Suzaku is still determined to change him from within that empire, not Lelouch, to destroy it completely.

The differences between the two are also growing.

Of course, Suzaku didn't even know that Lu Luxiu was ZERO's business, but Lu Luxiu had completely given up on Suzaku!

But fortunately, even if Suzaku can't help, but now he has two powers!

The first is the GERSS based on the fundamentals, and the other is his Black Knights!

Because of the achievements of the Black Knights, the organization in the capital has recognized them and began to provide various materials to the Black Knights, including mobile armor, among which, there is one that can compete with Lancelot. The seventh generation mecha, Red Lotus II!

At the same time, the power of the Black Knights is also expanding rapidly. They have posted recruitment posts online to recruit new members.

Whether it is the 19th network of the intelligence network, the number of members, or the supplies, the Black Knights have become extremely large now!

Of course, this is not known to the world.They need a fight now to justify the Black Knights!

Coincidentally, one of the Britannia's application resumes attached a very important message. Cornelia returned from the EU front and was preparing to display the base camp for liberation. Tian Lianshan issued the final general attack!

At night, while receiving mobile armor from the capital to support them in the warehouse, Lelouch turned into ZERO and gave orders to the crowd.

"This weekend, let's go off-road!"

Fan Yao who brought the news immediately understood what was going on.

"ZERO, you..."

"Ah, just off-road."

At the same time, the late night school was quiet.

Dunn brought CC to the swimming pool, enjoying this rare quietness.

Sitting on the bank, watching the beauty of CC diving, Tang En made a "tsk tsk" sound.


"Cornelia and the Black Knights are all in action. When are we going?"

CC, who was slowly floating on the water, paid no attention to Tang En's squinting eyes and asked questions at will.

"Don't worry, why do you want to do it yourself this time?"

"Sure, such a fun toy."

Dunn's mouth twitched. CC actually treats unicorns as toys... Really...

"Ah, then I'll go half a day early. This time they made such a big noise, it seems that they want to make big news."

"Justify the name of the partner of justice?"

"Maybe, the support for them in the capital must be just a test this time. If the home of the Liberation Front is destroyed by Cornelia, then there will be only one knight order that can support the entire 11th District to fight against Britannia. Look. This time I came to Lelouch to take Cornelia out of my mind."

"The number of Black Knights recruited to join the regiment has increased a lot, and the strength has expanded rapidly. It seems that Lelouch has confidence again. Isn't he afraid of losing the battle at the hands of Cornelia again?"

Dunn lit a cigarette, took a breath and said:

"No, although Cornelia and her troops are among the best even in the entire Britannia army, but that's why it's easy to guess, isn't it? Cornelia will only arrange her troops according to the best options. The formation is set up, and this time, Cornelia is in the light, and the Black Knights are in the dark. Presumably our princess does not know that the news of their siege of the Liberation Front will be leaked."

"Oh... this guy Lelouch is really not easy."

"Let Lelouch win this time, but I don't want the tragedy to happen again. His third brother is still lying in my sky."

CC turned his head sideways and looked at Dunn sitting by the pool.

"I can't see that you are a man of great love. You hate tragedies?"

Tang En exhaled heavily, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and sighed:

"Yeah, I hate tragedies. Although I'm not someone who pursues perfection, the tragedies that can be prevented should not be allowed to happen, right? For you and me, for the people around me, and finally, for the world."

"Ah... It's actually for this world! Let me guess, how many... worlds have you destroyed with your powerful power?"

Facing CC's question, Tang En was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed out loud.

"Haha, CC, you misunderstood me! I haven't really destroyed any world!"

"Oh? Just an ordinary man who enjoys life and a warm life? Do you think I would believe it?"

Dunn shrugged.

"I'm not the type of Emperor Britannia. The fundamental difference between me and him is that I have everything, but he is still working hard for immortality and for the integration of all human spirits, or in other words, Is this what he calls the Completion Plan?"

CC is expressionless.

"You are a terrible man."

Her meaning couldn't be more obvious.

He has always been invisible, but he has put everyone on the chessboard like chess pieces, and he is the master of this chess set, watching everything from the perspective of God.

