"How about Yuffie, are you injured? Have you been wronged? I must completely eliminate these terrorists!"

Yuffie shook his head.

"I'm very good Queen."

"Yuffie, tell me now, how did you escape? You and I both know that this kind of thing is impossible for you."

"Sister Huang... I'm sorry, I promised others that this matter will not be said. Maybe... I'll tell you when the time is right, okay?"

Cornelia was stunned.That Yuffie was hiding something from her proves that it's no small matter.You must know that she is Yuffie's sister.

"Okay Yuffie, I'm not forcing it, as long as you are safe and sound!"

"His Royal Highness! That special mission succeeded!"

"Oh? There is such an operation?"

Yuffie twitched the corners of her mouth behind Cornelia... She almost laughed out loud!How could she think this sentence sounded familiar to her! ?It seems that someone has also said such a funny remark.It was said with an exaggerated expression and tone!

Now that Yuffie has been rescued safely, it doesn't matter whether Cornelia succeeds or not!

Chapter [-]: The Black Knights debut

When everyone walked to the window, they saw the white knight Lancelot, breaking through the underground transport channel, jumping into the sky in violation of science, and destroying the foundation of the building with a few shots.

It is worth mentioning here that because of the appearance of the unreasonable super mecha of Dunn unicorn, Lloyd developed a super weapon in advance, VARIS!

VARIS, is the variable ammunition shock cannon equipped with the only [-]th era aircraft Lancelot.

Lancelot now has the high-frequency vibration shock sword MVS, the energy light shield BlazeLuminous, and the variable ammunition anti-shock cannon.

The level of combat power has completely crushed all mobile armors in this world.

Of course, facing the mysterious unicorn body, Lloyd felt that it was not enough!Because Lancelot can't fly!

This is the Achilles heel.

He is looking forward to the day when Lancelot can fly, he will definitely be able to compete with that mysterious aircraft.

But it was clear that he was thinking too much.

Everyone watched Lancelot's performance.But... ZERO also appeared at the same time, and detonated the explosives in the building!

This scene was like a heavy hammer hitting Suzaku's mind!

"...Me? I'm actually one step slower???"

In fact, Suzaku was not the only one who was confused.

Karen, who transformed into Zero and the Black Knights, was also a little stunned.

It was obvious on the live TV that among the hostages were Xia Li, Mi Lei, and Dunn, as well as Euphemia, who had guessed after analyzing Cornelia's actions.

Why didn't you see a single one after arriving at the warehouse?

Whether it's Xia Li, Mi Lei, Dunn, or Princess Yuffie, they all disappeared!

What remained there were a group of comatose hostages lying on the ground, as well as two soldiers in the corner who had been decomposed into pieces of flesh.

That piece of minced meat made Lelouch, with his slender nerves, almost spit it out without a "wow"!

Lelouch's heart trembled.

What the hell is going on here!He can't understand it!Although he could roughly analyze it, someone should have killed the two guards and escaped!And it was not one person who escaped, but several people!

In this way, Dunn, Xia Li, Mi Lei, and Yuffie were taken away by this person.

Even the one who killed the two guards was one of the four of them.

Xia Li, Mi Lei, and Yuffie, from Lelouch's point of view, are absolutely impossible to have such strength!

Then, the last questionable person is Tang En, who is also his classmate.

And according to Lelouch's analysis, Dunn also has this motive.

When he was in class, Dunn talked, his dream was to live a leisurely life and open a big harem.


Lu Luxiu recovered his emotions, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If you want to know if Dunn did it, it's very simple!Because he has the power called GERSS!

And the next incident was that when Lelouch invaded ahead of Lancelot, he blew up the entire building and saved all the hostages.

And just as Dunn guessed, the ZERO fish Black Knights appeared!

They, help the weak against the strong!

At this moment, all live TV broadcasts are locked to ZERO!

"My Cao, it's ZERO."

"what's going on!"

"Shut up and listen carefully!"

