"Okay, okay..."

"Yo, you two are back? It seems that you have successfully broken through?"

Jiuchinai gave him a roll of eyes behind Dunn's back.

"Well, it went well! It feels like the whole person has become amazing after the breakthrough."

"It's normal. At our level, it's already beyond the world, breaking through the restrictions of the rules. After all, you also have my power in you."

"The next step is to help Xiao Nan improve her strength. Her current strength is not enough to protect herself in this world. What's your choice, Xiao Nan!?"

Xiao Nan was stunned when he heard this.What does it mean?

"Well, it's just to help you evolve your bloodline. As a Kaihang family, cough, as my wife, of course, your strength can't be too bad. Well, you need to lay the foundation first. This is the concept we use at home, Da Ri. Look at the idea, you first improve your mental power, and then I will help you transform your bloodline. Your secret technique is very special, after adding my bloodline, it must be even bigger! "

With that said, Tang En explained the concept and the path that Xiao Nan would take next to her clearly, which would make him avoid many detours.

With Xiaonan's current shadow-level strength, although it is strong enough in the eyes of the public, it is obviously no big deal in the ninja world where blood is supreme!

After more than 10 years, when the Fourth Ninja World War begins, without a special bloodline, would you be embarrassed to go out and be embarrassed?Stop it!

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Seeing Xiao Nan agree, several people looked at each other and smiled.

In the evening, the four young apprentices returned home from the store, and Hinata also left school.

Mikoto cooked a large table of dishes today, and Tang En introduced their new wife to several people.

Everyone looked at Xiao Nan curiously, asking this and that, very curious!

At this time, Tang En asked Hinata, how was your school today?

"Brother Tang En, the tail of the crane in the class is playing a prank again! And Sasuke Uchiha, has something happened recently? He makes me feel so indifferent, so scary..."

Tang En reached out and touched Hinata's head and replied:

"Uh, the two of them... tsk tsk, not ordinary people."

Chapter [-] Uzumaki Naruto

Time flies, time flies.In the blink of an eye, Xiao Nan has lived in Tang En's house for four years.

In the fifty-ninth year of Konoha, Yuyin Village.

In a damp and dark room, six Payne's body, Vortex Nagato sat on a special device, his head bowed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Since the battle with Kushina Mikoto that year, the Akatsuki organization has been particularly low-key.What they've been doing: getting commissions, acting as mercenaries, and amassing a lot of money.

At the same time, although Xiao Nan's inexplicable betrayal made the rest of the organization very annoyed, he learned from the news that she was actually next to that terrifying person, so people were silent again.

Fortunately, several new partners have been recruited in the organization in a few years.

Now, in the entire organization, except for Xiao Nan, everyone finally gathered.

Akatsuki's Ten Rebellions:

Six Payne, code-named Zero 'Zero Burial'.represents peace.

Deidara, code-named Qing 'Qinglong'.represent art.

Absolutely, code-named Xuan 'Xuanwu'.represents domination.

Uchiha Itachi, codenamed Zhu 'Suzaku'.Represents affection.

Dried persimmon ghost shark, code-named 'Nandou'.represents strength.

Jiaodu, code-named North 'Beidou'.represents life.

Flying section, code-named three 'three sets'.represent religion.

The scorpion of red sand, code-named Jade 'Jade Girl'.represents childhood.

Then next, the meaning of the ring title is empty 'empty Chen', it is friendship!This ring originally belonged to Orochimaru.But Uncle Snake has now defected to the Xiao organization and established Yinyin Village in Tianzhiguo.

There are 10 left in 8 people, then Ah Fei is about to debut in advance.

In the secret room, the space began to distort. It was none other than Uchiha Obito disguised as Uchiha Madara.

"Nagato, our organization's funds have almost accumulated, and we can start the second step of the plan!"

"I see! Let me, the god, come and make the world suffer! Then they will wake up to how stupid they are now!"

Behind the swirl mask, the flickering coquettish writing wheel eyes stared at Nagato.Then reminded:

"Now is not the time to fight Konoha, stay away from that person."

"I don't need you to tell me. Humph!"

Obito did not refute it, and then disappeared.

Woodleaf Village, the big house of Dunn's family.

Dunn and his three wives were busy preparing for today's breakfast, and they had to set up a stall after eating!

Since Xiaonan got used to her current life, she feels very comfortable, and the smile on her face is getting more and more every day!

