As the voice fell, Tang En's figure came out of the shadows...

Looking at Yuffie like this, Tang En sighed, Yuffie wanted to bring Lelouch back to the days when he was a teenager, but it was obviously impossible!

In terms of identity, Yuffie is the third princess of the Holy Britannia Empire, and the suffix of her name is Britannia. This name Yuffie has the right to inherit the throne.

And Lelouch is a dead person, and now he is a terrorist and an avenger!

From the camp, the two are hostile camps!If Yuffie's plan is successful, then Lelouch and the Black Knights will have no place to stand, and even Ashford Academy, where he and Nanali live, will have no place for them.

Although Yuffie's original intention was good, how terrifying the monster named reality is in this world!

The world needs a war and bloodshed to resolve the various contradictions left behind. Only after this can we talk about ideals, Yuffie!

Dunn walked to Yuffie's side, raised his palm, and gently pressed it on Yuffie's eyes.

Then, after a burst of purple-gold light flashed... Yuffie's trembling body also calmed down.

He took his palms away from Yuffie's eyes, and saw that Yuffie's eyes were already full of tears.

"Dang En...Am I doing something wrong! Why...why! Why did it become like this!"

Tang En took Yuffie's waist, hugged her in his arms, stroked her pink hair and comforted:

"Yuffie, don't be sad, this is the baptism that the world must go through. Lelouch, as a changer, as an emperor, and as a devil, must bear everything! All this hatred must be borne by him. In the end, he will destroy the world and create world!"

"Why him!"

"Because... destiny."

"Dang En, can you help him! Woohoo!"

Tang En showed a smile.

"Of course, I'll definitely help him, you know, I hate tragedies. Besides, who do you think I am!?"

Yuffie wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and stared blankly at Dunn's confident face.

"Leave everything to me, I am... God!"



The administrators of the TV broadcast center are going crazy!

If you want to cut off the broadcast, you can't cut it off. Of course, this is the credit of the Black Knights!

"Damn, this is the world broadcast! This is the end!"

Lelouch sat on Gawain again, covering his eyes.

"Dangerous power! But it is because I know the danger! I signed the contract!!!! But...!!!"

The emperor of the empire far away in his own country laughed wildly!

"Hahahahahahahahaha! Is that kid finally? !!!"

This emperor, it can be seen from this, he really knows everything!Lelouch is ZERO's business, and he can't hide it from his eyes!

And he also knew that Lu Luxiu would go berserk today, and everything was in his calculations!

His God-killing plan is finally about to start!Fill the world with chaos and bring everyone's minds together! ! ! !

On the other side, Schneider, who pushed the whole plan, was also a little horrified!

He doesn't understand why this is!Why did Yuffie and ZERO go in to talk, those soldiers would shoot at the residents of District 11 present in the name of the higher-ups!

Moreover, those nobles, also... shot!

Originally, the residents of the 11th district were divided into the submissive faction and the opposition faction!Now the submissive faction has been completely disintegrated!

As for the nobles of Britannia, if it wasn't for Yuffie pressing on them, they would have killed the residents of District 11 long ago!

At the same time, Cornelia, who received the news, threw the cloak directly out!

"Send all the troops that can be sent out!"

While speaking, I thought to myself:

"That bastard Tang En, what the hell is going on! It's hard to believe that someone with superhuman abilities has intervened! Otherwise, how could it have become like this! The world is in chaos again! What are you going to do! !!"

on site.

Avalon fell from the sky, Suzaku landed quickly, and started Lancelot's riot to suppress the Black Knights!

Now, all the residents of District 11 have reacted, the establishment of the special zone is to seduce the trap of the Black Knights!And Britannia killed the District 11 people present!This made the entire 11th district people angry!

Following this east wind, the armed forces of the entire 11th District began to emerge!

They are dominated by the largest armed forces, the Black Knights. While occupying various regions, they are attracting the participation of surrounding armed forces!

The target is the Britannia Concession in District 11!

"Other areas are too tired to defend, and there is no way to increase personnel! What to do!"

"The strength of the enemy, including the rebellious honorary Britannia, has exceeded tens of thousands! It has reached 10 figures!"

"Your Highness!"

"The whole army is lined up outside the concession! As long as the Black Knights are suppressed! As long as ZERO is captured, the rebellion can be suppressed!"

G-1 Command Vehicle!

"As long as we defeat Cornelia! We are victorious! The whole army is on standby according to the combat configuration diagram!!!"

Lelouch, no, ZERO, also issued the last order before the war!

"I'll leave it to you here!"

After speaking, Lelouch boarded Gawain alone!

It was just halfway through that he met a person he had never thought of, it turned out to be the last royal bloodline of Neon, Kagura!

"How will you be here!"

"That's great, I caught up! It's too much! I didn't even wait for me to go out on my own!"

"I've always been your fan! Since your first appearance! Although that white mysterious body is even more handsome."

Hearing the mysterious white body, Lu Luxiu's face suddenly changed!The plan he arranged did not take that mysterious organization into account at all!

But he thought about it, because he was only fighting with Cornelia on the periphery of the concession, and there were no civilians... Thinking of this, he felt relieved.

Indeed, Dunn did not intend to intervene in his war with Cornelia, because this is what Lelouch deserved, but can this war be won?

Tang En embraced Yuffie and looked out of the ship with deep eyes.

Dunn has already boarded the Leisure with the depressed Yuffie, just above the battle between the two armies.

"Don't be disappointed, Yuffie. It's not that your proposal is bad, but the time is wrong. Believe in my ability, this world will change for the better! All these tragedies will be gone under the light of the God Emperor of Ten Thousand Realms. Existence! And those who have bad thoughts may also die... For example, arrogant people who want to kill gods!"

Chapter [-] The Upright Cornelia

The underground facilitators have already started their operations!

Now, Cornelia's main force is standing on this floor.

"How's everyone getting ready!"

"Everything is ready, Your Highness!"

"Very well, get ready to fire!"

On the border of the concession!Cornelia runner-up and ZERO's Black Knights have started a confrontation!

With an order from Cornelia, all the artillery pieces were aimed at Gawain in the sky!

Lelouch sneered at Cornelia's formation below.

"Hehehe, Cornelia, who is obsessed with fighting head-on, has already lost!"






this moment!Cornelia in the special machine was stunned!

Her mecha had lost its balance, and she stared blankly at the cracked earth outside.

"what is this?"

That is the same time!

Ashford Academy in the Concession!

"Earthquake? No, how could there be an earthquake in the concession? Is this why Tang En asked us to stay at home?"

Xia Li and Mi Lei looked at the shaking earth outside the window in shock and exclaimed!

But what made them, including C.060C, also wondered why Dunn's villa didn't feel any vibration at all?Even on the coffee table, the black tea in the teacup could not see the slightest turbulence.

"Hmph, this bastard has secretly imposed something on the villa, and he even deceived me."

CC rolled her eyes while thinking about it, but at this moment, her eyes widened suddenly, and she quickly turned her head to look in the direction of the student council room.

Then her face darkened.

"You dare to come here, if you let Tang En know what you have done, I'm afraid you will die miserably..."

CC's whispers were not heard by Charlie and Mi Lei as the entire settlement rumbled.

On the leisurely number.

The holographic screen in the middle of the luxurious living room is showing the normal structure of the concession.

While looking at the rapidly collapsing periphery of the concession, he preached to Yuffie:

"Have you seen these structures that look like skyscrapers? This is a hierarchical structure to cope with earthquakes. However, as long as all floor components are removed, this originally strongest structure will become as fragile as a piece of paper. As a result, That is, your imperial sister's troops are basically wiped out."

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