Tang En stood in an alley, put on a civilian kimono, adjusted his hair, and walked out.

Xiao Nan wore a coat with red clouds on a black background. Although the coat covered the upper body, the slits of the lower body always revealed the looming fair and straight legs.

At this time, Xiao Nan didn't have lip studs, she was a natural beauty.

Tang En carefully looked at her who was picking vegetables at the roadside stall for a while, and walked over with a slight smile.

Xiao Nan was carefully selecting vegetables, but did not notice Tang En behind him.

Dunn raised his hand and patted her weak shoulder.

Xiao Nan was taken aback!Who is this!No breath at all.

He frowned and looked back, suddenly startled.

"It's you?"

Tang En grinned and gave Xiao Nan a sunny smile and nodded.

"Why, do you still remember me? This is the third time we meet, right? Maybe the second time."

Xiao Nan turned around, raised his head slightly, and looked directly into Tang En's eyes.

"What are you doing here? According to our information, you should live in Konoha, right?"

Dunn shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently:

"I went out to do some things, and there were some small mistakes in the middle. I came here by accident, and then I met you! I have to say that we are very destined!"

Saying that, he raised his hand, lifted Xiao Nan's chin, and looked at her beautiful eyes.

Xiao Nan frowned, and did not resist Tang En's frivolous movements. He opened his cherry lips and said softly:

"Stop talking, what can go wrong with your strength? You don't need such a stupid excuse to lie, don't you think I'm the kind of girl with big breasts and no brains?"

Tang En's face turned red, so embarrassed.Still answer:

"Ahem, I didn't make any excuses. Something really went wrong. What, the coordinates were skewed when the space was transferred, so it's not spread here."

Hearing this, Xiao Nan rolled his eyes.

In fact, in Xiaonan's mind, there has always been the shadow of Tang En. When he was a child, that is, during the second ninja war, he secretly watched the figure of Tang En's great power at that time, and he admired it very much!

What girl doesn't like a hero who can protect her?

At that time, she really wanted to go out and call Dunn, but she still didn't have the courage in the end.

With this in mind, the export asks:

"Then what do you mean by this action now? You have to know that I am a mercenary now."

The corners of Tang En's mouth twitched, staring at her beautiful face, and asked:

"Xiao Nan, have you ever thought that one day you will be able to live a leisurely life? No need for tasks, no need for survival, no need for purposes. Just do your duty as a woman and wife?"

"Now you, for Akatsuki's organization, is it worth it? Is it Yahiko or Nagato?"

Hearing Yahiko's name, Xiaonan's face sank.

Holy crap, it's not good to roll over.

"What do you mean? I joined the Akatsuki organization of my own free will! What's more, with your abilities, wouldn't you not know what Nagato looks like now? He still needs me to take care of him."

Hearing this, Dunn smiled and shook his head.

"Xiao Nan, do you know the real purpose of the organization? Do you know what you are doing now?"

Xiao Nan was suddenly stunned by Tang En's question?For what purpose, of course, for peace?

"Come on, let's sit down and have a good chat."

Saying that, he put down Xiao Nan's chin and suddenly took her little hand.

Xiao Nan was startled by Tang En's action, and the next moment his face turned red.He pulled his hand hard, but he couldn't struggle out of Tang En's generous hand.

Tang En turned his head to Xiao Nan with a teasing smile, making her even more shy.

The space was slightly rippling, and the two figures disappeared from the street without a trace.

When Xiao Nan opened his eyes again, what entered his eyes was a magical world!

A beautiful large courtyard surrounded by beautiful forests, from which came the sound of running water.

Looking out, you can vaguely see that it is a small waterfall, rushing into the lake below, and then a small stream flows into the depths of the forest.

He raised his head slightly and asked Dunn.

"Where is this? Why did you bring me here?"

Only then did Tang En let go of Xiao Nan's soft and smooth little hand and explained to her:

"This is my world, well, it's my secret!"

"Che, what's there to be proud of."

Don't pay any attention to Tang En, turned around and walked towards the wooden house in the yard.

Dunn grinned and followed.

Turning their eyes, the two sat on the tatami in the wooden house, and Xiao Nan knelt down facing Tang En.It can be seen that although Xiaonan suffered a lot in his youth, the etiquette was still in place.

Dunn made a cup of tea for her and put it aside before sitting down casually.

"I said Xiaonan, what do you think of this place?"

She pondered for a while, and replied in a low voice:

"Beautiful and peaceful."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too. Stay away from war and strife, and live here forever. If you're tired of staying there, you can go out and take risks or something? How is this kind of life?"

