The Battle of Kyushu came to an abrupt end.

Because of the carpet attack of the mysterious unicorn, the defense system of the entire base, including the headquarters, all buildings were razed to the ground.Even if Britannia wanted to rebuild a fortress here, it would take a long time.

After this battle, even if the media did not want to report to the Black Knights and the mysterious machine, there were always rumors circulating...

Moreover, at that time, the live broadcast of the battlefield was not only seen by two people.

Such a dazzling and beautiful body, just looking at it can make people impressive.

The technology layout is completely different from the local guide weapons, the height of 20 meters, the powerful attack power and the mysterious driver, each store makes people just take a look and will not forget it again.  …

"Hey! Did you read the news yesterday!"

"Look! I heard that the Fukuoka base is completely over!"

"Yeah, the news is that there is a battle there, the enemy is the defectors of the old neon, and the ministers of the Celestial Federation are behind them."

"The Confederation of the Celestial Empire is so terrifying, it is a superpower that is as famous as our Holy Britannia!"

"That is, if our empire and the Celestial Federation go to war in District 11, the result is really unimaginable."

"If that's the case, District 11 will be over."

The situation is fickle, right and wrong are not what people want, time flies by, watching from the sidelines, struggling.

If that's the case, Lelouch might still be happy, because he can give orders to the crowd, and at the same time he has the power in his hands.

On the contrary, Suzaku has been ordered, because it is relatively easy for him.

As the person who killed his biological father and the culprit who imposed his will to surrender on the residents of District 11, he survived.

Everything he did was not the Mother of Suzaku, but he wanted to help others to make his heart feel better, and... it might be easier to ask for death this way!

In the same way, he agreed to Schneizer's plan to attack the Fukuoka base with a single plane, also for... begging for death!

1.3 It's a pity that at the most critical moment in Shengen Island, he was given the strongest GERSS by Lelouch... That is, live!

This GERSS has become the curse of Suzaku!Maybe, hope too!

After a series of turmoil, whether it was the Black Knights, Britannia, or the Celestial Federation, the people living in the concession did not pay attention again. After passing the previous incident, they learned from the news!

The mysterious person who possesses absolute power lives in the concession!

And this also let them know that as long as they are in the concession, they are safe!

In sharp contrast to the people in the concessions are the people in the concentration camps.Their submissives and their opponents were absolutely divided!

On the one hand, Suzaku, who was from District 11 but became a major, and on the other hand, the Black Knights!

Chapter [-] Lively School Festival

A few days passed.

The whole of District 11 seemed to have regained its calm.

Although secretly, whether it is the people of the settlement who regard the mysterious organization as a messenger of peace, or the residents of the concentration camp's obedient faction and opposition are all active.

This effect was also in Lelouch's prediction, as long as the Black Knights participated in the battle against the defectors supported by the corrupt elements of the Celestial Federation, then it would be enough.

Dunn's long-lost answer came in the year of Ashford Academy.

It's been a long time, but it's only two days. He is different from Suzaku and Lelouch because he hasn't come to school for many days after the battle of Fukuoka and the follow-up.

Tang En was standing outside the window gloating at the misfortune, looking at Suzaku and Lu Luxiu who were making up the exam with a smile on his face.

"Indeed, because of the intervention of the Celestial Federation and the terrorist activities caused by the Black Knights, and the mysterious organization that intervened at the end, the entire society was shaken and various riots were triggered. What a mess! With the fact that your attendance rate is not enough 19, even if your grades are excellent, even if you are a knight of His Royal Highness Euphemia! If the attendance rate is too low, I don’t care who you are, the result is that you can only give it to me Retentive!"

Not to mention Suzaku and Lu Luxiu who were among them, Tang En felt horrified when he heard the teacher say these words seriously outside the door.

Sure enough, in the eyes of students, the most powerful thing is the nightmare of teachers and exams.

After looking at the teachers of other subjects who were lined up outside the gate and looked at him flatly, Tang En felt a little numb in his scalp. He didn't want to be embarrassed by repeating the exam for such an old man!

If this matter spread to CC, Cornelia would probably have laughed to death.

Thinking of this, Tang En smiled, shook his head, and walked towards the house.