Is there anything more terrifying than this, it should be... there is none.


Tianlian Mountain.

Lelouch used GERSS to directly control the sentries monitored here, ordering them to ignore everything in front of them.

At the same time, under his order, the Black Knights also began to arrange.

As for what to arrange, it is a radiation amplifier that can cause earthquakes.

Just as the 490 Black Knights were nervously arranging the tasks assigned by ZERO, Cornelia's huge command vehicle was also moving towards Tian Lianshan.

"His Royal Highness, this area is indeed the base of the Japanese Liberation Front. I have already arranged the four battalions to be ambushed in seven groups. At the foot of the mountain, the entire Tianlian Mountain has been surrounded! With our strength, even one The mice can't escape. After that, wait for your Highness to issue an order to gather the entire encircling net in one breath and completely annihilate the enemy!"

This time, not only Cornelia and her escort were in the command car, but even Yuffie appeared on the front line wearing the Governor's uniform.

She asked:

"At the beginning of this operation, wouldn't there be an enemy attacking from the outside?"

"Your Highness, do you mean ZERO? Please rest assured that when the battle begins, the surrounding roads and mountain roads will be blocked. At the same time, there are friendly forces. If they dare to expose it easily, it will be the end of ZERO!"

Yuffie was still worried.

"Emperor... Governor, I'm not referring to the Black Knights, but... that beautiful mysterious machine and its driver."




Cornelia's face changed, but what surprised Yuffie was that in addition to anger, Cornelia's face also had a hint of shyness? ?

huh?what's going on?

Chapter [-] The Battle Begins

Cornelia's reaction was not what Yuffie expected at all.

"Sister Huang? What's wrong with you? Could it be... That mysterious driver..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Yuffie!"

Cornelia forced her composure, how could she show such an unbearable performance in front of her sister!

Of course, Yuffie's question not only made Cornelia think about being molested, but her Guard Knights were even more embarrassed.

At the beginning, they let people kill several knight mechas in an instant, which is a shame for them!Not to mention, in front of His Highness Cornelia!What made them even more embarrassed was that their own princess was molested by that damn bastard, and they could only watch the enemy stay in the sky and fly domineering.That mighty appearance made the entire Guards grit their teeth, but there was nothing they could do.

"The purpose of that mysterious machine is unknown, its identity is unknown, and its purpose is different every time it appears. The most important thing is that we have nothing to do with him."

Cornelia sighed, and the members of the Knights were even more ashamed.

"We can only expect the Empire to speed up the development of new mobile weapons."

Yuffie rolled her eyes, she was as smart as she was, and had already guessed the identity of the mysterious driver.

Combined with Dunn's magical ability, it is simply telling that Yuffie, I am that bastard...

Yuffie has already made up her mind that after this incident is over, she must pay a good visit to that guy...


"Your Highness, it's time to attack!"

"Very well, the battle begins!"


Cornelia personally boarded the mobile armor as the leader!

The first one was ejected from the command car!

I have to say that in terms of electromagnetic ejection, the technology of the Holy Britannia Empire is absolutely ahead of the world, and of course mobile weapons are the same.

With Cornelia's order, all the troops surrounding Tian Lianshan moved!

Close the net, let's start!

"Hmph, the liberation front, those who have been abandoned by time, those who have forgotten their graces! Dissipate now with your utopian dreams!"

Cornelia's domineering declaration made the whole army's momentum rise to the top in an instant!

On the ground, in the sky, countless mobile armored knights charged towards Tian Lianshan with invincible momentum!

The huge noise is impossible to hide from the monitoring of the liberation front forces hidden in the mountainside!

"What? You mean enemy attack???"

A major general was stunned!Enemy attack?What enemy attack?Of course it was an enemy attack from Holy Britannia!

From the tone of his voice, you could tell that this guy was a little panicked.

"Yes, Your Excellency. The Britannia Army is encircling the Narita Mountains. No, the encirclement has been completed...the number...more than 100!"

100, which is not a small number!You know, this 100 can be said to be all mobile weapons!

This scene, the members of the Black Knights on the top of the mountain also saw it!

"Hehe, it's started!"

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