Because they found that under this powerful spell-casting interference, Tang En was just like no one else, with a cigarette in his mouth, his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked at them with such a playful expression.

Those eyes, as if watching a group of jumping clowns perform.

"No...impossible! How can you continue to maintain magic in the case of spellcasting interference! Who the hell are you!"

Miyuki was also confused.

How could she not know about spellcasting interference, as a magician from the Yotsuba family.

A type of magic that interferes with the individual information objects attached to magical formulas and events.Similar to "Domain Interference".

The principle is to emit a large number of psionic waves within a certain range centered on oneself, preventing the operation of magic, thereby interfering with the casting of magic.

This soldier is obviously a magician who can release spell-casting interference, and the props he carries have magnified the effect countless times.

But that's it, Dunn is still able to maintain magic easily.

Obviously, this person is not normal.

Miyuki also guessed it.

"Sure enough, Mr. Brother, it's really amazing... You can't even interrupt spellcasting interference."

At this moment, Shen Xue worshipped Tang En more and more, and even... had a different kind of emotion.

Although Dunn's battle with the enemy was very exciting, in this chaotic situation, no one was wasting energy and paying attention to this scene.

On the battlefield, things change rapidly.After all, in the battlefield where bullets are flying, it is the most important to be able to save one's own life, even for soldiers.

"damn it……"

After the other soldiers saw that the interference of spell casting had no effect, they made a decisive decision and raised their guns!

Then, there was a sudden rush to Dunn and the others.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of attacks came, not even qualified to leave ripples on Tang En's [Brilliant Array].


At this time, behind Tang En, in the middle of the night came up coldly.

"Leave these people to me. After all, with my ability, even if I kill them, I won't be stained."

Dunn was stunned.

Still nodded.

A cold smile suddenly appeared on the delicate face in the middle of the night, but in the lavender eyes, there was no sense of smile at all.

So ruthless.

As expected... as expected of a late night called "The Ruler of the River of Oblivion".

But it is such a chaotic situation, coupled with the magic power that has been gushing out of the whole body in the middle of the night.

Still let Dunn notice a few people who came in from the other side of the door.

These people were also forced here by the sound of gunfire from the other side!

Obviously, they are the protected people in another battlefield.

But it was just such a few people that Tang En was a little stunned.

This is too coincidental.

However, the good times did not last long.

Those people had just retreated into the hall when they were hit by bullets flying horizontally here!

"Puff puff puff!"

Countless blood formed a beautiful blood flower in the air.

Under this special attack on the magician's firepower, even a powerful magician can only temporarily avoid the edge.

Because it's not a toy used by children at home, but a real weapon!

Weapons are made to kill!

And magicians, to put it bluntly, are just ordinary people with special abilities.

If you can't use special magical abilities, you're just mortal flesh and blood.

How could it resist the bullet!

This is the case with the two people who were hit.

To say why Dunn can know that the two are magicians.

That's because of their identity!

It was none other than the one who was hit head on, it was Yotsuba Mayu and her guardian!

"Oh, this is really called every day ineffective, and everyone should not."

Yotsuba Mayu wasn't that kind of physique-type magician, so being hit was a matter of course.

But before her consciousness was about to dissipate, the moment before her eyes closed.

She saw the familiar lavender hair, the familiar temperament, and the familiar delicate face.

"Hehehehe... Four leaves... late at night... Four leaves is really night!???? This... no... may... can..."


The Shi Shi clan, the elder sister of the four-leaf master family, died in this war so ignorantly!

And her only burial is her puppet-like guardian.

this side.

Late night and true night, including deep snow, also saw this scene!

"That's... Four-leaf Mayu. This is really God's will!"

"The delicate little face in the middle of the night revealed a cold smile in the coldness."

Relying on Yotsuba Yingzuo's huge power at home, the two sisters Yotsuba Mayu, who used the late night as servants.

This is to use that cold coat to exclude them in the middle of the night, otherwise, Miyuki is the best example!

"Giggle, isn't this the Yotsuba Mayu who has always been jealous and resentful of us, how come you dare to come here on vacation with a guardian, the current head of the Yotsuba family, is your brain flooded!?"

Tang En's face twitched, this black-bellied character in the middle of the night was really merciless.

"Maybe... they think it's enough to have Spoda, after all, he's not an ordinary magician?"

"Oh. I forgot if you didn't say it. Why isn't that powerful little devil Shibo Tatsuya you mentioned here!?"

Dunn didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly burst out laughing.

That attitude of completely disregarding the enemy made the face of the enemy on the opposite side more and more ugly.

"I think, maybe Sibo Aotian is going too crazy? For example, I want to hit a hundred."

"Giggle, it seems that he is still too young, and his brain may not be too bright."

Really night's poisonous tongue is really not covered.

"Then... the battle here, let's end it."

Suddenly, a charming smile in the middle of the night.

The next moment, the huge silver-gray magic power suddenly burst out from her body like an explosion!

Chapter [-]: The Terrible Late Night

The huge magic power, like the dazzling Milky Way, swirled around the body in the middle of the night, and on the outer ring, there were also cantilever-like stripes.

Then, she raised her hand, and there was no emotion in her lavender eyes.


The next moment, the magic spread instantly!

Suddenly, all the enemies in the entire hall were attacked!


No matter where these enemies are hiding, whether it's directly facing the mental shockwaves of the late night, or hiding behind cover -.

No one can escape her attack.

All the enemies, at that moment, all the firepower in their hands stopped.

It was like being hit hard by a big bronze bell in my head!

At first, I was dizzy, but then, in the field of magic calculation in my brain, cracks began to appear one after another, more and more!


If anyone can see this scene, then everyone's heart will be chilled!

Because the magic calculation field of these enemies was shattered!

That is the lifeblood of a magician!

More than that.

After the magic calculation field was broken, their spirits were also confused, and everyone rolled their eyes wildly.

Then, foaming at the mouth, his body limply fell to the ground...

"Pfft puff..."

One by one, they twitched on the ground as if they had been hit with epilepsy.

Miyuki watched this scene in shock. this the magic of my sister in the middle of the night?

It is possible to release such a huge range of spiritual magic.

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