The few people who were stealing information were instantly shocked!


"It's amazing, my brother. In our school, who are we? Don't you think your words are a bit ridiculous?"

Dunn said sneeringly.


Seeing the clothes on Dunn's body and the uniform on Shenxue's body, these soldiers knew who the person who came here was.

That's the manager's uniform.

Before invading the school, of course, carefully investigate the information of this school.

And this kind of simple information that can't be simpler, these people naturally know it.

"If you surrender now, I can make you suffer less, but if you can't think about it and resist..."


One of the soldiers snorted coldly, and directly launched the position of magic interference...

Several other people also reacted, and also deployed the special device.

Dunn raised his eyebrows and said to Shenxue:

"What did I say last night when I was at home?"

"Brother, you said that a terrorist organization like Blanche has no supporters behind it. You don't believe it."

"Haha, are you familiar with the things they use? You should have seen the materials at home."

Miyuki knew that it was her elder brother who was examining her.

"This is... a magical interference stance made by anti-magic stones. This kind of thing can only be produced in areas where the ancient civilization of the alpine type is prosperous."

Chapter [-] The True Face

"This is... a magical interference stance made by anti-magic stones. This kind of thing can only be produced in areas where the ancient civilization of the alpine type is prosperous."

"It's still military supplies."

Dunn smiled and nodded.

"As expected of Miyuki, that's right. You can't get this kind of rare military supplies from ordinary organizations, let alone terrorist organizations?"

His eyes became playful.

"However, you may have miscalculated."

These people still don't understand what he means.

Dunn's whole body brought up a series of phantoms.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

A series of bangs sounded!

I saw Tang En's figure has appeared behind them!

And what Tang En did just now was to use huge inertia and physical skills to defeat them all in an instant while moving at a high speed!

Everyone's heart was shattered by Dunn's punch.

To deal with ordinary people who are not even magicians, whether to use magic or not is one thing.

Miyuki has no one to worry about Dunn's safety at all.

"Brother, these materials."

"Just destroy the hard drive."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand with a surgical disintegration and hit him.

After this is done, the two are ready to return.

You must know that it is not only their side that is acting, the other student union and discipline committee, plus the top leaders of the club led by Shimon, are also cleaning up the remnants of the party.

Blanche's leader may never have imagined that the students of this magic high school would be so strong in combat!

But after all, he is just a terrorist. He does not have a particularly strong information channel in this country, which is his weakness.

Go back to the student council room.

Mayumi and others have gathered here.

Seeing Tang En's return, everyone was silent for a while, and there was a trace of unknown blindness in their eyes.

"Why, are you surprised by my state?"


Molly frowned.

"Not surprised, but very surprised, shocked! Tang Enjun, are you hiding deep?"

Dunn shrugged.

"I am the administrator of the school, so I have no obligation to tell you about my strength, isn't it!"

Dunn's rebuttal left people speechless.

Yes, they are from the school, why should I tell you! ?

They were all distorted by Dunn's face and Miyuki's relationship.

Seeing Tang En and Shenxue, they always think that Tang En is also a student, so he always treats him as a student unconsciously.

But now his words made everyone finally wake up!

Dunn and their identities are not the same!

After thinking about this, the people in the house were relieved.

"Since you are from the school, shouldn't you also give us some information? For example, this attack or something."

Tang En glanced at the conference room. Since that was the case, there was no need to pretend to be a good student.

Lazily, he walked to the corner and sat down, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, and lit it swaggeringly.

A group of people's eyeballs almost didn't bulge out!

They haven't seen a magician who smokes.

You must know that the magician's body must be kept in a healthy state. Even a common cold may greatly reduce the magician's ability, not to mention smoking.

As long as they are magicians with normal thinking or people who cherish their hard-won talents, they will never smoke...

But Dunn...

Look at smoking, lighting, smoking, all in one go and that amount of action...

They all know that Dunn is a... old smoker!

", you...Tang Enjun, you actually smoke!?"

"what happened?"

A rhetorical question completely left everyone present stunned!

They were all dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded!The whole person was stunned.

Mayumi turned her head mechanically.

"Shen...Mixue, your brother is at home..."

Miyuki answered calmly:

"Yeah, this is the habit of the elder brother, but when you come to the student council room or in front of the students, you usually don't smoke."


Now, they know that Dunn can't hold it anymore.

After I figured this out, the eyes of the people in the house looking at Tang En were a little weird...

"Okay, don't study me. Let me tell you the whole story."

"The force that attacked the school was the terrorist organization of the anti-magic group, Blanche. It was their branch, the Equality Society, that infiltrated the school."

" that Blanche?"

"It's that Blanche... On the surface, it is to win over the students and let them get support in the society, but the real purpose in the dark is our school's database."

"What does it mean!?"

Molly frowned, she didn't understand.

On the contrary, Mayumi, who was born in the most well-informed family of Seven Herbs, was thoughtful.

She tentatively asked Dunn:

"You mean... what Blanche needs, magic data? That doesn't mean..."

Dunn took another breath of cigarette and spit it out gently.

"As you think, the supporters behind the organization Blanche need magic materials from our school, so they provide materials for the Blanche organization and let them do it, while the black hand is hiding behind the scenes."

Dunn's news made them dumbfounded.

They are just students, how could they think so much.

Only Mayumi's vision could think of this.

"Then...the supporters behind them."

Tang En glanced at Mayumi with a deep meaning.

"You can go home and ask your father, he will definitely know."

Yumi was stunned.

What does Dunn mean?Go home and ask her father?Isn't that... the current head of the Seven Herbs?

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