Behind him, Junmaro, Shiro, and the recovered Kaolin looked at Kushina and Mikoto in admiration.

"Wow, look, the lady boss is very popular! Do you hear what the passers-by call them! Valkyrie! Such a handsome title! Humph! I want to learn from the lady boss, and I must become a great ninja in the future! "

Vortex Xianglin's eyes were cautious, looking at the backs of the two girls.

"Is this what is needed? Can we also become people like the family of Lord Tang En!" Junma Lu on the side asked himself.

When Bai heard Junmalu's words, he also lowered his head and said nothing.

"Jun Ma Lu, Bai, as long as you work hard, you will have this day! You have to believe in yourself, you have to live for yourself, not others! If you want to be recognized and depended on by others, you must have a strong strength, so , they will need you! Then, the first step in your life is to start with cultivation."

Dunn touched the heads of the two.See you touch the head again!

Junmarou and Shiro nodded vigorously.

In front, Kushina had no heroic self-awareness at all. While greeting others, he shouted:

"Everyone must come to our ramen shop to join us!"

Three black lines appeared on Dunn's forehead... I wipe it!Celebrity effect advertises, saying ah, girl!

The group was noisy, and finally got rid of the enthusiastic village ninjas and stood at the door of the house.

"Huh, I'm finally home."

Crunch... Dunn stretched out his hand and pushed open the courtyard door.

Although I haven't come back for a few years, there is no dust in the yard at all, and the whole yard is still clean and full of natural atmosphere.

"Well, you will live in that house from now on!"

Tang En pointed to a wooden house on the east side of the yard. Well, for building a house, what could be more convenient than a wooden tunnel?In the words of the Dunn family, you give me a piece of land, and I return you a city.bah bah.

At this time, the three little guys looked at their new home happily and were overjoyed.This is where they will live in the future.

"Oh, go and tidy up the room by yourself, and buy what you need with money. Well, the money is here. Start tomorrow, get up early to practice, you know!"

"Got it, Mr. Dunn!"

Speaking of which, Dunn waved his hand and let them do their own work.

"Come on, wives, it's time for us to do some grown-up stuff too!"

Hehehe, Tang En gave a wretched smile, grabbed the waist of the two women, and walked into his wooden house with a big laugh.

"Hey, hey, Kakashi! Did you hear that! That ramen shop is open again, that's it, that leisurely ramen shop. Those two proprietresses are really hidden, you say, are they better than Hokage? The adults are stronger!?"

On the Konoha training ground, Kakashi, Akai, Kane Yuhi, Red Bean and others gathered here to chat first.

But Kakashi was obviously not gregarious, standing by himself, watching Jiraiya's writings, and making out to heaven.

However, when he heard Akai's words, he put down the book and thought for a while to answer:

"I heard that one of the two proprietresses can use Mu Dun, and the other is an evolved Kaleidoscope Shaker. Well, to be honest, our Hokage-sama is definitely not an opponent. The two of them are completely the other Senshou Hashirama. Madara Uchiha, fortunately they are not people like Madara Uchiha, if that is the case, it will be a disaster for our Konoha!"

"Hey, let's go there and eat ramen! Kushina-sama and Mikoto-sama are my idols! I want them to sign autographs!"

Red Bean didn't go to eat balls anymore, and said with a look of admiration with a cautious look in his eyes.

"Oh, let's go! Let's eat ramen!"

As soon as you say go, a group of friends set off to the leisurely ramen shop!

Not long after they came to the ramen shop and opened the door, they were stunned to find that the business of this ramen shop was surprisingly good. Looking inside, the two Valkyries of Konoha were very busy!

Uh, yes, such a big man actually likes to run such a small ramen shop, not only Akai and others are strange, even the villagers of Konoha are very curious.

Do big people have some special hobbies! ?

It's an honor to be able to eat ramen made by Master Kushina and Master Mikoto!

After figuring out the details, the little friends suddenly realized that the business in the hair shop is so good!

Chapter [-] The Uchiha Family

In the store, in addition to Kushina and Mikoto, there were also three young men and women who were busy working, and they were not very old.

"Hey, Hong, look over there, those three children seem to have never been seen in the village before."

Looking along the line of sight of the red beans, I saw Junmalu, Shiro, and Xianglin three people helping Kushina and Mikoto busy, carrying dishes, wiping the table, and so on.

"It should be the war orphans taken in by Kushina-sama and Mikoto-sama. Let's leave it alone, it doesn't matter to us anyway!"

The little friends found a table and made it one after another.

"Yo, don't you guys need to do missions today? I heard that the village has been busy recently?"

At this time, Kushina came over with a rag and chatted with them.

