"You still need to keep working hard, with your current strength~..."

Then he shook his head and shook his red hair.

Hearing Kushina's words, including Sasuke, they were all ashamed and angry.

"By the way, where was my story just now? That's right."

Dunn said this and threw a funny expression to the Gaara table.

At this time, the fat cat Shouhe in Gaara's body suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing...

"Ouch, bastard, what's going on! No, this breath is those people..."

In connection with it, I have kept the egg still, and my face with such an indifferent face also changed!Some panicked opponents Maru and Kankuro murmured:

"How is that possible? What makes it so terrifying? It's never happened before."

Temari and Kankuro's faces changed drastically!How could they not know what was in Gaara's body! ?It was that monster, the monster who ransacked and killed countless people in Sand Ninja Village and almost destroyed the village!

Listen to Gaara, that monster is actually scared?what exactly is it?Or who?

Gaara and the three of them started to sweat on their foreheads, and Tang En just played a little prank, revealing a bit of breath, just to scare Shouhe!

Mikoto and Kushina looked at each other and smiled.Xiao Nan, who was beside him, seemed to have noticed something, and laughed out loud without holding back.

"Hey, big sister with purple hair, what are you laughing at?"

Naruto looks like a curious baby.

"It's nothing, just suddenly found a funny thing."

Naruto is full of question marks, what fun?How can such a serious topic be said to be fun.

After eating the noodles, the seventh shift paid the bill and the three of them left the ramen shop. At the same time, Gaara and the other three left.

The three of them were depressed at the same time, what happened?Aren't you just going out for a meal?When I encountered such an emergency, I was almost scared to death.


At the other end of Konoha, the training ground.

"What? Chunin exam?"

The three who had just finished their meal were excited when they heard what Kakashi just mentioned!

Kakashi confused?

"What, didn't the fourth generation of adults tell you about this?"

Naruto shook his head.

"Well, it's not too late for you to know now. I have already registered your names for you. This is a data sheet. If you agree and want to take the Chunin Exam, then just fill it out."

"Haha, Kakashi-sensei, you are so kind! Well!"

Naruto danced with excitement, and then gave Kakashi a big hug!

After listening to Kakashi's story and seeing his super strength, the three have great respect for Kakashi.

The same scene also appeared in Akai Ban, Red Ban, Asma Ban, and many other ninja teams.

The Chunin exam, I get excited just thinking about it!

However, the lively Konoha on the surface is secretly undercurrent.

"I'm going to take the exam with you as a student for Mao? You bastard who doesn't understand art!"

"Ha, what are you talking about? Yellow hair!? And your toys, bah! Come and believe in the evil god with me, you can kill people at will! Besides, who said I don't understand art, and torture a person to look at him This blood-splattered scene is art! What an explosion, disgusting!"

Two young ninjas in uniform ninja costumes and Yuyin Village foreheads were arguing loudly on Muye Street.

Although the subject they were talking about was art, but...

This Nima explosion is art and killing is art. It's not reliable at all, okay! ?

In the forest outside Konoha Village.

"Hey, Scorpion, is it safe to let the two of them in? The country of the wind has paid a lot of money for this mission, so don't screw it up!"

"Don't worry, we are there to help, even if those two are unreliable, there is no problem. With their strength, who else can Konoha deal with? Our goal is to draw out the golden glitter, and it's OK for the leader to solve it. Besides, there is that traitor to deal with the three-generation old man, this mission will be foolproof!"

Then, the figures of the two disappeared, and the entire forest returned to silence.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed in a flash.

Ninjas from various villages gathered at the test site. The number of ninja villages participating this time reached six, which is considered to account for the general number in the ninja world!

The first Chunin exam was known as the written exam. There was no one in the Tang En family's shop today. A few people went home and sat on the tatami in the living room to watch TV.

If you look closely, the scene of the Chunin Exam is playing on the TV!

Ha, this is a little trick of Tang En, which is very convenient. It has the same effect as the telescope technique of the three generations of Hokage, but it is more concealed. As long as the strength does not exceed the interpreter, it is almost impossible to be discovered.

I saw the ninja invigilating the test talking a lot, and the test began!

All kinds of cheating methods emerge in an endless stream, and a few people who watch it are very happy.

I'm confused, it turns out to be a comedy show and then watch it again!

"Hey, Tang En, look at that person, is he Orochimaru!?"

"Diaoyou, you recognize this, but Uncle Snake's camouflage ability, tsk tsk."

"I don't know if Konoha's group is mentally retarded, his special voice, and his special habit of blinding his eyes. Look at him staring at that Uchiha kid and sticking his head out."

"Uh, don't pay attention to Uncle Snake."

At this time, Xiao Nan said in a cold voice:

"Dawn, Deidara and Feiduan actually got in. Could it be..."

"Tsk, who knows what they are going to do? It has nothing to do with us, but since the two of them are here, their partner should also be here?"

"It must be."

Tang En thought about it, is this different from what he said?But when you think about it, you realize it!

The target is either Minato or Naruto!

They have nine tails in their bodies!

Oh, this time it was really lively.

Sand Ninja, Orochimaru, plus Xiao organization.

This power is more than enough to deal with the current Konoha?

In addition, Minato couldn't use Flying Thunder God, and his strength dropped greatly, hehe.

In 1 hour, the first round of the exam was over.

Just at the last minute of Naruto's strong mouth escape technique, under the flickering of his mouth, more than half of the people passed.

Soon, the little red bean who appeared in the middle of the second appeared in time and led all the ninjas who passed the first test to the second test venue: the forest of death.

The perspective of Dunn's TV also shifted.

Naruto Office.

Four and three generations.

"Three generations of adults, why do I have an ominous premonition?"

Sandai took a puff of cigarette and turned to look out the window.

"Hopefully it's our delusion."

Chapter [-] Orochimaru

Konoha Village, Forest of Death.

Under the examiner's order, all the ninjas rushed into the deep forest in small groups.

In the huge woods, dozens of shadows quickly landed on the ground, and they shuttled quickly through the branches. They held their own scrolls in their hands and set off towards the tall tower at the end.

"Hiss, Sharinyan, here I come, Sasuke Uchiha, let me measure you."

Time passed, the second Chunin exam, and the forest of death had been open for several hours.


At this time, a huge noise came from the forest, which shook countless flocks of birds!

Listen to the sound to distinguish, as if some huge object smashed the loud noise from the tree.

The eyes of some candidates became solemn, and it was obvious that some ninjas had begun to fight.

Dunn's family.

"Hey, Orochimaru has begun, and finally there is a good show to watch!"

"Hey, didn't you ask Junmalu and the others to take the test too? Will Hinata be in danger? That's Orochimaru, not to mention that there are people from Xiao's organization who got in."

"There is no problem, even if there is someone who Junma Lu and the others can't deal with, we can rush over quickly, what are you afraid of!"

Kushina thought about it and agreed with this statement.

In the forest of death, Junmalu, Shiro, Quan, Xianglin, and Hinata hurried towards the middle tower, and suddenly!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

There were several screams of people in front, which instantly attracted the attention of several people, looked at each other, and rushed to where.

Hinata Road opened his eyes, frowned and said:

"That's it? Shikamaru, Choji, Ino? What are they hiding there for?"

"Are you talking about students in the same class as you?" Junma Lu asked.

Hinata said softly:

"Yes, but the screams just now were not made by them. Now they are hiding in the woods. It is in the middle. Huh? What chakra is this,"

With the speed of a few people, they soon came to the scene of the incident.

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