Lu Jiuri was waiting for his good friends, and in response to Tang En's call, they rushed to the ramen shop of Tang En's house.

"Yo, here we come! Sit down."

Several people greeted Mikoto Kushina one after another and gathered around a table to do it.

"Eat something when you come.?" Tang En smiled meanly.

Rizu said at this time: "I haven't found out that you like money so much for so many years?"

"What do you know, the eldest young master of your rich family? Of course our children from a commoner family have to be self-reliant. If you don't have money, what to eat and wear!"

One sentence is enough to block the day...

"Well, Rizu, don't play tricks with this guy, can you be an opponent!?" Lu Jiu interjected.

Rizu angrily picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, overwhelmed by shock!

"Oh, by the way, Hizu, I heard that you are going to have a child? It's a daughter, how about being my apprentice?"

How many people were surprised when they heard Dunn's words?what's the situation?

"You want to be my child's master? Che, I don't doubt your strength, but your educational ability..."

Saying that, he glanced suspiciously at Dunn with those white eyes.

"Che, what are you talking about? Look at the four children here, which one can compare with children of the same age?"

Saying that, he pointed to Junmaro, Shiro, Kamo, and Izumi who were sitting with Mikoto Kushina on the other side.

Several people looked in the direction that Tang En pointed, and at a glance, they found the differences between these children.

Hai Yi said softly:

"Hey, Tang En, isn't that girl from the Uchiha family? Why did you get it? Aren't you afraid they would trouble you?"

"Oh, they didn't open their eyes, they're just ordinary people, what can I say? Besides, Uchiha dares to trouble me? If you don't say whether they dare, just say that they can't protect themselves now, how can they take care of me?"

"That's true, but the three generations and these elders moved the Uchiha station to the periphery. Wouldn't this conflict be more intense?"

"Sooner or later, how long has Uchiha asked Konoha's high-level executives to target them? You don't know. In this war, Uchiha was sent to the border to fight Mist Ninja. You can't see the high-level intentions? I don't like to mix in these Everyone who knows what's going on can see it, don't you know?"

After listening to Tang En's words, several people were silent, drinking tea slowly.

"It's the same sentence. If something goes wrong, there is a high-level person who will take care of me. As long as you don't stop me from doing business and disturb our family's life, everything is easy to say."

"Che, you are so dashing, unlike us."

"I think what you, the head of the Hyuga clan, has done is also very interesting, what are you complaining about. Besides, Uchiha's move out of the inner circle is not a good thing for you Hyuga!"

Rizu snorted and didn't answer, obviously letting Dunn get it right.

Several people laughed.

Chapter [-] Split

Dunn's mansion!

Chapter [-] Split

Konoha Village, the residence of the Uchiha family.

"Captain, the top management of Konoha obviously doesn't want us Uchiha to participate in the core competition. This time it's even more extreme. We moved out of the central area. What is the difference between us and exile! We Uchiha clan must unite, Konoha should be We Uchiha have the final say!"

"Yes, Captain, Han is right! We must take back our rights!"

Listening to the noise of the people below, Uchiha Tomioka also had a headache.

The Uchiha family, Konoha's wealthy and prestigious family, their status in Konoha is special, such as the relatively independent type of status, with independent autonomy.

Uchiha has its own base and weapons store, and has its own settlement. It belongs to the separate establishment of the Konoha Police Force and can independently organize internal gatherings of the ethnic group.

This is the only one in the entire Konoha Village~.

You must know that the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha is not as simple as the conflict between the family and the high-level.Once the conflict intensifies, it will lead to fighting on both sides.In terms of scale, this may not affect too much.

However, the damage of Konoha will trigger the invasion of other ninja villages, which is a full-scale war. If you are not careful, even the entire Konoha is in danger of being buried.This is where it gets really serious.

These factors, the Konoha Hokage series, are clearly seen by high-level executives!But why move the Uchiha family out of the central area?

This is the story that the Uchiha clan and the tail beast have to tell!

In the legends of the ninja world, the only people who can control the tailed beast are Sharinyan and Mudun, so the users of Mudun, Tang En and Jiuxinai, are of course impossible.

Mikoto?Of course it is also impossible.

The only ones left are the Uchiha clan.And they have the same motivation.

In the end, leading to the current result, Konoha was split and the strength was greatly weakened.

This is what Ah Fei, the mastermind behind the scenes, wants to see.

Well, so much nonsense, it has nothing to do with the Tang En family anyway!

Tang En brought his wives and four little disciples to the land that had just been encircled.

"How is it, this land is good, right? There are lakes, creeks, waterfalls, forests, a perfect living environment! Happiness index SSSSS! Hahahaha!"