"Wow, Jiu, Jiu Xin Nai, I'm your fan, can you sign me, I really want it!"

Red Bean couldn't bear it anymore, so he jumped out and asked for an autograph!

"No problem, it's just a signature!" Jiuxinai agreed generously, signed a few strokes, and handed it to Hongdou.

Looking at her excited look, it was as if she had got some kind of baby.

"What do you want to eat? Still the same?"

"Yes, Lord Jiuxin 707 Nai. Excuse me!"

"No trouble, we also want to make money."

Akai looked around in the store and didn't find Tang En's figure, so he asked:

"That, Lord Kushina, isn't Lord Tang En not here?"

"He, go to the Uchiha family to do something."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, what a ruthless man!Why go to the Uchiha family to do something, I'm afraid I'm going to find fault...

A while ago, I heard that they were going to let Mikoto-sama return to the family, bah bah.

That's right, Dunn is now wandering in the Uchiha clan.But he did not come to trouble the Uchiha family, but to find his disciples.

Walking on the streets of the Uchiha clan, Tang En's image is still conspicuous, wearing a white kimono, walking on wooden sandals, and short red hair.Obviously not from the Uchiha family.

At this time, two members of the guard team came over and stopped Dunn who was running around.

"Who are you, don't you know that this is the Uchiha family's land? What purpose do you have! Outsiders are not welcome here, do you understand?"

Looking at the conceited Uchiha clansman, Tang En sighed and then shook his head.

"Poor Uchiha, when will you change this deformed mentality? What gave you the confidence to be so arrogant and arrogant? No wonder you are so unpopular in the village."

Hearing Tang En's ridicule, these two guards obviously quit their job, and those who stepped on the horse looked down on our Uchiha family!

"Take him! Grass!"

Having said that, the two guards took out Kunai and attacked Dunn.

But the next moment, I didn't see any action from Tang En. The two seemed to have encountered some invisible barrier and flew out backwards!

Click, hit the wall.

Tang En walked unhurriedly in front of the two, patted one of them on the cheek, and said softly:

"With this little strength, you dare to be so arrogant. Who taught you? Uchiha Fuyue? Or Uchiha Madara?"

"You, damn it! Cough..."

Just as the guard was about to refute, he coughed out blood.Oh?It seems that the internal organs were injured by Dunn!

"Tsk tsk, I really don't have anyone who can fight. I'm still jumping up and down all day."

"Vortex Tang En, you can't stop it! What are you doing here in our Uchiha clan! Find fault!"

At this time, Uchiha Fuyue finally brought his younger brother to the scene. Apparently, a passerby tipped off the letter just now.

When Tang En heard the voice, he turned around slowly.

"Yo, Fuyue, long time no see, how are you doing recently!? As for the purpose of my coming here, it has nothing to do with you, just treat me as non-existent."

Walking to Fuyue's side, he whispered into his ear:

"I'm not interested in everything about your Uchiha family, whether it's Namikaze Minato being Hokage, or your Uchiha Tomioka being Hokage, I don't care, but if you mess with me, hehe."

After Dunn finished speaking, he continued to walk towards the lake with his hands behind his back.

Uchiha Fuyue shocked Tang En's heart!they know!This person who rides a horse can't be underestimated. Fortunately, he has no interest in power... Otherwise, relying on his two wives, even with the strength of the entire Uchiha clan, is not an opponent...

scary man.

Regardless of Uchiha Fuyake, Tang En walked to the lake and finally found his target.

There, a small figure sat on the wooden pier by the lake, eating three-color balls.Dunn was happy and walked over.

Standing behind her, he suddenly made a sound.

"Are the meatballs delicious!?"

Suddenly the voice behind him startled the child!Suddenly turned back.

"You are!?"

Dunn showed a sunny smile to the child, and then said:

"Are you Uchiha Izumi? Oh, and I'm the owner of a ramen shop. You know Leisure Ramen Shop? That's what I opened! Besides, the reason I'm here is for you."

The little girl is Izumi Uchiha. She has black hair and a tear mole under her right eye. The little doll is beautiful and delicate.

"For me? What are you doing to me!?"

Uchiha Izumi looked at this red-haired weirdo with vigilance...

"Uh, cough, that spring? I can call you that. How about I help you find a master? She will definitely make you a great ninja!"

"Huh? Why me?"

"It goes without saying that of course you are talented! Otherwise, why would I come to you?"

"I have talent? What about Itachi? Why not find Itachi?"

"Uh, cough, cough, it's not that I don't look for Itachi, people have to be willing to learn from me, and again, you are just an ordinary child of the Uchiha family, it doesn't matter if you follow us in practice, Itachi is different, he is the patriarch Child, do you think that the son of the patriarch might practice with an outsider?"

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