"Hey, Kaguya's kid, let's fight next time!"

Junmalu, Izumi, and Shiro stood there without stopping them from leaving, just watching them disappear into the forest.

"Jun Malu, are they the Xiao organization that the teacher said?"

"Looking at the clothes, it should be like this. I have to report this matter to the teacher when I go back."


A few people were idle, and Kakashi and Zaibuzhan on the other side entered the final battle!



"Cough cough, as expected of Konoha's copy ninja Hatake Kakashi, I'm convinced that I lost. And this technique, is it the legendary Rachel who can cut lightning."

"That's right!"

"It doesn't matter if you die under this move, ha. Cough, haha!"

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief before he left.

Looking sadly at the dead body.

This is the ninja, everyone fights each other for the mission, this world... when will it end?

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke also slowly recovered at this time.

Looking at Junma Lu and the others with complicated expressions, only they themselves know what they are thinking!

But looking at Sasuke Uchiha's expression, it was obvious that he was hit hard.

Kakashi stood up at this time, covered his left eye with his forehead guard, and exhaled.

The actual situation of the mission exceeded expectations, but fortunately another team is strong, otherwise...

He walked to Junma Lu and the others.

"Thank you!"

"It's nothing, this is what we should do, after all, two teams carry out the task together!"

"Well, that's true, then we have to stay here for a few days. After the bridge here is built, we can return to Konoha!"

"You are the captain, and we follow your orders."

Kakashi shrugged.

At this time, Xianglin spoke.

"Kunmaru, that bastard named Cardo is gone!"

"It's ok……"

However, they didn't know that Cardo was now kneeling on the ground with a look of horror, turning over something in his arms tremblingly.

"Fatty, can you hurry up? Find something so ink!"

"Big, my lord, I found it! Here, this is all my belongings!"

The figure known as an adult reached out and grabbed the silver notes, counted them, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, let's go."

"Thank you, thank you sir!!!"

Saying that, Cardo got up from the ground and ran!


In the next instant, a shuriken pierced through their vests.

"Bah, it's a scourge to let someone like you live, I'll accept you!"

After he finished speaking, he flicked the red hair behind his head and said cheerfully.

"Let's go back, their mission has also been completed, if you let them know that we are secretly following, you shouldn't be happy, especially that kid Junmalu, who is calm and immortal on the surface, but is actually very arrogant inside. !"

With that said, the space trembled slightly, and the three mysterious people slowly disappeared into the forest.

The next day.

The Kakashi team and the Junmarou team were supervising the project by the bridge, and by the way, they started training for Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto.

On the other side, Konoha Village, the Tang En family mansion.

"Yo, husband, we're back! Have you been working hard?"

Before Kushina entered the yard, she shouted.

Dunn, who was smoking a smouldering cigarette on the tatami in the main house, heard the shouting, and he was very excited!

Hey, the sky is just right, the sun is setting in the west, it is the time for atmosphere!

"Oh!! Wives, I want to kill you all on 3.4! You don't know, I have to watch the store these days, I'm bored to death! I need comfort!"

At this time, Kushina, Mikoto, and Xiao Nan pushed open the door and walked in.

Seeing Tang En's appearance, he burst out laughing.

The kimono was sloppy on the body, lying there in a large font, with a pair of eyes staring at them with wolf light!

The three girls groaned in their hearts, secretly shouting that it was not good!

"Hey, I want to run, but there's no way! Come, come, let's play a LONG play Sanfeng today! Wow, haha, um, let's have a big-scale one today, how about this!"

Tang En ignored the shy three girls, and glanced back and forth on their proud bodies with shining eyes.

The next moment, he jumped up suddenly!




"I hate you~"

Chapter [-] The prosperous Konoha Village

Luohong has not completely turned into spring mud, but Pomegranate has already smiled.What followed was the first cicada chirping that had disappeared for a long time.

Hot summer, sultry and boring.

