
Tang En's answer made Lu Luxiu look bewildered at first, and then he pondered.

I thought to myself:

"Don't really know? It seems that I misunderstood him."

"Hehehe, he doesn't know, but I know! Lelouch... No, should I call you ZERO?"

Suddenly, a voice 5.6 suddenly appeared behind Lelouch.

Lu Luxiu's face changed greatly, and he turned around abruptly!

I saw that this is a young man with sunglasses and a headset!

The whole outfit is a little weird.

"You... who are you! I don't understand what you were talking about just now."

"As expected of Lelouch! So many strategies have been analyzed at this moment, but they are useless to me, okay?"

"Why don't we use your best chess to decide the outcome? Hehehe, you are... GERSS, right! Was it given to you by that woman? He actually abandoned me and chose you! Really! hateful!"


Lelouch's face was horrified!

This is something he has always kept in his heart!Why would he know!Is it possible...

"You are also a GERSS capable person!"

"Guess what? Is it?"

Chapter [-] You think too much

The appearance of Mao made Lelouch panic!

A second GERSS capable person appeared!Then it's not that there is a third and fourth!This is terrible.

The two were fighting each other, and Dunn himself had been left there.

Tang En, who was pretending to be dumbfounded, looked at the back of the two leaving, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It is certain that Lelouch can defeat Mao, but in order to gain CC's favor, he will fight to the death, as for?

"CC, what about the mess you left behind?"

"What do you mean."

"Oh, it was a boy named Mao who found Lelouch!"

"……Can you say that again."

"I mean, a boy named Mao, who has the ability to listen to the GERSS of everyone within 500 meters, has found your new contractor, Lelouch! Also, they seem to be fighting for your favor?"

"What you said is really ugly, what kind of pet? Damn man?"

"Haha, what are you going to do about this?"

"...help me solve it."

"Don't you come forward? This is really heartless..."

"No, you accompany me."

Tang En was stunned...but the next moment he laughed.

"it is good!"


"Impossible... I would lose!?"

"Hehehe, you can't beat me! Lelouch!"

"Since you've already lost, I'll tell you another secret! Your sister seems to be kidnapped? And there's a time bomb tied to her body! Hehehe!"

"...What did you say!"

Hearing that Nanali was kidnapped, Lelouch's emotions suddenly lost control, and he went berserk!

"Hahahaha! You have no right to let that woman give you the GERSS! You inferior!"

The anger in Lelouch's heart can be imagined!He actually failed in what he was best at, and he failed in a mess!

No, we must defeat him!If I let him leave like this, my secret! ! ! ! !

Lelouch was very flustered, if his identity was exposed like this, then everything would be over!

"Oh? It seems that you still know the consequences of revealing your identity. For the sake of our being of the same kind, I can give you a chance! As long as you bring that woman to me."


"That's right! It's the woman who gave you the power of GERSS! As long as you bring that woman to me, I'll let your sister go!"

"You... despicable and shameless!"

"Hehe, as ZERO, you would call me despicable and shameless, this is really..."

"By the way, the location is in the church behind your school! Don't miss your appointment. If you don't, your sister's life will be lost, hahahaha! Your sister is very important to you!"

Lelouch's mind was in chaos, and he didn't even know when Mao left.The brain that used to be unfavorable in the past has stopped thinking, and the whole mind is full of Nanali...

However, Lelouch made up his mind and must rescue Nanali!

When I got home, I carefully analyzed Mao.

Possessing the GERSS ability, it can see through the hearts of people.And there are two deadly things Lelouch in his hand.

First, he knew the fact that Lelouch was ZERO.

Second, he has Nanali as a hostage in his hands.

But if you think about it carefully, if Mao is the same type of person as him, then... he just has super powers!The body is still mortal!

In other words, bullets can kill him.

Lu Luxiu thought of this, and a ray of light bloomed in his eyes!

He can rescue Nanali without that woman!Just kill that man... that's it!

But it was doomed that Lu Lu Xiu's efforts were in vain.

Because Mao had already met CC himself before he went to the appointment.

"CC??? Is it really you CC??? Ah! You really still love me!??? Wait, who is that man beside you!"

When CC and Dunn opened the church door, Mao found them.

However, Mao only had CC in his eyes, and he immediately ignored Tang En.But as his eyes shifted, he noticed that CC was holding the man's arm, and most of his body was leaning on the man's body!

"Me? I'm just an ordinary person with interests. If CC hadn't asked me to come with her, I wouldn't be too lazy to come!"

"No...impossible! I can't hear your voice? Who are you? Are you also a GERSS capable person!"

Dunn showed a mocking smile.

"Don't think of me as someone like you, well, your appearance has disrupted our peaceful life, can you disappear?"

"Disappear? Why did you let me disappear..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw that CC took out a gun in his hand.

"You... CC you don't love me anymore!"

CC did not speak, but Dunn spoke for him.

"you think too much."

"Or? CC still loves you originally, and of course treats you as a child. It's a pity. You are already confused because of GEASS ability. You may not know that while using Geass, Geass's power will gradually increase, So strong that you can't control it. If this happens, the person who can't be overcome will be swallowed up by your own power. And you are obviously the one who is swallowed up by your own power."

CC kept silent, Dunn said nothing wrong.

Mao is no longer saved, and the only thing that can save him is death.

"We'll see you again, Mao."


CC pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Help me clean up, I'll go back first."

CC finished all this, turned around 610, left a sentence, and left.

Tang En looked at her back, and then walked to Mao's corpse who didn't say a word.

"Hehe, you will never meet again, Mao. CC's wish is not death! Besides, who do you think I am!?"

Then Tang En snapped his fingers, Mao's body emitted a faint purple light, and then completely annihilated in this world.

Half an hour later, Lu Luxiu came with Suzaku, but... nothing was found!

Lelouch almost lost his mind!However, when they found the intact Nanali, he calmed down, but after thinking about it carefully, this matter is full of all kinds of weirdness and strangeness.Don't understand it at all?

Suddenly, a man with GERSS fights him, kidnaps Nanali, and asks him to find the woman who gave him GERSS.In the end, he disappeared inexplicably.

Although Dunn did it very cleanly, it still left a clue that Mao stayed here, that is, the chess on the church table.

Lelouch played with the pieces, thinking.

"Mao... Came here, and Nanali was indeed kidnapped by him... But why did he disappear? Could it be because... some force majeure happened?"

"Since there are other GERSS capable people in this world, and he said he wants to find that woman... Then, the person who killed Mao must also have GERSS! This world is really getting more and more interesting, hehehe..."

Chapter [-] Hijacking and Vigilance

Lelouch became vigilant since he knew that he was not the only one possessing the power of GERSS in this world, but some people also possessed it.

The power of GERSS is a very important catalyst for him to get to where he is now. Although he is prepared to do so without the power of GERSS, it will not be so easy to think about, especially when it comes to tampering with memory.

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