From this, it can be seen that the identity of the driver is very talkative.

At the very least, the man in the car is also a man in power.

Even Mayumi Nanakusa and Mari Watanabe frowned at the oncoming car.

This is an internal matter of their students, and the school will never interfere under normal circumstances.


The door opened.

Crossing the roof, the first thing that entered everyone's eyes was a head of red hair.

Then, the man turned around.

When they saw the face of the visitor clearly.

Whether it's Mayumi Nanakusa, Mori Watanabe, a first-class student, or a second-class student...

Everyone was dumbfounded.


Because they all know this guy!

It was none other than Vortex Miyuki's elder brother, a man named Vortex Dunn.

"It's you?"

Nanakusa Mayumi raised her eyebrows.

"What, Mayumi, do you know this person?"

"There was a relationship. He was the elder brother of Vortex Shenxue and the administrator of the school, but I didn't expect that this car was his, so his identity would be revealed."

"you are right……"

Mayumi nodded solemnly.

"It's the legendary person in our school, the chairman who has never appeared since the school was founded, and is also the highest authority in the school."

"I never thought it was him."

Tang En ignored Mayumi Nanicao over there for the first time.

Instead, he walked to the side of the deep snow.

"Brother! I..."

"Needless to say Miyuki, I already know."

Touching his head, Dunn turned around.

His sharp eyes glanced at the middle-aged boy on the opposite side.

"What do you want to talk about with Miyuki, let's talk about it now at 060?"


Just so arrogant.

I let you say, dare you say it?

With a chuckle, he looked at Mori Watanabe and Mayumi Nanakusa.

"You two, give me a face, and forget it this time?"

"Oh? You know it's the school's rule, my manager."

"Hehe, there are always some exceptions, right?"

Dunn is using his identity to oppress people.

"Then why don't you tell me your name first? We might as well file it, after all, that's our responsibility."

Dunn smiled.

"My name is Vortex Tangen. I'm Vortex Miyuki's brother and the administrator of the school. As for the specific identity, I won't say it. But I think Mayumi Nanakusa should guess. After all, it's that family, isn't it?"

The conversation turned and directly led the misfortune to Mayumi.

This caught Mayumi by surprise.

Do you have to admit Tang En's identity in front of so many people! ?

Isn't that revealing that she is a member of the Seven Grass Family?

Although in the school, everyone is a member of each family, but they will not say it clearly, so it is easy to be targeted and concerned.

"Mori, forget it. Since it's the manager."

"Cut... all right."

"You are lucky this time. If I can see the next time, then..."


Mayumi smiled.

"Miyuki-san, can you come to the student council room at noon tomorrow?"

Chapter [-] Brother Control! ? ? ?

Before leaving, Mayumi invited Miyuki.

Shenxue looked at Tang En, she had to eat with her elder brother at noon.

What a smart person Mayumi is, she knew in an instant who the two were really in charge.

"Hehe, Miyuki, you can ask your brother to come too."

Dunn shrugged.

"Okay, then we'll leave first."

After speaking, he waved to Mayumi and Mori.

Turning around, Dunn walked towards the car with Shenxue, but at this time Shenxue said:

"Brother, and these classmates..."

Tang En was stunned and patted his head.

"I forgot, then you can walk with them for a while, and I'll drive behind you."

"Thank you, big brother!"

"it's nothing."

Miyuki trotted over to Erika and the others.

"Thank you for what happened just now. Erica, Leo, Mizuki."

"It's nothing, just a small matter!"

On the other hand, the second-year middle-aged boy on the opposite side looked at Tang En's back fiercely, gnashing his teeth, not knowing how angry he was in his heart.

But in the face of Dunn, what can they do?

Regardless of your strength, even if you have strength, you dare to take action against the school's administrators! ?

What's more, I don't know who the manager is.

If he is really a high-level executive, it is possible to be fired!

It took a lot of effort for the family to send them into this elite high school, and if they were expelled, it would make other families laugh at it!This is absolutely intolerable.

"Yo, you look at Tang Enjun's eyes very fiercely, it's hard to get revenge, tsk tsk."


"You remember me, my name is Morisaki Hayao, hum, sooner or later I will use my strength to prove that our first-class students will always be stronger than second-class students."

After speaking, he left with a few middle-[-] young people.

However, two first-degree girls stayed.

It was the girl and her friend who had just started to stop the conflict.

"You... Hello, I'm Mitsuwa Honoka, please give me some advice."

"I'm Shizuku Kitayama, please give me more advice."

"Well, can we go all the way with you?"


Erica's mouth widened in surprise.

I thought that most of the first-degree students would look down on the second-degree students. It seems that this is not the case.

Erica looked at Miyuki and asked her to make up her mind, after all, she was her classmate.

"Okay, Honoka, Shizuku."

Dunn, who was sitting in the car, smiled when he saw this scene.

Lighting a cigarette, he drove slowly behind Miyuki and the others.

Along the way, everyone chatted.

But most of the topics focused on Miyuki's brother, Dunn.

"Hey, Miyuki, so your brother's status is so high? I thought he was just an ordinary manager. I didn't expect that the only car that can freely enter and leave the school is your brother's."

Miyuki smiled and said:

"It's not as exaggerated as you think. My brother rarely shows up at school, but he only came to school two days ago because I came here to go to school."

"Wow, I'm so envious! Miyuki's brother is so kind to you. He even accompanies you to school because you go to school."

Erica smash it, smash it.

"Tsk tsk, brother and sister love!"

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