At the same time, the strength has also been greatly improved.

Through his own blood, Tang En helped Xiao Nan transform his physique.

Now, her physique is that of an immortal, but it is a little different.

Because Xiao Nan also practiced the idea of ​​the Great Sun View, combined with his own secret technique, a new escape technique appeared inexplicably.

The whole person now looks more like an angel!So what are the characteristics of angels?

Yes, it is light.

Xiaonan's light escape is not an ordinary light escape, but full of holiness, with the power to burn and purify!Or it would be more appropriate to call punishment.

When Xiao Nan practiced the idea of ​​the Great Sun, he started to slowly improve himself based on the stellar sun in the center of the galaxy in his brain. Naturally, the mental attributes in his body changed.

The idea of ​​​​the Great Sun View endowed Xiaonan with spiritual energy full of light attributes, and after being transformed by Tang En's blood, there was a trace of noble purple gold flowing slowly in his body energy.

Light Escape, completely independent of all attributes, Escape Technique, extremely powerful!

When the change happened at that time, not only Xiao Nan himself was stunned, but even Tang Enjiu Xinna Mikoto was very stunned.None of them thought this would happen!

But after that, I was really happy for Xiaonan!

Light attribute, this is an attribute with infinite potential!The first thing Tang En thought of was that wretched uncle!

In the following years, Xiao Nan continued to practice under Tang En's teaching, and his strength increased rapidly!

Just a few days ago, Tang En helped Xiao Nan complete the leap-forward improvement in strength, and transplanted the pair of Tenseigans from Shichen Otsutsuki to Xiao Nan!

Well, Tang En first used his chakra to assimilate the pair of eyes, so that the pair of pupils contained his own bloodline, and then used the analytical ability of the Ten Realms Samsara Eye to optimize the ability and decompose it at the same time!

Inject your own chakra, add the power of the six paths, and finally make up!

In this way, a new pair of Tenseigans appeared!

The pupils are golden, and one of the purple-blue petal patterns slowly flows in the middle, which is mysterious and unusual!

This is Xiao Nanxin's eye, and Tang En named it Divine Tenseigan...

Reincarnation is originally an angel's characteristic, which is exactly in line with Xiaonan's holy light attribute!And whether it's the pupils or Xiaonan, there is Tang En's external bloodline, so the fit is needless to say.

"Dang En, you said that today's mischievous kid will paint the shops in the street again? I heard that the neighbors have a lot of headaches recently."

"Whatever, just smear the quilt, we just clean it up, it doesn't take much effort! This is not the first time."

Tang En took a bite of the dish and said inarticulately while chewing.

"Hey, my dear, why do you think this is not at all like Minato and Ling's personalities? The two of them weren't so mischievous when they were young, they are both good students!"

At this time, Xiaonan asked:

"Are you talking about the nine-tailed man Zhuli? It's very naughty."

"That's right, it's him. I said Dunn, do you know something?"

"Uh, what can I know, anyway, you don't have to worry about that kid. We don't have to worry about Minato and Ling."

"Cut, mysteriously."

After the family had breakfast, they headed to the leisurely ramen shop.

Hinata is graduating soon and has been going to school by herself recently!In her words, I have grown up!No need to send it, that's a shame.

Uh, Dunn had to follow her.This temper is really...

On the other side, Junma Lu, Xianglin, Bai, and Quan did not go with the Tang En family, but went to the back mountain of the compound to start their daily practice. 1.4

This is also Dunn's request for them!

After all, the world is getting more and more dangerous.

Although Konoha still looks so laid back.

When they came to the door of the store, the four of them were quite speechless, listening to the complaints of the neighbors on the street, looking at the colorful paint on the door of their store, and smiling bitterly.

"You won't let the three of us do the work, will you? It's over to you, my dear! The kitchen still needs us!"

Dunn shrugged.

In order to clean up the paint, Tang En took a bucket, stood on the stool and wiped the mop all morning, and finally cleaned his shop door.

After packing up the housework, when Tang En was about to return to the store, he looked at the street and was stunned.

Isn't this the prince!

Chapter [-] Graduation Season

Tang En rolled his eyes and grinned!

"Hey, it's Naruto? Why, didn't you go to school well today? How good is it to learn from our Hinata? Why do you always skip class?"

Naruto raised his head in surprise when he heard someone calling him.

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