This decision made everyone stunned.

Who doesn't know that ZERO's mecha control is just a piece of shit, how could it be possible to agree to a duel as the empire's pioneer Gilford.

However, when the duel began, everyone understood.

Dunn's villa.

"This... this is lifting the floor? Why is it lifting the floor again?"

Layla was dumbfounded.

A few days ago, he just saw ZERO's big move, lift the floor, and the building can be lifted, but he didn't expect that this time it was a counter-use of the concession structure.

With her righteous little brain, she could never think of Lelouch's floor-lifting skills. Besides... Lelouch's floor-lifting this time is based on Grass's ability. Layla's Grass ability is called Grass. Fragments bring hope and redemption to people. They can relieve Grass and even reverse time in a certain space.

But if it is said to control people, this may be difficult, and it is not the same type.

So Lelouch's tactics, Layla can't learn.

If the shovel of the forklift directly detained the army of the Britannia Empire on the land of the Chinese Federal Consulate General.

This also means that Britannia has stepped into the territory of the Celestial Empire. On this territory, they have no law enforcement and political rights!

Or to put it bluntly, as long as they are above this territory, they have no reason to fire!

When this scene happened, Karen led the remnants of the cloth armor, and immediately rushed up in the red lotus second style.

The Britannia troops, who were killed by the floor lift themselves, were washed into a piece of loose sand without even rearranging their formation.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and rescue General Toutang and the others!"


With the success of ZERO's tactics, the people of the Black Knights instantly became excited!

"As expected of ZERO! It's really amazing! It turned out to be the reason for the structure of the concession."

Xing Ke stood on the tower and watched this scene.

Why Lelouch and the Black Knights can defeat dozens of Britannia machines in total with six machines, that's because... one of the Britannia machines was occupied by Lolo.

Under the BUG of Luo Luo's suspending physical time, killing these enemies is as simple as killing chickens and dogs.

"Drip drip..."

Just after the battle, Lolo's phone turned up, picked it up, and it turned out to be... Veretta!

"This... Is Veretta-sensei starting to doubt. Impossible!"

"...Hey, is that Veretta-sensei?"

"It's me, Lolo, where are you and Lelouch now."

"Ah... we are both in the commercial street, what's wrong, teacher!"

"Uh, it's alright. Come back soon, too."


Veretta put down the phone in doubt, looked at the battle just now, and looked at the screen under surveillance. She always felt a sense of disobedience, but she couldn't find where the sense of disobedience was.

The entire Imperial Intelligence Bureau was controlled by Grass, and even Lolo fell to Lelouch. She was deceived by everyone alone. Even if there was a sense of disobedience, how could she have noticed it?

When all the people in the world are lying to you, then this must be true!

Or... a hypocritical world is more appropriate.

Dunn's villa.

Seeing the simple victory of the Black Knights, all the girls were a little surprised.

"Should you say it's Lelouch, you just help him get rid of the bottleneck of Luoluo, and then he will be like a duck to water."

Dunn didn't answer, but walked to the bed and looked in the direction of North America.

"Did you... forget someone!?"

"Huh? You mean..."

Mi Lei, Charlie, CC also thought of something.

Only Layla remained in the dark.

"What did you think of?"

"Tsk tsk, Lu Luxiu's fateful opponent... may have to come back, after all... ZERO has appeared again."

"Did you mean..."

"That's right, Lelouch's best friend, the man named Shumu Suzaku."

Dunn expected well.

After Suzaku finished dealing with the EU front, he asked the emperor again and returned to District 11.


The next day.

Dunn, Charlie, and Layla were carrying their schoolbags, chatting while walking on the corridor towards the classroom.

"Hey Tangen, when do you think Suzaku will come back? It's really exciting to think about the meeting between Lelouch and Suzaku."

Seeing Xia Li's curious baby appearance, Tang En clutched his forehead in pain......

These women really shouldn't be told these things, their curiosity is too heavy!

Before going to bed last night, they were still guessing what kind of sparks would happen if Suzaku and Lelouch met.

