"Damn, we must have been monitored! Hurry up and change the channel!"

"I'm doing!"

The third prince suddenly stood up.

"It's messed up like this, it's all in harmony with the system!"

"I'm very...very sorry, Your Highness."

"Let our team here follow!"

"Your Highness...then we are here..."

"Don't panic, replenish with reserve troops!"

Under the command of the third prince, all the combat power was surrounded by the center of the map!

Lelouch laughed when he saw this scene.

There was another person, who also laughed.

That is Dunn.

Tang En held the CC in his arms and jumped lightly into the ultra-technical cab of the unicorn.

This cab is not made for combat at all, it is made for enjoyment.

There are countless black technology installations around and the virtual screen full of sci-fi, and also has a set of sofas.

Dunn is now sitting on the sofa.Of course, before sitting down, he gently placed CC, who had not recovered, on the couch in the middle.

He stroked her emerald green hair and chuckled softly:

"How about CC, are you satisfied with this toy!"

I don't know how many years CC has not been so stimulated and finally returned to 600 gods!

She rounded her eyes and stared at Dunn's smiling face.

"You... Who the hell are you! This kind of technology is impossible to achieve with the strength of the current world! Don't think I don't know anything! Don't fool me!"

"Ah, CC also has something that he doesn't know. I thought you knew everything."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be even worse than me, Dunn."

Dunn shrugged.

"How is that possible, my majesty. This machine is called Unicorn, it's a... Gundam. The full name is UNICORGUNDAM, RX-0 Unicorn Gundam"

"Unicorn, it fits the name of this machine very well."

Through the screen, CC looked at this beautiful white body with a streamlined body.

On top of his head is a single horn. With her IQ, it is not difficult to guess the origin of the name.

"Then why didn't I see the device that controls this body? Are you sure we're staying in the cab now?"

The CC is a little hard to turn around.

That's right.

Tang En touched CC's hair with his hand, noticed that she was staring at him in dissatisfaction, and then took his hand away with a shy smile.

"Ah, this machine needs to be controlled physically, because it is controlled with mental power."

"Mind control!"

This time, CC was completely shocked.

Chapter [-] Plug-in VS Plug-in VS Plug-in MAX

CC looked at Tang En, who was smiling in disbelief, and the upper body in the restraint suit was also stunned by Tang En.

The fair and straight legs wearing white long high-heeled leather boots also fell from the sofa.

Amber eyes, open old round!

"What did you say? A body controlled by telepathy? Are you sure you're not kidding! There is absolutely no such technology in this world!"

Dunn didn't know where to find a pack of cigarettes, lit it, and took a deep breath.

"CC. The world is never short of miracles, isn't it! For example, you...you were..."

"Don't say any more."

CC didn't know why, she didn't dare to let Dunn continue talking.

Since this man appeared by her side in a short period of time, she had no idea how many times she had been shocked!

The number of times she was shocked was more than the number of times she had put together in hundreds of years.

Not only did she know that she didn't die after being shot, but she also knew her name.

She even suspects now that this man has the same identity as her.

Otherwise, why would she know so much.

In addition, this is obviously a black technology in his hand, and it is not an advanced machine that humans can make. It also proves from the side that Tang En may be the same person as her.

"Now tell me what you're going to do!"

Dunn and CC looked at each other, and after a while, he smiled lightly.

His right hand without cigarettes tapped a few times in the void, and then a huge map appeared in front of the two of them.

"Is this... the distribution of forces between the two sides currently fighting in the concentration camp!?"

CC is smart enough to see what's going on just by looking at it.

"Ah, the blue ones are the Imperial Army, and the red ones are the resistance elements. The red side is in command of Lelouch, who you empowered with GERSS."


CC is speechless, how does this man know everything, as if everything is in his calculations.

Isn't that the case.

Lelouch is calculating the third prince, and Tang En, the super boss behind the scenes, is of course in control of everything!

The two stared at the strategy map, suddenly!

The blue light spots were all extinguished almost in an instant!

CC is stunned...

"How is this going!?"

Tang En sat down next to CC, put his hand on her shoulder, and said with a chuckle:

"Because the third prince was tricked, he gathered all his troops together, and Lu Luxiu on the other side had long expected that he would do this, so he had already set up an ambush!"

"While the imperial army gathered together, all the floors below them were smashed! In this way, the situation where the entire army was wiped out in an instant..."

CC suddenly realized.

Is it really the Maxima she discovered?But she was stunned again. According to what Tang En said, wasn't that... the man beside her was even more terrifying?All Lelouch's actions are in his calculations!

If Lelouch regarded the terrorists and the Imperial Army as chess pieces, it was the third prince who played chess with him...

Well, Dunn is the terrifying man who treats them as pawns.

"You...are a terrible man."

"Don't say that, I just knew in advance. It's like you are in front of ordinary people, don't you think that many people envy you."

"...What do you mean? Power? Ridiculous."

CC ridicule Dunn.

"Do you really understand the pain after gaining power!"

Facing CC's questioning, Dunn stared at the dark blue light spot on the map that was brighter than other blue light spots, turned his head, and faced CC.

He lowered his head, from CC's white high boots, to the beautiful legs in restraint clothes, then up to the slender waist with a grip, following the graceful curve, to the girl's green upper body, passing over the beautiful collarbone , and finally locked his eyes on her delicate face.

The deep eyes, and CC's eyes with a trace of pain hidden in the depths, looked at each other.

At this moment, in the entire sci-fi space, there is only the sound of two people breathing.

One smooth, one fast.

CC, to know the answer.She wanted to know Dunn's answer.Desperately... want to know! In CC's heart, Dunn has already been classified as a kind of person with her.

Dunn's silence made CC's breathing more and more rapid.

The oppressive atmosphere filled the entire space.

Just when CC was about to breathe out, Tang En raised his arms and embraced CC's weak shoulders.

This woman has experienced thousands of years of pain and torture.

Whether it's torture, or... something else.

The pain in her life is enough.

Lying quietly in Dunn's arms, CC quietly listened to Dunn's words.

"CC, you are not alone. From now on, I will accompany you."

This sentence alone is enough.

Although, this is not CC's real wish, but... feelings need to be developed, and life needs to be experienced.

Dunn and CC time, there is still a long time.

CC sneered.

"You accompany me? What qualifications do you have!?"

Dunn chuckled lightly.

In front of CC's face, raised a finger...

With a sound of "bass", a golden light lit up on the finger.

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