"...You are sure, this is not fake data."

"Sorry doctor, we always thought it was a fake computer."

"What's the matter, Doctor!"

Because Dunn was riding ahead and pushing the enemy, the pressure on Layla's shoulders was much less, and she took time to look at the science team on the right.

"Commander-in-chief, take a look at this, Mr. Dunn's brain waves, heartbeat, and blood pressure don't look like he's fighting at all, and the values ​​don't fluctuate at all. If you don't know that his heartbeat is not 0, we Would definitely think he was dead."


Layla's eyes flickered deeply when she heard the doctor's words.But when she thought of the magical, fantastic, mysterious superpowers that Dunn had told her that made her stunned, Layla was relieved.Tang En is also a superpower, and Layla can calculate that even in that special group, Tang En must be a leader, even the strongest.

"I'm Leila, are you here Dunn! Are you okay! I miss you so much!"

"Really, Leila! That's great, it looks like I need to finish the mission early, get out of here!"

Hearing that Leila actually contacted him and said that she missed him, this guy immediately exploded like a statin!

As for the scientific team in the headquarters...

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at the column of Dunn's data...

"This... this must be an illusion! The constant and inconvenient value actually climbed to such a terrifying figure because of Leyla... Commander-in-Chief's words!"

"This guy... there must be... a real man in his bones."

The doctor put his hand on Layla's shoulder and looked at Layla's colorful expression with a playful expression.

In fact, she just wanted to test it out, who knew it would turn out like this!

On the battlefield!

"Ahahahahaha! It's finally my Ashura Ashura's turn to attack! Is this white body the legendary undead! What kind of undead orcs, under my Ashura Ashura's spear, all will disappear!"


Ashura Asura drove the bright red wind-pulling armor with skin on his back, and flew down from the top of the church, without saying hello at all, holding a spear and killing Tang En, who was also advancing rapidly!

"Oh? Is this the captain's plane? I have to say that Britannia is indeed a local tyrant. From your gorgeous plane, I can smell the breath of the nouveau riche!"

"Nouveau riche... You kid will kill me!"

"Squeak squeak!"

In an instant, Ashura stepped on the snakeskin and walked in a coquettish position. In the midst of Tang En's cold-eyed staring, he came to the front.


Tang En suddenly said such a sentence, Ashura, who was about to launch an attack, was stunned for a moment, and then became angry!

"Unreasonable! How dare you scold me! Take it!"


The sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly came from the center of the fight between the two!

I saw that Alexander, who was originally extremely rubbish in offense and defense, actually fell into the hands of the empty-handed under the terrifying operation skills of Tang En's devil!

"Nima...this...this is fake!"

"Brother, this is a robot with a height of more than 4 meters. Is it really good for you to use martial arts tricks like this!"

Ashura Asura originally thought that this thorn could easily determine the outcome of the battle, but the result... it seems something is wrong!

"MMP!...What's the situation!"

Chapter [-] True Local Tyrant Body

Dunn used the nunchucks to use the mutual reaction force, and stuck Ashura's spear at the foot of the mecha. Then, I saw Alexander raised his head, and the electronic eyes flashed strangely.

It was this moment that made Ashura horrified!In an instant, he resolutely gave up his weapon and quickly retreated.

Sure enough, just as he stepped back, a bayonet was ejected from Dunn's Alexander gauntlet!It's the little toy that kills those trashy fish.


Hearing Ashura's call from the other side, he smiled.



With a loud bang, Dunn's Alexander suddenly accelerated, and in a blink of an eye, he approached the retreating Ashura Ashura. Seeing such a terrifying start-up speed, Ashura Ashura was a little confused!How much pressure does this require?Won't people die!

Unfortunately, his opponent is this monster!

"Lushan... Rising Longba!"

The excited Dunn called out the name of the super [-]nd trick in the cockpit!

Everyone in the command center was stunned...

Ashura Asura looked at Alexander who was jumping high towards him with a dazed expression, and saw the white mecha posing in the air in a super middle school pose, and then...

