As expected of all Holy Britannia, as the upper class, even if they don’t recognize these precious ornaments and souvenirs from another world, they can see that these things are expensive.

Lelouch was also observing the living room.

In addition to the striking huge group photo, there are many small photos scattered here and there.

Might as well have some pictures standing on the fireplace.

One of them is a group photo of Shen Xue and Tang En in the middle of the night, the real night. They are as smart as Lu Luxiu. At first glance, you can see that the relationship between these three women and Tang En is not normal. Moreover, the place where the photo was taken , obviously not in the same place as the other photos.

Of course, plants in different worlds have different differences, and the same is true for the universe of all worlds.

Lelouch was very puzzled, but he didn't think much about it, thinking that it was not filmed in a country.

"Mi Lei, this woman... has such a temperament!"

Nina tugged at Mire's sleeve.

"Huh? Ah! That one, I asked him about it. This woman's eyes are inherited from blood, and I felt very special when I first saw it."

"'s a little weird, but it's really beautiful."

In the photo the two looked at, there was only one figure, none other than Kaguya in a princess kimono.

When everyone visited Tang En's home, they really felt that they had gained a lot of knowledge, the beauties in the photos, and the scenery.

It can be clearly seen that this Vortex Dunn can't go to many beautiful places.

Not to mention those decorations.

Lelouch fell in love with the chess picture Tang En put on the coffee table at first sight...

"Hey, Lelouch, this chess piece...isn't an ordinary thing. Even a layman like me can see that this thing is more luxurious than those used by the worm nobles."


Lu Luxiu looked at this chess piece with a calm expression, but a stormy wave was set off in his heart!

He came from a royal family, and he has never seen such a special chess!

There is always a mysterious brilliance on the chess piece, and there is a strange energy flow in it...

On the black and white chessboard, there seemed to be a mysterious power that deeply attracted Lelouch's mind.

At this time, Tang En came out of the restaurant with a tea set. He saw Lelouch's gaze and raised his eyebrows.

That's no ordinary chess...

That horse is a demon chess piece, my brother!

Dunn quickly reminded:

"Lelouch, don't always stare at that chess. That chess is a souvenir I brought from a very mysterious place."

"Ah...sorry, I was just attracted to it."

Dunn smiled and nodded.

Everyone visited for a while and then took their seats one by one.

After Dunn made tea for them, he also came to the main seat.

Charlie couldn't wait to start asking:

"Hey, classmate Tang En, you must have been to a lot of places!? And those beauties..."

"Ah, I can't go to many places. The world is really big, even if I only walked a little bit."

Lelouch raised his eyebrows.

In this war-torn world, he is still in the mood to travel. It seems that this new classmate has a very unusual family background.

"Those girls..."

"Hey, Charlie, what are you thinking!"

Mi Lei ghostly appeared next to Charlie.

"No... nothing, it's just that those girls are all good friends! Look... they don't look like ordinary people."

Dunn just smiled and didn't answer.

In fact, in his villa, apart from various souvenirs and photos, there is nothing else.

It was the first time for everyone to come here, so it was just amazing. It was normal to see Mi Lei come here many times.

It was getting late, and everyone was ready to leave.

Tang En sent them to the door of his yard and waved goodbye to everyone!

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, they smiled.

"Fate is really mysterious. Even if they are all classmates who play with each other, they will embark on their own path in life."

"Whether it's happiness or tragedy, the emperor, or the commoners, it's your choice..."

Tang En shook his head, turned back to the villa, and gently closed the door...


The next day, Tang En got up on time and started a 180-day period as a fake student.

As usual, Lelouch took his little brother and skipped class again!

Let Charlie keep complaining.Dunn just smiled and said nothing.He was thinking of other things.

I heard that the new governor of District 11 has set off on the road today.His Excellency the Governor is the third prince of the Holy Britannia Empire, named Clovis LA Britannia.

Clovis LA Britannia's purpose is very simple, to find Lelouch and Nanali to come here.

In their eyes, Lelouch and Nanali were already dead.

As the emperor's brother, he hopes to turn this place into a peaceful and pure land.

The starting point is good, and people are also kind...but...

Tang En thought about all this, and took a deep look at Lelouch's vacant seat.

After Clovis LA Britannia came to District 11, a grand inauguration ceremony was held, and Dunn did not watch it.

Just playing around with a nice white skateboard in the living room.

This is what he tinkered with recently!

Aren't all the Nightmare Riders in this world stepping on pulleys... OK, Tang En is also fashionable once!

An ordinary week, just like that.

On this day, Lelouch and Livar skipped class as usual. Dunn sat by the window, supporting his chin with his hand, squinting to look out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

Chapter [-] Office Coolie

"Report, the target has entered from β12 to β14!"

The speed is moving at 80 kilometers per hour!

An ultra-technical patrol plane is tracking a large trailer in the sky.

"CCB calls everyone, please FLOOR5 thousand for you just FLOOR2, combat code 3."

"All mobile teams, please capture the target at D-81!"

The security patrol plane in the sky, while monitoring the vehicles of the terrorists below, gave instructions to others through the radio.


With a speechless face, Tang En opened the door of the student union room, looked at the empty lobby, and grinned with a headache.

She also said that other people are not serious, and Mi Lei herself and them are also half a pound.

Tang En joined the student union, and for a while, he was very handy in handling documents.

Mi Lei and the others noticed Dunn's ability to work, hehe...

On the second day, all the work, whether it was the student council president, the vice president, or the student council members, was all assigned to Tang En!

In their eyes, Dunn is like an all-purpose computer, which can easily complete any kind of problem.

Except for the allocation of funds for other clubs, which must be signed directly by Mi Lei, almost all the work is done by Tang En!

This made him bewildered!

Before coming to the student union room, Tang En was ready. It is estimated that these people went out to play again. This look, as expected!

"Your sister... It's really sad and terrifying to pretend to be an ordinary person. Is this the end of a strong mental power..."

Tang En shook his head with a wry smile, sat in front of the table, and quickly got to work. At the same time, he picked up the remote control and turned on the news channel.

He sat alone in the deserted student union room, dealing with various documents while listening to the reports on TV:

"This is the scene of the bombing terror attack the other day, which killed eight Britannia and 8 others."

"The terrorist forces in District 11 have grown. The new admiral, His Royal Highness Clovis LA Britannia, has announced that these terrorists will be prioritized. Please maintain a normal attitude."

As soon as the pen in Tang En's hand stopped, he started to look at the TV...

"Oh, it's starting."

He gave an imperceptible smile.

Calculate the time, the secret test equipment over there has been hijacked...

Tang En quickly completed the final work, and after tidying it up and putting it together, he disappeared in the student union room in a flash.

Slowly, Dunn walked out of his villa, put on sportswear, stepped on a skateboard, and slid in Ashford Academy.

This time period, after school is over, is the time for the activities of various clubs.

Because it is a private aristocratic school, basically all students participate in various clubs.

School, now is the busiest time.

"Hey, Charlie, where's Lelouch?"

"Hey, it was taken away by Livar."

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