth.

As Tang En's words fell, Itachi immediately pulled out his kunai and retreated for a distance, vigilantly watching these three young men and women dressed like ninjas at all.

"How do you know my name? Who the hell are you!"

"Itachi, let go of Kunai, they are indeed from Konoha, but they haven't been in the village since you were born." Behind Itachi, a man's voice suddenly came to mind.

Itachi heard that it was his father's voice, so he relaxed a little, but he was still protecting Dunn and the others.

"Yo, Fuqiu. Long time no see."

Tang En smiled slightly and said hello to Uchiha Fuzuki.

"Hmph, the three of you have disappeared for so long, what kind of wind blows you to the battlefield today, why do you want to fight too?"

"No, no, we're just here to have a look. We're very curious about the giants! The war is over and Konoha has won, so let's go. By the way, help me say hello to Brother Hyuga!"

Saying that, ignoring Fuyue, the three turned and left.

Looking at their backs, Fuqiu was thoughtful.

"Dad, who are they? They say they are villagers of Konoha Village, but I don't believe it."

"Hehe, Itachi, they are really the villagers of Konoha Village. They are the owners of a ramen shop. You should have heard of this shop. But before, they were also students of the ninja school. But they did not choose to become a ninja school after graduation. Just a ninja, Tang En has always been a very mysterious person, especially the Mudun female ninja who was a legend in the ninja world a while ago, must be Uzumaki Kushina."

"Dad, can you tell me something?"

"Oh, Dad doesn't know them too well either."

Two figures, one big and one small, slowly walked towards the sunset.

"Tang En, Fuyue actually has a son! Time flies so fast. But why haven't we had any children for so long! Are you sick!"

Kushina's words made Tang En stagger and almost fell to the ground.Mikoto giggled at the side.

In fact, the two girls have long wanted to ask!It's okay to work hard every day, why is there no movement in Mao's stomach?

"Cough, this, maybe the reason for the bloodline is too advanced? When you break through to my level, the lifespan will be negligible, maybe this is the drawback? But don't worry, our days are still long, and there will be sooner or later! "

"Cut, make a quibble, you are obviously sick!" Jiuxinai pouted and continued to provoke.

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