"Creak..." He opened the door, changed his shoes, and walked through the entrance. When he saw the people sitting in the living room, he sighed.

"I said Yuffie, why don't you go back? Do you want your imperial sister to crush me to death?"

"Ah! Dunn! I heard that your school is going to hold a school festival, so I'm going to participate!"

"...Uh, is this a private interview?"

"Forget it! I want to meet someone."


Dunn was silent. It seemed that it was unrealistic for Yuffie to stop her sincere thoughts.But since she likes to do it, Dunn can become her loyal backing.

"Hehe, since you already have your own idea, then go for it. If you don't try, you will never succeed."

"Hey? Dunn, do you actually support me! It's amazing!"

"I'm not supporting you, Yuffie. It's just the default. I think Cornelia thinks so too. You still need to grow up Yuffie. This time is a good opportunity for you."

"Really? Thanks!"

Tang En smiled and touched her hair, and glanced at CC who was lying lazily on the sofa.

CC seemed to have noticed, and also glanced at Tang En, but the look in the pupil seemed to tell Tang En: naive.

Tang En twitched the corner of his mouth and changed the topic.

"I'm going to cook, you guys can wait here."

Saying that, he walked towards the kitchen.


Among the Black Knights submarines.

"Fan, about that matter, although I want to ask ZERO for instructions, but I can't get in touch with ZERO, so I will do it as scheduled."

Yucheng pouted.

"Forget it, it must be a trap, you can't see it."

"But we do need an intelligence network, and it is said that there are people there who hope to join our knights. And if we use the escape route created by Didhar, there is only tomorrow."

Karen's purpose is not what she said, she wants to go back to school and wants to be sure.

Because on Shengen Island, he had already met Suzaku, and his identity was exposed.

So back to school, I want to know if my identity is exposed or not.By the way, complete the mission of the Knights.

The current Black Knights have begun to lay out all the plans for the next.

The entire concession has also begun to undercurrent, but in today's Ashford Academy, there is absolutely no bloody storm in the dark, but a sound of joy!

Because today is the school festival.

Dunn is a member of the student council, so naturally he has many tasks, such as... inspecting the school's activities.

"Please wait for a long time! The school festival of Ashford Academy, the most open in the concession, is now officially open!"

"As for the signal for the opening, it is this voice!"


Dunn, who was walking on the street, shivered instantly.

I'm Cao, isn't this Nanali, doing something!

"Oh oh oh!"

Looking at the excited appearance of the students around him, Tang En couldn't help but sigh that he was old.

As for the Tang family living in the school's villa area, CC was reluctantly woken up by this noisy environment.

"Ah... It's really noisy today. Damn Tang En didn't tell me in advance. It's really a sin."

He lifted the quilt and walked out of the bedroom with a pillow with a funny expression that he didn't know where he got it from.

"Hey? Is this what Dunn said about the school festival? It's so lively. I heard that there is also a super pizza... Hmph, even if Dunn doesn't let me go out, I have to go out today!"

Tang En would never have imagined that CC, who is as cold as a queen, is simply a willful child in the face of the temptation of delicious food. If Lelouch were to see CC, my Cao Tang En would definitely be numb!


As for Yuffie, she left quietly last night.

Tang En inspected and integrated himself into this happy environment!He was very interested in watching the various gadgets the students made themselves.

There are game props and food.

"Welcome! It's Britannia!"

"Look at it! The most impactful work!"

"The journey between ZERO and the Black Knights is warming up!"

"The pillow of the mysterious mecha of the guardian of the concession! And the poster of the super battleship! Don't miss it when you pass by!"

Tang En raised his eyebrows, I am Cao.Are the doujinshi for Unicorn and Leisure out yet?

Very strong.

Turning around the corridor, Dunn came to the lawn, and there were more people here.Taking a casual glance, Tang En saw the figure standing on the teaching building by chance, it was Lelouch.

This kid is on the phone now and I don't know what he is talking about!

When he looked up at Lelouch, Lelouch also happened to see Tang En and the reporters walking towards Tang En.

Tang En raised his hand to greet him, and Lelouch returned the same salute, and then got up.

His strange behavior surprised Tang En for a moment, isn't it?This is at school.

It was only when he saw the reporter next to him that he understood.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of Ashford's school festival, it's really lively!"

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