Do you still need to think about it? Of course, it is the actor's skill that leans over and can act as he can.

"Ring bell bell."

The school bell rings.

Veretta stood in class on time.

You heard that right, now the head teacher of Dunn's class is Veretta.

"Today I will introduce you to a transfer student."

"Hey, hey, it's a transfer student again, and this time it should be a beauty too."

"Cut, she's not as beautiful as Leila! Think of how many flies were circling her every day when Leila transferred to another school! That's the new goddess of our school! It's a pity..."

"Unfortunately... Damn bastard Dunn! It's not enough to take down my goddess Xia Li, goddess Mi Lei! I took down my goddess Layla again! Nima, this is a real dog! Why?"

"Don't say it, I also have [-] reasons for Tang En in my heart! Because Mao is so popular with beautiful women!"

Tang En was a little puzzled, even if Suzaku transferred to another school today, shouldn't they all look at me?Moreover... the deep malice in that line of sight even Tang En shivered suddenly.

Sitting next to him, Leila, who was originally in Karen's position, turned her head and glanced at Tang En, with a half-smiley look in her eyes, which made Tang En understand what was going on!

Then, like a arrogant peacock, he raised his chest and looked at the male classmates.

It seems that I will say it again, this is how I hang, otherwise you can do it!A bunch of losers!

"Dan? What's your posture!?"

Dunn was enjoying the envy from all directions, but Veretta poured him a basin of cold water to wake him up.

"Uh... nothing."

"I thought you had a second-year illness again."


Both Charlie and Layla laughed out loud, and even Lelouch couldn't help but look sideways.

"Okay, come in by yourself."

The moment Suzaku walked into the classroom, the entire classroom instantly became quiet, and everyone looked at Suzaku with incredible eyes!

They know that Suzaku is now the highest knight directly under the empire, the seventh knight among the twelve knights of the round table!

Chapter [-] I will watch quietly

From the moment Suzaku walked in from the classroom, the attention of the teachers who had been attracted by Tang En's cuteness was instantly diverted.

Everyone, whether it was a boy or a girl, stared blankly at the familiar face.

Even if the students who had been in contact with Lelouch and Nanali were constructed by the emperor to have false memories, that only excluded Nanali, and naturally Suzaku was not included.

Besides, where is this place?This is Ashford Academy!The students here are all Britannia! (Of course Dunn does not count)

Naturally, they are very knowledgeable about the imperial family and power structures of the empire!

Well, if Suzaku, the newly promoted seventh knight of the Round Table, if you don't know him, then it's impossible to say!

"My Cao... Isn't this Suzaku, why did he come back to study again! This Nima... isn't it right?"

"Yeah, Suzaku is now a Knight of the Round Table that only belongs to His Majesty the Emperor... It's a bit strange to have returned to Area 11."

"Idiot, don't you know that Suzaku was the hero who caught ZERO? Now that ZERO has appeared again, Suzaku will definitely come back! Besides, have you forgotten Suzaku's identity? He is from District 11."

The students were discussing in different ways below, and Suzaku, who was standing quietly on the stage, really didn't care.

After all, it's just a small scene.

Moreover, when he stood on the podium, he also found that... it seems that he doesn't know any of these students anymore. How many people do he know?This made him a little puzzled.

After taking a glance, the only people he knew in the entire classroom were the original student council members, Dunn, Livar, Charlie, Lelouch, and Lolo.

As for Layla, Suzaku didn't even know him.But it also includes Mi Lei from other classes.

Tang En put away the performance of the second middle school, and looked at Lu Luxiu, who was stunned, and Suzaku, who responded to Lu Luxiu with his see-through eyes, which made him a little funny.

Both are talented actors.

After a while, the class gradually quieted down, and only then did Suzaku speak:

"I am Shumu Suzaku, who has returned to Ashford Academy from today. Please give me more advice."

After Suzaku introduced himself, the students who had not seen Suzaku started talking again.

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