"That bastard named Kado is really hateful. For his own selfishness, he made the entire country of Wave cut off from the outside world for a long time. Teacher Kakashi, let's help Uncle Dazna!"

Naruto was also resentful for Dazner. !

"Old man, don't worry, we will definitely help you kill that bastard Cardo! The bridge will be repaired!"

And Sasuke, like Junmalu and the others, watched quietly, still with that poker face, and didn't make a statement.

Teenagers in adolescence like Naruto have a kind of heroic plot, defeating the devil, saving the weak, and becoming a hero.

So Sakura and Naruto, Keke, directly substituted themselves into it and began to fantasize.

But at this moment 25, a cold voice came from behind.

"Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, pack up and prepare to go back to the village."




The six eyes of the three people looked at Kakashi who made the sound at the same time.

The impatient Naruto hurriedly said:

"Why, Kakashi-sensei? Are we going to give up this mission? Didn't you hear what Uncle Dazna said just now? If we give up the mission, he will die!"

Kakashi stood with Junmarou and the others, and nodded when he heard Naruto's words.

"I heard it, but what does that have to do with us? Someday the whole ninja world is not dying?"

"What do you mean?"

Naruto was puzzled.

"Dazna deliberately hides this mission, then he should know the consequences, sorry, your mission is at least a B-level, or even a higher-level mission, not to mention the money we collect, but also with Junmalu The team is evenly divided, and it is said that the difficulty of the task is not something we can deal with! So, please go back, Mr. Dazner."

"By the way, according to the rules in the village, you are suspected of fraud, so the task money cannot be refunded."

Said, ignoring Naruto Sakura, turned around and walked towards Konoha Village with the Junma Lu team.

At this time, Naruto was not happy, and suddenly became angry!

"Kakashi-sensei, besides the reason just now, what reason do you have for rejecting Mr. Dazna! Why!"

Kakashi paused, turned his head and sighed.

"Naruto, our Konoha Village is a ninja organization, not a charity organization. Since there are rules in the village, they can't be broken. That's the reason. Besides, have you ever thought that lying about the mission level might kill the ninjas? Right? If this hole is opened and other people lie about their quest levels, then the quest system in our village will be chaotic. Have you ever thought about this?"

Naruto was stunned, it was impossible for his simple brain to imagine the mystery.

Unexpectedly, there are so many problems here.

At this time, Hinata said:

"Teacher Kakashi, let's help this time. It's not an example. Anyway, there are nine of us, and we should be able to complete this task, what do you think!"

Kakashi turned his head to look at Hinata, and then swept away Junmalu, Shiro, Izumi, and Xianglin.

At this time Naruto jumped out again!

"That's right, Kakashi-sensei! We have two teams this time! Well, besides, I believe my father will forgive us this time too!"

Speaking of which, Minato still cares about his son. After all, it was he who asked for the Nine Tails to be sealed in Naruto.Mischief or something, he also endured it.Although Ling always complained when she got home, she only smiled bitterly.

But he believes that his son must be better than himself!That's what Dunn told him at the time.

I really don't know if Dunn has the potential to be a magician.

Kakashi thought for a while, glanced at Dazna on his knees, and weighed the pros and cons. Since it was his first overseas mission, it should be regarded as a trial.

"Then, well, it's not an example this time, your father is Hokage, but you can't break the rules, you know Naruto!"

"Yeah, long live Kakashi-sensei!"

With a smile on Naruto's face, he shouted!

Uchiha Izumi and Vortex Xianglin smiled at Hinata, gave Hinata a thumbs up, and made Hinada blush all at once...

Quan giggled.

"Hinata is still so shy, have fun!"

Fragrant also smiled.

At this time, Junmalu said:

"Let's go, we'll keep up, maybe there will be surprises in this mission."

Several others also nodded and followed in the footsteps of Kakashi's team.

the next day.

The two teams got on the boat at the junction of the land of fire and the land of waves.

Because the bridge has not been repaired, we have to use this method.

