Both arms, whether it was the main weapon knight gun or the server machine gun, were all blown up.

"Even so! I absolutely cannot surrender! I can only fight until the last moment as a princess!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Cornelia, launched her final charge towards the enemy!

In the command car!

Yuffie also heard what Cornelia said over the radio!

As long as you are not a fool, you can hear what happened to Cornelia!

She grabbed Dunn's arm suddenly.

"Tang... Tang En! Please! Save the imperial sister... woo woo!"

Tang En touched her smooth pink hair, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"give it to me."

Saying that, Dunn turned and left under Yuffie's gaze.

"Ke... Your Highness Cornelia!!!!"

"Hmph, stupid choice!"

Lelouch looked on coldly.

But just before Cornelia was about to die under the powerful radiation fluctuations of the second type of Red Lotus!




"Oh? Why does such a lively thing always happen when I'm not paying attention?"


"Will you remind me next time you fight?"

"Boom boom boom!"

Chapter Sixty Who Are You?Why save me!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of attacks fell from the sky!It's like a dimensional blow!Let the Red Lotus Second Style and Lu Luxiu and others below have no time to react!

And Cornelia, who was caught in the radiation wave!It was meant to be dead!But because of the sudden attack in the sky, she was confused and saw the white body flashing in the sky through the monitor just before she fainted.


At the same time, it's a close call!Her cockpit successfully subverted her stupidly set ban on ejection and ejected forcibly!So Cornelia narrowly escaped.

"Damn! It's that mysterious machine again!!! Why is it always like this! Who the hell are you! It's the Imperial Army and it's us! You bloody scumbag!"

Facing Zero's angry roar, there were no more words from the sky.Because in CC's vision, Lancelot has arrived!

"Damn! What have you done to His Royal Highness the Governor!"

"Bastard, these nasty guys appear again and again! Fortunately, Cornelia won't live long!"

Thinking of this, Lelouch's mood improved a little.

"Hahaha, you hateful white guy, your Governor-General has been sent to the sky! How is it! Are you angry! Although this is not my original intention, it is still okay."

"What? Your Excellency the Governor...killed? Impossible!"

Before Suzaku could finish speaking, Karen, who was driving the Red Lotus II, had already rushed up!

She wants to avenge the last time she was defeated by this machine!

"Governor? You better take care of yourself! Kill me!"


Following Karen's attack, the two immediately fought.

"Impossible, this machine has the same speed as Lancelot."

Just as soon as they fought, Suzaku was shocked!

The performance of the opposite Red Lotus is on par with his Lancelot, what does this mean! ?It means that the opposite machine is also the seventh generation!

"Bastard! There is a machine that competes with Lancelot... This must be a masterpiece from Keshata Chara!"

Lloyd in the back gritted his teeth.

Not to mention Karen and Suzaku who fought together.

Cornelia narrowly escaped, and the cockpit fell on the slope of the cliff.


Dunn stepped on the weeds and walked to the side of the cockpit.

"This ghost place, if it weren't for my appearance, dear princess, you may have to stay here forever."

Dunn easily opened the cockpit door that was damaged and deformed in his eyes with one hand, and drilled half of his body in.

Inside, due to radiation fluctuations in the entire cockpit, various circuits have long been damaged, and there are even electrical sparks in some places. If it comes a little later, it may explode.

Then, Dunn locked his gaze on the unconscious Cornelia.

She is a little more heroic in the uniform of the Holy Britannia Empire, and she is more mature than Yuffie's darker purple hair.

The purple lipstick on her lips gave her the reputation of the Imperial Witch.

It's a pity that the current Princess Warsong has a lot of blood flowing from her forehead. The viscous blood flows down her forehead, the bridge of her nose, onto the snow-white neck, and then across the delicate collarbone, seeping into the military uniform.

Dunn raised his eyebrows.

The appearance of Princess Warsong adds a touch of desolate beauty.

Without any hesitation, Dunn stretched his arms forward, one hand passed behind his neck, the other under his knees, and gently lifted her from the cockpit.

This is a veritable princess hug.

Tang En smiled and walked away with her in his arms.

That is, Tang En just left less than 50 meters, and the cockpit behind him exploded with a "boom"!It can be seen how powerful the radiation fluctuation of the second type of red lotus is!

Not to mention that the cockpits of ordinary soldiers are developed according to the highest standards of the Empire, which shows the performance in terms of safety.

And the special mecha of Her Royal Highness, the safety and protection is even better!But that's how it was destroyed.

Dunn couldn't help but sigh that even the atomic bomb has not been invented in this world, but whether it is the high-frequency vibration vibrating sword MVS equipped on Lancelot, or the energy light shield BlazeLuminous, or the machine gun VARIS-variable ammunition reverse shock cannon , and finally add the radiation fluctuation of the second type of red lotus.They have completely exceeded the technological system of this world, that is, the technology tree.

It can only be said that the technology tree is a little crooked.

If these people are allowed to develop nuclear-powered mechas, it will be a godsend!

It is also said, for example, his unicorn is the mecha of heaven.Even if it wasn't altered by magic, it was the original form of the unicorn, and it was a general-purpose fighter in the universe.

While thinking about it, Dunn walked along the path to the direction of the command car.

But he didn't expect that because of the explosion behind him, Cornelia had already woken up.But she didn't make a sound.As a princess with rich battlefield experience, she was seriously injured and did not act rashly when a stranger saved her.Whether it was an enemy or a friend, she hadn't been able to tell.

But Dunn still noticed Cornelia who was hugged by him.

He stopped, lowered his head slightly, and looked at Her Royal Highness's beautiful eyes.

"His Royal Highness is awake? I have to say that your physique is very good. I have to give you a thumbs up for being able to wake up on your own after such a serious injury."

"What do you think I am!"

"Hi Hi. War Princess, Witch, Princess Warsong of the Holy Britannia Empire."

"Who are you, why are you saving me!?"

Cornelia's compliment to Dunn did not change, but asked the most important question at the moment.

Dunn smiled.

"Her Royal Highness is very arrogant? Do you still need a reason to save you? Can't I like you?"


Cornelia knew that she was molested again!It was that mysterious person last time!This time it's a normal person!

"You know that I am the Princess, but you dare to talk to me like this? Don't you fear death!?"

"Yo, I was actually threatened by Princess Warsong!? Isn't it because of your character that you should do it directly? Tsk tsk."

Cornelia's mind exploded!His face turned red when Dunn said it.

If it weren't for her bones now falling apart, she would definitely hang up this bastard and whip him fiercely!

"Ahahahaha! Let us meet Cornelia? This is our best chance to gain military exploits!!!"

Suddenly, arrogant laughter came from the huge loudspeaker from the other side.

Chapter [-] Don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend

The sudden clamor made Cornelia's body stiffen in her arms.Tang En clearly felt that all the muscles in her body were tense!It seems that no matter whether she is the princess of the empire or the princess of War Song with unparalleled combat power, she is still a woman after all.

In this desperate situation where he is seriously injured and unable to use any strength, he also needs a person to rely on.

"You... hand me over to them! This way you can save your life. You are just an ordinary person looking at your clothes, and they won't embarrass you!"

However, Cornelia's words surprised Dunn.

Is this the war song princess?That ruthless Cornelia?Impossible.

After Cornelia said this, her whole body seemed to have lost her strength, and she completely handed over her body to Dunn's arms.

Dunn hurriedly raised Cornelia's upper body slightly to prevent her head from leaning back, which would hurt her.

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