On the lakeside beside the Tang En family mansion, Tang En and the three daughters walked leisurely along the cool and cool stone road by the lake, feeling a refreshing coolness.The willows by the lake smiled sweetly, and the green silk sash hung down into the sparkling mirror.From time to time, the little fish floated to the surface to take a breath, stuck his head out and took a deep breath, and then "thumped" and jumped into the water, causing ripples to spread out in circles.

"Ah, it's such a wonderful day to be accompanied by beautiful women!"

Dunn, who was standing on the shore, suddenly sighed!

The three girls whispering softly aside gave Tang En a roll of eyes at the same time, but the goddess is a goddess, and rolling her eyes is so beautiful.

Tang En was very satisfied, took a deep breath, and exhaled heavily...

Looking around, across the river, you can see the still prosperous Konoha, which has not changed in any way from previous years.

In a few days, it will be the month of July, which will soon usher in the hottest year of the year.

It has been a while since Junmalu and others completed the task and returned home. Here, Kakashi reported the task of the country of the wave to the fourth generation 25 Hokage wave Feng Minato. After Minato learned about the situation, he took advantage of the situation. Raised the quest level to A.

At the same time, the top management of Konoha also got another piece of very important secret information, that is, Uchiha Itachi has appeared again!

This can make the elders and the three generations of Hokage nervous, what is he going to do!It wasn't agreed in the first place!You can't say that the boat capsizes!

Guessing and guessing, but did not guess a result, and finally this information was classified as confidential by the high-level, and then sealed.

And another thing made them even more shocked!

The few disciples that the Vortex Tang En family received were all terrifying!

According to Kakashi's report, everyone analyzed their strength.

As soon as the results came out, the elders and the three generations of Hokage were immediately frightened.

The kid named Kaguya-kun Maru who said it was unremarkable in the ninja school, and even few of his classmates could remember his name. This time, he was suddenly able to compete with the shadow-level Mist Ninja S. The level of betrayal and tolerance, the dry persimmon ghost shark will not be defeated, then the strength is at least quasi-shadow level!

At the same time, he actually has the bloodline boundary that has disappeared in the entire ninja world, the corpse bone vein...

And another person who shot made them even more flustered.

They all know what kind of strength Uchiha Itachi is. The people present, except for the fourth Hokage, even the third generation, are invincible, and that Uchiha Izumi, who is also low-key in the village...

The group of elders really couldn't sit still this time, and it was a pain in the ass.

Vortex Dunn, Vortex Kushina, Uchiha Mikoto, and a little Nan! !

The strength of these four people, they dare not guess, for fear of scaring themselves to death.

Let's just say that these four apprentices, I'm a grass... Is this family all monsters?

If Dunn heard them say this here, he could only smile lightly and reply softly:

"Silly B, we are the open-hanging family. Haha."

With the passage of time, the hot summer has arrived, and at the same time, the village has become lively without knowing it!

Some attentive villagers were stunned to discover that there seemed to be a lot of outsiders suddenly in the village. However, compared to the population base of the entire Konoha, the number of these outsiders could also be ignored.

On this day, a group of people dressed in special clothes came to the gate of the village. The head of the head was wrapped in gauze, and the style of the clothes was dark. At first glance, it was not the style of the Konoha Village ninja. At the same time, they also had many faces. There is also oil paint on it, which looks like sunscreen?

The number of their entire team, probably around a few dozen people, stood quietly outside the gate of Konoha Village.

And a person who seems to be the leader is waiting for the review of the gatekeeper ninja at the guard.

In the team.

"Hey, as expected of Konoha Village, it's so arrogant, it's such a big pretence, Mr. Maki personally led the team and even had such a careful review, I don't believe they don't know Mr. Maki!"

At the back of the crowd, a ninja dressed in tight black clothes with heavy oil paint on his face and a strange thing tied with gauze behind him, wearing a particularly non-mainstream ninja on his back, whispered to his partner next to him.

"Kankuro, can you shut up? If an outsider comes from our Shayin Village, it also needs to be carefully reviewed. Can you use your brain? What's there to complain about?"

The ninja named Kankuro is a young girl with white clothes and yellow hair. She is carrying a large folding fan behind her back, and her shoulders are covered with mesh-like black yarn. She has a distinct personality.

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