Including Mad Cornelia and Yuffie, everyone who paid attention to the ZERO incident stopped to look at the screen near them.Waiting for ZERO's next words.

They want to know why ZERO did all this!He even saved the Britannias who were hostages! ?

"Britannia! Don't be disturbed! All the hostages trapped in the building have been rescued! I will bring them back to you!"

Suzaku, who had just shed tears, finally showed a smile!

But then he was stunned.

Where have all his classmates gone?What about Charlie?What about Millie?What about Dunn!

Suzaku's mind was in chaos.Could it be that... his classmates were all...

He gritted his teeth and looked at ZERO on the screen, the hatred in his heart was burning like crazy!He wants to smash ZERO to pieces!

Cornelia was the same, as disgusting as eating flies in her heart.

ZERO saw through all her plans!Because she saved the hostages, and it was still live, she couldn't take action against ZERO at all!

The second point, even if she makes a move, it is absolutely impossible! ZERO can easily take back the hostages!Leave her alone!

"Damn ZERO!"


Yuffie looked at Cornelia worriedly.

There was one thing that Yuffie hid in her heart and didn't say it, but she knew that it was what Dunn showed to herself on purpose, because Mi Lei and Charlie didn't react at all at that time...  

Through the vision that Tang En shared with her, Yuffie not only saw the scene of ZERO talking to those Liberation Front officials in the conference room, she also saw something that shocked her even more!

That is, Dunn made ZERO's mask transparent...

That face that existed in memory made Yuffie stupid at the time!Although Yuffie felt that this person was very familiar when she heard about ZERO for the first time, she did not have the intuitive impact that Tang En brought her.

At that time, Yuffie almost blurted out, and it was Tang En who reminded her in her mind through mental power:

"Yuffie, I only let you see his true face. I hope you can know about this yourself, and don't tell anyone."

"Why... why? Why did Lelouch do this?"

"Don't you know? The incident between Lelouch and Nanali. The emperor's attitude."


Dunn has pointed it out, presumably with her mind, she can already understand it.

Just when Yuffie was thinking about the words Dunn left her before.

A flash of light on the other side!

Behind ZERO, several figures in uniforms appeared.

"Everyone, fear us and follow us!"

"Our name is..."

"Black Knights!"




Cornelia, Lloyd, and the Guards were all a little unresponsive. 2.1

"Ride... Knights??? Terrorists claim to be Knights? Ironic!"

Live streaming.

"We, the Black Knights, are the companions of all the defenseless! Whether it's the citizens of District 11 or the Britannia! The people of the Liberation Front are despicably holding the civilians of Britannia as hostages! Inhumane killing, this kind of behavior is meaningless Therefore, we give them sanctions!"

"Hehe, the same goes for the former Governor of Clovis! I can't just sit back and ignore such brutal behaviors who ordered the murder of the unarmed residents of District 11! So I also sanctioned him!"

"I won't deny war, but it's not a good thing for the strong to kill blindly! I definitely don't allow this to go on! The only people who can shoot are those who are conscious of being killed!"

"When the strong bully the weak, we will appear again! No matter how powerful the enemy is!"

Chapter [-] Interrogation!

Walking in the woods, Tang En, Xia Li, Mi Lei, and the two women leaned on Tang En's side and watched the black-tech mobile phone that Tang En took out and ZERO's live broadcast.

When ZERO said that no matter how powerful the enemy was, Dunn stumbled and almost fell into a dog.

Xia Li and Mi Lei looked suspiciously at Tang En's embarrassed smile, and asked suspiciously:

"Dear brother Dunn, are you still hiding a lot of things from us? Whether that enemy has great power? Huh? Let me think about it? Does it mean the Holy Britannia Empire? Or is it something else? For example... ...the mysterious unicorn-like machine and the mysterious bastard pilot who is so cool, beautiful and elegant that it has no friends?"

"Cough cough... Mi Lei, you must have read too many novels about the domineering president! How is that possible?"

Tang En instantly transformed into a movie king mode.

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