"Needless to say, of course it's good. But do you think this kind of world really exists? You should know better than me what the current ninja world looks like, right?"

"Let's not talk about other places, Konoha where you live, just after the third ninja world was over, it was attacked by the nine tails again, and then the Uchiha family was exterminated. You say, why?"

"Well, Xiao Nan, shall I tell you a story!?"

Xiao Nan was stunned, what is this man doing?How do you remember telling a story?

Without waiting for Xiao Nan to answer, Tang En spoke slowly in a magnetic voice.

"A long, long time ago, there was a tree on the earth. There was delicious fruit on the tree. Humans wanted to eat the fruit, but because of feudal superstition they were afraid to eat the fruit. So the tree and the fruit remained intact for thousands of years. But there is a Because of her special status, the princess ate the fruit without fear, and the princess gained the power of great magic and became the god of this continent. But it didn't take long for the princess to go crazy. As for why she went crazy , Since she is past the age of second year, I suspect it may be menopause."

Xiao Nan raised his brows when he heard this... What is this?

Dunn did not stop and continued to say:

"After she went mad, the princess started brainwashing through pyramid schemes on the road to turn humans into puppets who obeyed her own words. Such evil behavior naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of her two kind sons, the God of Creation and the brother of the God of Creation. , so on a night when I don't know if it was a dark moon and a high night, the brothers of the gods of creation jointly sealed their mother's will and the pets produced by the combination of her mother and the god tree."

Chapter [-]: God Wheel Realm

They did not expect that before the hibernation, the mother gave birth to a younger brother of the God of Creation, which paved the way for the disputes of later generations.

After the seal was successful, his younger brother, the second son of the God of Creation, built the moon and the pet's shell and moved it to live there.

As the eldest son, the God of Creation is responsible for the souls who stayed on earth to keep pets.

But it didn't take long for the God of Creation to die at an advanced age!So when he was dying, the God of Creation was afraid that the fury of pets could not be controlled by mortals, so he divided the souls of pets into nine points and threw them to the people who would raise them next.

Speaking of this, Xiao Nan understands a little bit. The nine pets of the gods are obviously tailed beasts!

Xiao Nan blushed, puffed out his cheeks, and said angrily:

"Can you tell the story well, what do you mean by yin and yang?!"

Dunn took a sip of tea.

"Well, is there a sense of substitution in this way? If I talk too seriously, what if you don't like listening to it! But you're pretty cute now, and you're finally a bit feminine!"

After speaking, he didn't forget to adjust XI to Xiao Nan, raised his hand and pinched her cheek.

"Hmph, it's no wonder you have two wives, so many of you are deceived by rhetoric!"

Xiao Nan didn't take Tang En's trick at all, knocked off Tang En's hand, and said to him dissatisfied.

Dunn was overjoyed!There is indeed a play!

Suddenly, Tang En sat beside Xiao Nan, put his hands around her shoulders gently, and looked directly into her eyes.

In Zai Xiaonan's doubtful eyes, he suddenly kissed him!


Xiao Nan instantly widened his eyes and looked at him blankly.

Before he could react, Zhi felt that a gentle SHE head pried open his teeth and messed up in his mouth!

After a while, she was entangled with her soft NEN incense SHE!


It was too late for Xiao Nan to struggle at this time. She only felt powerless all over her body, and the strong arms that clung to the back of her head and shoulders.

He had no choice but to tap Tang En's chest lightly with that weak little fist.Kill you, big rascal!

After a while, Xiao Nan felt soft all over, her face flushed red, and she was really good-looking.

After a while, the two people slowly separated, and at the same time pulled out a long transparent silk thread...

Seeing that, Xiao Nan couldn't help being shy anymore, and lowered his head in confusion, not daring to look at Tang En.

It's over, will he think I'm a frivolous woman!

The first step was successful, and immediately entered the second step. Tang En directly hugged Xiao Nan's willow waist and let him ride on his waist.

"Xiao Nan, don't think too much. When I was a child, I wanted to bring you back to Konoha, but after thinking about the situation at the time, I wasn't strong enough to bring people from other villages back, so I feel wronged."

"But it's different now. With my current situation, I can go anywhere in the world. Can you follow me!?"

"What about Nagato?"

Xiao Nan was still hesitant. After all, he was a childhood friend and needed his care.

"It seems that you still don't understand Nagato's heart. His heart is full of darkness, and at the same time, you don't know the real purpose of your organization. Do you know what Nagato is going to do? Only let him really see through this. The world, he will understand what is the most precious!"

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