The fog is still quite thick, after all, it is an island country.

When the group set foot on the land of the country of waves, they were relieved.

After all, the mission time this time is quite long, especially for them who are on the mission for the first time.

"Everyone has worked hard. When you arrive at my house in a while, I will treat you well!"

"I just want you to fix the bridge quickly, we..."

It's not over yet, Mutation!

Whoosh! ! !

A high-speed rotating broadsword flew across the sky!

Kakashi and the members of the Kimmaro team stared at the same time.

Naruto Sakura Sasuke, who realized it later, reacted slightly slower than the others.

But they still escaped!

The speed of the 907 broadsword remains unabated!In an instant, he disappeared into the woods in the distance, and remembered the sound of clattering.

At this time, suddenly, a dark shadow appeared strangely in everyone's field of vision.

With the blade on his back, there is no other covering on his upper body except his arms, and his face is casually wrapped with bandages, which is similar to Kakashi's mask.

And on the forehead, there is the forehead guard of Mist Ninja Village!

Kakashi's eyes narrowed.

"Oh, it seems that the level of this mission is going to be raised again, it's really unfortunate."

With that in mind, Kakashi walked out from behind the tree with ease.

"Oh, isn't this one of the seven who escaped from Wuyin Village, Momochi will not be cut again?"

Sakura Naruto in the back was puzzled when he heard it.

"Fugitive ninja? Seven people with ninja swords?"

Standing there, Taodi Zaibuzhan said in a low voice:

"I didn't expect that in a small place like the Land of Waves, I was lucky enough to meet Konoha's famous copy ninja, Kakashi Sharingyan!? It seems that my mission this time is a bit troublesome, I want to ask, Kaka Xi, can you give me the old man behind you? This is my task."

Kakashi smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Sorry, your mission is him, and we also have an escort mission. Sorry!"

"Does that mean there's no need to talk?"

"Guess what?"

Soon, the two confirmed their hostile relationship!

Chapter [-] Is there a helper?

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere instantly solidified, and the air was filled with a chilling breath!

Dazna shivered with fright!

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke also set up their formations, staring at Taodi seriously and not slashing.

What is puzzling is that everyone in Junmalu's team did not show the nervousness that should be expected in the first mission, and at the same time faced a high-level elite Junin, they didn't even care.

But Taodi has no time to pay attention to these children. The only thing that poses a huge threat to him is the copy ninja Kakashi Hatake in front of him!

But there is one person among them, who is not thinking about not cutting Taodi again, that is Sasuke Uchiha.

My heart flickered rapidly.

"What did he say just now? Kakashi Sharonyan? How is this possible! Apart from our Uchiha clan, how could Sharonyan appear on a foreigner!?"

Just when he was thinking about various things, Kakashi in front of him gently pushed his forehead up, and his hidden left eye suddenly appeared!

The next moment, Sasuke saw a long scar running through his eyes. As Kakashi's left eye slowly opened, a scarlet writing wheel slowly emerged, and a strange, cold and evil Chakra slowly emerged from it. Distributed slowly.

At the same time, Sasuke noticed that Kakashi's writing wheel was not ordinary, it turned out to be a three-gou jade!

"Haha, I didn't expect to see the legendary Sharinyan so soon. It seems that you still take me seriously."

No longer tilted his head, mocking each other.

At this time, there was a thick fog rising from nowhere, and it was getting thicker and thicker.

Soon, there are five fingers out of sight.

Kakashi was not provoked and replied calmly:

"Faced with an enemy of similar strength to myself, I will never take it lightly. The word underestimating an enemy has never appeared to me!"

As he said that, his eyes were still staring unblinkingly.

Do not cut answer:

"When I was in the Anbu of Kirin, I had your information in the accompanying manual. They called you: a dangerous ninja who copied thousands of ninjutsu. I didn't expect that I didn't meet you before, but now I do. Arrived? Hmph, just let me weigh it, do you really deserve this kind of evaluation!"

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