The mysterious machine on the opposite side seemed to know their chat records, and immediately saw that the unicorn put the terrifying sniper rifle in his left hand on his shoulder, and raised his right hand to the opposite machines and hooked his fingers.

This scene was watched by the people of the Black Knights and the people on the Avalon flagship below who were getting dressed.

"Ahhhhh! It's unforgivable!!! You dare to provoke my child!!"

Lloyd is going crazy!

"Unforgivable! Suzaku give me some seriousness!"

"Lord Lloyd, I will try my best! Gino, Ania, Kilford!"


"Shut! Boom!!!!!!!"

The next moment, the four machines suddenly accelerated, and immediately launched an attack on the unicorn!

Seeing the four people's constantly changing assault routes, Cornelia smiled.

"Good judgment, I know that I have powerful long-range attack methods, but... this is not enough, knights!"

I saw that under the control of Cornelia, the unicorn slammed into a standing posture of a cross, and then, the six wings of light behind it suddenly exploded!A large number of particles are gathered around, and then...

The entire body of the unicorn suddenly flashed!

The large lightsaber slammed into the four units on the opposite side like a thousand arrows!

At this moment, Lloyd and Lakshatta, who was also concerned about unicorns, were stunned.

"...How can such a powerful attack become a wide area? What a joke!"

Not only that, this is not the kind of wide-area attack in this world that is not accurate enough to aim at random!It is locked with the terrifying guidance technology and magic of the unicorn!

But Cornelia didn't go too far, just using 10% precision.But it was this 10% accuracy that directly blew her original knight, Kilford!

"I can't do it anymore, it's up to the three of you!"

Kielford pulled the escape pod after saying that!

In the final analysis, it is not that his strength is not enough, but that the body is too far behind.

Even if it is to copy Lancelot, it is only 70%!


Suzaku gritted his teeth and kept avoiding the ferocious attack from the unicorn in the air!

Ania opened her eyes slightly!

"What's going on with this machine!"

Cold sweat also broke out on Gino's forehead.

"Not only is the body powerful, but the pilot is also terrifying! Where the hell is this monster coming from!"

Under Cornelia's tricks, the three of them got farther and farther away from the unicorn, not to mention getting close!

"It can't be like this, we are divided into three groups!"

"Ania covers, I and Gino fight in close quarters!"


The three of them retreated at the same time, and then Gino and Lanzolot made a huge arc maneuver, and then headed towards the sky!Kill the unicorn fast!

At the same time, Ania also deformed Mordred, and the huge hadron gun barrel also locked the terrifying body in the sky!

Cornelia's mouth twitched.

"Oh? Very calm, this time the tactical use is barely passable, but it's not enough!"

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