"Hey, Dunn. That woman...is she a soldier? She seems to be waiting for someone at the school gate."

Tang En touched Charlie's hair and said softly:

"It should be something, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

"Really, the military activities are becoming more and more frequent recently, and they have all come near our school! Hmph, it's all because of the annoying Suzaku!"

Tang En's mouth twitched, Suzaku still took the blame.

"You two students, wait!"

The two were about to enter the campus when the female officer stopped them.

"I'm Veretta Nu, a Britannia officer. Could you please help me? It's a very important matter."


"I want you guys to help me investigate a photo of this student."

Chapter [-] Interception Operations

Veretta Nu took Dunn and the dazed Xia Li into the car.

Then he took out the photo and said to the two of them:

"Please assist our military and help investigate this classmate."

Xia Li looked at Lelouch in the photo in amazement, a little dazed.

Veretta Nu was indeed a smart person who could find clues to Lelouch, and she quickly noticed the change in Charlie's expression.Compared with Charlie, Tang En was much calmer, and he always kept a proper smile on his face.

"Do you know this student?"

"Yes, our classmates."

"Oh, that would be great!"

I don't know what Veretta Nu said to the two, and they let them go after a long time.

Looking at the distant pink sports car, Charlie worriedly said to Dunn:

"Don... This? What should we do?"

"Just pretend to be stupid, this is not something we can participate in, right?"

"Hey, how can you say that! You have so much power."

Charlie pouted angrily.

Dunn shrugged his shoulders, then let Charlie take his arm, and the two slowly swam back while talking.

"It's better to leave such complicated things to their professionals. We are just students! Besides, you know I hate trouble."

"Hmph, you said it so grandly, as if you secretly didn't do anything."

Charlie's expression of "I see through you" made Dunn's mouth twitch.Sure enough, women's sixth sense is the most terrifying. Even if they don't know anything, yes, even if they don't know anything at all, they can guess what you must have secretly done.

A woman's brain is really mysterious.

This time Veretta Nu's temptation may be over.

Because neither Charlie nor Dunn have any motives to be used by Veretta Nu.

For the current Xia Li, whether Lelouch is ZERO or not has nothing to do with her, because she has Dunn.And Tang En, not to mention, there is no need for temptation at all, the big devil behind the scenes is him.


For the first time today, the special dispatch team also had a mission to take the initiative to attack. This is good news for Suzaku, but it is not good news.

The good news is that Cornelia also recognized him, but it was not herself, but the task assigned to him by her general Andre. General Andre likes to make the best use of everything.He couldn't let go of the powerful combat power of Lancelot.

"Suzaku-kun~ have you been recognized? Or are you going to be a bait again?"


Just as Dr. Lloyd was teasing Suzaku, he was caught by Cecil.



"Want me to teach you the proper way to communicate with people?"

Cecil held the dinner plate and smiled at Lloyd with kind eyes.

Lloyd's face darkened.

"Thank you, I think it's better."

Shortly after Lloyd told Suzaku the battle plan, General Andre found him.

"The target this time is Katase, as long as we can suppress him, the liberation front will be completely finished! The capture is carried out by the marines, and you cover and shoot from the land until the marines capture successfully, and annihilate their remnants after capture. "


Suzaku, a fake saint, shuddered when he heard words related to murder.

"That's right, annihilate all except the target person. This is a good opportunity for you to rise to the sky, Lieutenant Shumu Suzaku, show your loyalty to the empire."

Suzaku was struggling, but this was a good opportunity for him to be promoted. If he wanted to change the empire from the inside, the first thing he had to do was to climb to a very high position to continue.


Therefore, he resolutely decided to be the executioner this time.

After Andre left, Lloyd appeared again.

"What to do, Suzaku-kun!? Let you step on the holy elephant, he is testing you!"

When Lloyd said that, Suzaku's scalp tingled instantly.But the decision has been made!Then there is only one way to go, and that is to complete the mission!Get a compliment from Cornelia!

The Imperial Army is preparing, and the Black Knights on the other side have also received this secret news. The accurate news was brought by a TV reporter, that is, the Britannia who wants to join the Black Knights!

What can I say, this reporter only likes good material!This is an occupational disease of being a reporter. It can be said that Ditohart Little's occupational disease has become ill to the core. In order to obtain materials and to make himself happy, he did not hesitate to join the Black Knights!

Yes, it is pleasure!For the most headlines and the most explosive news!

After getting the news, Lelouch also started planning.On the surface, what he said to the Black Knights was to rescue Major General Katase on top of annihilating Cornelia's troops.

In fact, he took the bomb himself and installed it on Katase's ship early.

Because Katase wants to flee and make a comeback, supplies are essential, and the liquid cherry stones on board are the capital for his re-emergence.

At the same time, he also has news of the six families in the capital. Now that the Black Knights and the six families are tied to the same boat, then Katase must not be arrested. Perhaps it should be said that Katase should not be allowed to continue to live.

There are two reasons.

First, now the Black Knights, or Lelouch, is the biggest collaborator with the six capitals. If Katase makes a comeback, the resource tilt that Lelouch gets will be halved.

Second, to protect these secrets, Katase must die!


The port terminal at night was far quieter than usual.It is also because of this quietness that it reveals all kinds of weirdness.

As a deserter of the Liberation Front, Katase did not know that he had been ambushed by Cornelia, much less that he was going to be used as a bait by ZERO as a human pie.

And Cornelia didn't know that her secret plan would be known to the Black Knights!

Dock Barracks.

Cornelia stared at the dark sea, stunned.

Before she came out to prepare the plan, Yuffie's words still echoed in her ears.

"That man will definitely appear, Huangjie! With his personality that likes to join in the fun."

Thinking of this, Cornelia couldn't help feeling sweet, and an inexplicable smile appeared on her face.

This made the guards next to him a little embarrassed.

"Well, it's time for the Governor."

"Huh? Very good, then the battle begins!"


"Notice, the whole team is launched, and the battle begins!"

"Dive! Dive! Dive!"

"Special suppression team, cross the tide!"

"My team is covering from land!"

"Be careful not to sink the tanker!"

Suzaku also heard the order.

"Understood, Your Excellency."

They all know what's on the tanker!That is the liquid cherry stone that can blow up all the mecha equivalents of the entire dock!

Chapter [-] This bait is very bright!

"All teams, free to use weapons! After the torpedo attack, free to use weapons!"

After the torpedo attack of the seamen blew up the gate of the dock!The battle begins in an instant!

Tonight, here is Katase, the funny side, the Black Knights side, and Cornelia's side.

And above the container, which no one could see, stood a black figure.

It was Dunn.

His eyes were tightly locked on the tanker.

"As expected of Lelouch, the way of Shura. In order to weaken Cornelia's combat power, he even used the Liberation Front as a bait. Awesome."

Speaking of which, Dunn had a look at the Cornelia base camp at his feet. The darkness of the night could not block his sight. He soon found Cornelia, who was standing there commanding and watching the battle.

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