With a bang, it rushed towards his body!

"This... this horse is a monster! What bastard undead! God damn intelligence department!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The impact force plus the speed of free fall plus the weight of the mecha itself plus active propulsion, the power that burst out at this moment has broken through the endurance of the Asura mecha!

I saw Dunn holding the nunchaku to start an infinite combo!

After one hit, use the inertia of the rotation to continue the next hit!

Ashura Ashura's body was beaten and retreated, and the outer armor of the body later shattered!

"Strong...strong...strong, invincible! Too strong! Hahahaha, I didn't expect that I would encounter such an opponent! There is such an operation! Even the highest knight of the empire's round table is not as strong as him, right? !!! Hahahahahaha!"

Ashura Asura has gone mad, and he is desperate now!The entire cockpit was flickering, and the vibrating cabin made him dizzy.

This is the legendary stiffness!

Yes, Ashura Asura has been beaten stiffly. He has no ability to resist the combo of monsters like Tang En that controls the mecha!



With the last blow, Dunn controlled Alexander to jump up and kicked out the red body that was about to be scrapped with a roundabout kick!


This time, the sturdy building made of stones could not withstand the powerful impact of the body being kicked by Tang En!

The moment Ashura Ashura's red body slammed into the wall, the ancient wall collapsed...

"Tsk tsk, hurry up and finish the task so that you can kiss Miss Layla."

"I have to remind you, dear Mr. Dunn, your second-class skills and your performance, although the record has stunned the entire command center, but there is a terrifying machine near you that is rapidly advancing towards you. Here, according to the feedback, this machine is very dangerous. If you want to come back and kiss me, then please start performing."

The sudden voice of Leila came from the communicator, making Tang Enbi embarrassed.

"Uh... the second declaration, what are you referring to?"

"Lushan Shenglongba."

Tang En's face darkened. I was so excited just now that I forgot to turn off the communicator!

This time it's over!The pretentious deep image is all finished!

Actually he doesn't know yet.

Among the Leisure in high orbit.

CC, Cornelia, Yuffie, Mi Lei, Charlie are about to die of laughter!One by one, they were lying on the ground or lying on the sofa. Everyone showed their big white legs, and they all wore small suspenders on the upper body.

Tang En used that skilled mecha operation to show them the fighting style of middle school!Coupled with the name of the hot-blooded trick in the middle school, these women who were originally cold and lively can completely see the essence of Tang En!

This guy is completely a cold and humorous middle school boy!

How old are people to be...

"No... No way! Dunn is so funny... I'm dying of laughter! Ah ah ah, I have to save this video!"

"Make a copy for me!"

"I also want!"

The five women covered their stomachs, tears streaming from the corners of their eyes.

At this time, Cornelia saw the somewhat... rustic... golden horse on the holographic screen.

She was bewildered...

"This...this is the captain plane of the Knights of the European branch of our Holy Britannia Empire!??? This...what is this! Is there such a corruption!"

Hearing her words, the girls also looked at the screen.

"Uh... This golden man is really terrifyingly exaggerated."

Not only them, but Dunn was also confused.

The flamboyant golden body, the diamond gear machete with a perfect score.

Also Nima used snakeskin to walk around Tang En, as if no one could see the lower half of your horse.

Then his face darkened, and he pressed the public channel through gritted teeth.

"Damn, what I hate the most in my life is your pretending to be a perpetrator, you know that!"

"Oh? Isn't the legendary undead me, Archid? Who are you!? Sign up and I won't kill the ring finger."

Dunn sneered in the cab.

"Me? I'm your uncle."


This Xin, Hyuga, Xia Yingge, the half-brother of Archid, burst into rage and suddenly activated the Golden Horseman!

Dunn squinted his eyes, this Alexander should be two generations behind in terms of the machine when facing the adults. The opponent's machine is obviously the sixth-generation machine, and the EU is dedicated to the jungle, wetland, and shoal. The fighting group Alexander is also Just the fifth generation to the fifth generation and a half.

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