The people in the command center may not know some secret information, but as the commander of the EU and the eldest lady of Maruka, she can always know some secrets that other people don't know.

The EU army has long signed an armistice agreement with Britannia, and the current battle has just started recently.

And it was District 11 that set off a wave of resistance against the Britannia Empire all over the world.

Layla also paid attention to that.

She also knew about the Black Knights, ZERO, whatever.

What shocked her even more was the white body!

She didn't say what she was thinking about this machine, because it was really scary.

Through underground news, Layla knows the origin of this mecha and what he has done!

"This bastard is indeed from District 11, and he has openly sanctioned the Black Knights and the Britannia Army. Hmph, it seems that you are still a big man!"

After thinking about it all the way, she walked to the door of her room, opened the door, and saw Dunn sitting behind her desk at a glance.

"came back!?"


Layla was frightened by Dunn and quickly took a few steps back!

She thought she had seen a ghost!

Chapter [-] Persuasion

"The remnants go to the 13th theater to join G-1! Evacuate the battlefield!"

"The main engine starts, the second battle speed!"

"Impossible... Our dignified Knights of Saint Raphael... lost!"

"Mr. Farnese, the attack just now was absolutely impossible for those European militiamen! You have also seen that the other party has only one machine left! We still have 198 units in our department..."

"Yeah, the 198 units lost all contact in an instant...but what secret weapon did the enemy use, and our defeat has become a fact."

"The soldiers who fell in the battle shall be buried deeply!"

With the activation of the G-1 command vehicle, the Knights of San Rafael began to evacuate slowly.

The entire battlefield was filled with wreckage of the mecha and the corpse of the driver. This wetland after the rain was as if it had just been baptized by a demon, full of desolation.

Company 132 also retreated because of the intervention of Wzero and Dunn.

It was a perfect fight for Layla and EU.


"You... what speed are you! The battlefield is more than 100 kilometers away from here! How did you get back here in a few minutes!"

Leila's beautiful and delicate little face was full of horror!

If it is said that because of the tense battle just now, everyone forgot that Tang En left the command center and entered the battlefield in just a few minutes, then... When the battle is over and people's nerves relax, Layla, as an excellent If Commander can ignore all of this, then...

Dunn shrugged his shoulders and said to Layla who was walking towards him:

"Of course, it flew back. The technology of your EU army is too backward. Even if the floating device has not been put into Britannia in the European battlefield, it is only a matter of time."

"Faced with the enemy in the air, will you Wzero have the power to parry?"


Layla was silent.It's true that her operations are based on ground combat, but... she has also heard that Britannia has begun to gradually popularize floating devices.

If that's the case, the battle won't go on at all, and it's only a matter of time before the EU is defeated by Britannia.


Layla looked at Dunn with bright eyes.

"You...that machine! I've heard of it."

Leila's words made Dunn raise his eyebrows.

"A unicorn? I wouldn't be surprised if you heard of it. I'd be surprised if you didn't know about this type of machine that was focused on by Britannia's technology development department."

"I heard……"


Dunn reminded Leila, the name of the body is called Unicorn, and Leila blushed a little in anger.

"I heard that the driver of the unicorn never revealed his identity, why did you..."

Tang En freely took out a cigarette and lit it, chuckling lightly.

"Why do you think I don't want to keep it a secret."

Layla pondered.

"Is it because... there is no need for secrecy."

"Bingo, worthy of being the top student among the top students in the non-commissioned officer school, not only are they extremely good at tactical and strategic command, but you can also see the political and world situation so accurately."

"The Black Knights in District 11 have collapsed, and the flag of resistance to Britannia has fallen. After solving the problems in District 11, Britannia will raise the butcher's knife against the EU. Is this what you mean?"

"Yes, even if you are excellent, facing at least two generations of technology behind Britannia, your defeat is irreversible. I don't know what you think, why you are so stubborn to stay in the EU. It's because of your father. But you must know that the people here no longer have the obligation to protect the motherland. There is no country name here, only the EU. How can people who have lost their country defeat Britannia with a sense of national honor? As a Britannia nobleman You, can't you leave with me? Or what other opportunity do you need to leave EU?"

"...I can't abandon my troops. There are so many people here. If I leave, what will they do?"

When Layla reminded him, Dunn suddenly realized.

If you look at the plot a year later, the entire world has been almost conquered by the Holy Britannia Empire. The territory that EU originally occupied one-third of the world has also become a small piece with Paris, France as the core area.That is to say, these people in the Wzero force, it is very likely that they will join Britannia in the end or...die.

Thinking of this, Dunn sighed.

"Leila, I advise you to leave early with me. I will find a way to arrange your friends. This place has become a place of right and wrong. Not to mention the four knights under the Grand Duke of Europe, it is not you. What can be dealt with, if... Britannia sends some powerful commanders or Knights of the Round Table, what will you fight against?"

Layla was shocked when she heard the news!

If that's the case, then the EU is over!

According to legend, the Knights of the Round Table belonged directly to the Emperor Britannia, and any one who came out would be a top [-] ace pilot!The technological content of the mecha is not comparable to the garbage produced by the EU consortia.

"This, can I think about it, after all... this is not a trivial matter."

"No problem. When I came to Europe to pick you up, I also wanted to travel well."

"Oh? Is that so, since you're so idle, how about being a bodyguard for me!"


Tang En stared at Leyla in a stunned manner. He didn't expect that Leyla could even count him. Did Leila see the importance of herself in Dunn's eyes?

"Should I say, as expected of Leila?"

"Thanks for the compliment."


Two days later, Layla took Dunn and the two from the base to the military headquarters in Paris to receive promotion orders.

"Congratulations, Layla. The Wzero unit was originally your idea. I think it would be more appropriate for you to be the commander."

"Thank you very much."

"I know you can do it. Although the victory in this battle is a bit strange, the rulers above have always only focused on the results, and the process is not important."

Layla did not answer the commander's words.She also knows what the battle process of the troops below has to do with the above! ?It doesn't matter at all.All they want to hear is lose, or win.

"What? Doesn't look too happy? Layla."

"General Smiles, my 145-A attack plan is to dispatch mecha units to surprise the enemy's rear. For this, a large amount of troops is required, but as it is now, it is only a small group of troops to fight, and the troops The casualties are too great! I implore..."

"Leila, don't think about it, it's impossible for the regular army to invest in this kind of thing."

"Public opinion is that the soldiers of the United Nations are not willing to die in the war. Regarding your A-145 attack plan, the investigation room of the General Staff Headquarters believes that the survival rate of soldiers is low."

Chapter [-] The reception of the upper class

The general's answer made Leila's anger surge in an instant!

"Don't tell me it doesn't matter how many people die in District 11!"

The general closed her eyes, she knew the kindness in Layla's heart, but...

"Leila, trying to distinguish between black and white is not what smart people do. You should also understand that we are helpless in this."


"The truth is not necessarily convincing. Human nature is just so complicated."

Layla was silent.

"Okay, let's stop the conversation here. There is a meeting held by the Council of Forty people tomorrow. If you have time, why not come and listen?"

"Okay... okay."

After finishing the conversation, Layla walked out of the office.

At first glance, I saw Dunn standing by the wall smoking, and the two security guards who were brought down at the door.

"This...what's the matter?"

"Ah, they won't let me smoke here, so I'll teach them a little lesson."


Layla was speechless.

But also, Tang En was not wearing a military uniform, and these people had nothing to do with him.

If it was an ordinary person, he might have been arrested, but this kind of rules and regulations obviously have no effect on the young man in front of him...

She rolled her eyes and took the lead.

"Are you coming to Paris for the first time? Dunn?"

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