Kushina and Mikoto walked around and took a look.All nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, this place is really good. There are mountains, water, and a big forest, and the environment is good!"

Dunn rubbed his hands, ready to start working.

Building a house requires a lot of manpower and material resources even with the help of ninjas using various ninjutsu techniques, but when it comes to the Tang En family...

"Fairy Mode!"

"Xianfa·Wu Dun·Four-Pillar Family Technique!"

Holy crap, build a house on a horse, and you still have to use the Immortal Wood Escape!

Look at what extravagance this is!

Ordinary wood can't satisfy you anymore!It must be mixed with some natural energy to improve the living index, right?

At this time, I saw that this piece of land began to shake, and countless wooden vines began to form a large courtyard.

The garden, the entrance, the room, the seat, the table, the bedroom, and the mouth of the hand.

The whole mansion is hidden in the dense forest, showing the good greenery! .

All around, waterfalls falling from the side of the cliff formed a small stream, which was changed by Tang En and flowed through the courtyard. At the same time, the forest surrounding the mansion was formed into an island shape, which was clearly separated from the buildings in the village of Konoha.

In addition to the main body of the compound, there is also a large training ground in the forest, which is where the family usually practice.

On the edge of the big lake under the cliff waterfall, there is also a small wooden house, which is used for leisure use.

If you want to travel to and from Konoha Village, you need to cross the stone bridge over the creek.

When everyone walked into the courtyard, what they saw were various Japanese-style buildings, ponds, pavilions and rockery with stone lanterns. On one side, there were bamboo forests and other famous flowers and trees.

The color of the house itself is relatively restrained. It is a typical Japanese-style building. The outside is not very conspicuous and warm. There is a circle around the house and a wooden waterproof platform. The whole house looks retro and warm.

This time, a few apprentices don't have to live together, everyone has a room.

Of course, Dunn and the second daughter lived in the main house.

The family was busy, cleaning the yard in the village and moving things to the new home.

In the evening, in order to celebrate the housewarming, my family held a small dinner party. As the host, Tang En personally cooked a table of dishes, and the four children were very happy.

After four hours of deep sleep, Tang En slowly walked out of the courtyard and arranged countless barriers near his mansion!Those who are not at the sixth level are not allowed to enter.

If you are riding a horse, you still want to come to me to do things, so you can measure it yourself!kill you!

Just after the Tang En family moved into their new home, a new round of open and secret struggle began for Konoha's control!

Konoha forty-eight years in the same year.

In the ninja world, with the end of the third ninja world war, there are many small ninja villages and military organizations, and they do not want the alliance of fire, wind, and soil, and start various operations.

It was also this year that the Uchiha family, a Uchiha genius of the same age as Uchiha Izumi, Itachi, began to grow with age and began to follow Fuqiu to formally practice chakra.

The Uchiha family moved to the border. Since then, the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha has become more and more acute. The clansmen have begun to xenophobia, and no outsiders are welcome to enter their clan, and martial law has been imposed on the clan.

Hokage Konoha started surveillance work around the Uchiha station.

On this day, by the forest lake of Dunn's house.

I saw the four children of Junma Lu, Bai, Xianglin, and Quan standing by the lake, looking at Tang En, who was directly opposite them.

"Now that you are not too young, it is time to start your formal practice. Then today I will teach you how to refine Chakra."

"First of all, you need to know what Chakra is."

"He is made up of the cellular energy of the human body, that is, the energy of the body, and the energy of the mind, that is, the spiritual energy. The two are indispensable."

"It is the source of energy for performing ninjutsu, illusion, taijutsu, or making threads to bind opponents or cut off substances that are also made of chakra."

"Then, now I will teach you how to extract Chakra, well, this is my own Chakra extraction technique, each of you has a share, and practice hard, when you cultivate Chakra, you can start the first chakra extraction. The second step of practice is complete."

At this time, Tang En paused, glanced at the four little apprentices, and then said:

"This step of cultivation is very important for each of you, because it is something unique to you, the blood following the limit. You must know your own identity, so let's not talk about it, you can start cultivation now. , I will leave a shadow clone by the side to pay attention to you. The main body is going to do something."

Saying that, with a bang, a shadow clone identical to Tang En appeared in the smoke, and the main body waved at them and turned away.

Chapter [-] Dunn's Plan

On this day, the heavy snow came as promised, and the snowflakes flying all over the sky danced like groups of happy elves.

Hyuga Hizu stood in front of the window and stared at this white and flawless world without a trace of dust.

At this moment, the servant of the house came to the door and said softly:

"Lord Patriarch, there are guests visiting, so I will wait outside the gate. I want to see you."

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