Comprehensive man is wrong on the ground, three skills at the beginning Author: Infinite Super Magic

This is the scene of another world, it's really heart-warming! "Standing on the slope, with one hand on his forehead and looking at the magical city at the end of the horizon, the blond young man's mouth rose with joy, and his eyes were full of emotion.

Or the excitement, the longing, and even the joy of getting what you wished for in your youthful fantasies.At the end of the green wilderness, the city that comes into view is surrounded by huge walls, and you can't even see the boundaries on both sides at a glance.

The majestic chalk tower stands in its center, and the strange presence impacted the young man's heart, and he couldn't help sighing in praise.

"The end of the western end of the continent, the center of the world, has the only favor from the world, the labyrinth city Orari! It's amazing."

"Hahaha, little brother. I can't even hear your admiration. Everyone who sees this city for the first time will say the same thing as you!"

Chapter 1

  "This is the scene of another world, it's really heart-warming!"

  Standing on the slope, with one hand on his forehead and looking at the magical city at the end of the horizon, the blond young man's mouth rose with joy, and his eyes were filled with some kind of emotion.

  Or the excitement, the longing, and even the joy of getting what you wished for in your youthful fantasies.

  At the end of the green wilderness, the city that comes into view is surrounded by huge walls, and you can't even see the boundaries on both sides at a glance.

  The majestic chalk tower stands in its center, and the strange presence impacted the young man's heart, and he couldn't help sighing in praise.

  "The end of the western end of the continent, the center of the world, has the only favor from the world, the labyrinth city Orari! It's amazing."

  "Hahaha, little brother. I can't even hear your admiration. Everyone who sees this city for the first time will say the same thing as you!"

  Standing beside the blond young man, a middle-aged uncle dressed in linen, wearing a wide hat and carrying a large package laughed and teased loudly.


  The young man, who was a little embarrassed by his childish behavior like a country bumpkin entering the city, touched his nose embarrassingly, and then asked curiously:

  "That, uncle. You said there are many people like me?"

  The uncle raised his eyebrows and looked at the young man.

  Under the black cloak was a set of trousers of the same color, and a belt bag made of some kind of inferior leather.The boots on his feet were covered with mud and weeds, his face was dusty, and there was a package behind him.

  "Tsk, young man. Listening to Uncle's advice, although adventurers can gain fame, wealth, and power, ah... this is a life-threatening profession. If you are not careful..."


  The elder's sincere advice made the young man scratch his head embarrassedly.

  "Thank you, thank you for your reminder. But since I've come to a city, if I don't become an adventurer, wouldn't it be a waste of time? Besides, goblins, beast ears, magic, etc., even monkeys will be able to see these things. Are you excited?"

  "Hey hey hey, little brother. Do you understand?"

  When the words fell, the middle-aged uncle and the young brother both showed meaningful smiles.

  "Since this is the case, then I wish you success and success, and Wu Yun is prosperous!"

  "Haha, thank you for your blessing!"

  The two, who had never met before, chatted for a few words, then waved their hands to separate.

  "By the way, my name is Frohn, Frohn Algorn!!"

  The middle-aged uncle didn't look back, just waved his hand.

  Looking into the distance, facing the sky of clear and dark clouds, the fragrance of grass plants swept across his face with the gentle wind, and the young man smiled.



  Labyrinth City, the North Gate of Orari.

  Frohn's full of curiosity has not yet entered this huge city, and it is about to move.

  In front of the city gate made of huge bricks, standing in the long queue on the suspension bridge, he observed with strange eyes that the people who entered the city in front were being checked one by one in black uniforms.

  I saw that those people irradiated everyone's back with a strange magic stone lamp, and they were released after inspection and there was no problem.

  Others took out something like a passport and skipped the test directly.

  This set of processes has more or less a sense of sight that makes Frohn produce the illusion of time and space.

  The staff moved quickly, and it was his turn within minutes.

  The young Asian who was in charge of the "security check" glanced at his blond hair and golden pupils with a somewhat surprised expression:

  "This is the first time to come to Orari?"

  "Hey? Can you tell it at a glance?"

  The uniformed demiman pushed his glasses and explained with a professional smile:

  "After all, hundreds of thousands of people are tested every day. This is the so-called experience."


  Frohn was confused for a moment, how could he be inseparable from what that uncle said?It is also possible that the demi-human orcs were born with five sensitive senses at work.

  "After all, this is a labyrinth city. It's only natural that people with all kinds of fantasies gather here, right?"

  "Well, that seems to be right."

  "Here, back."

  Frohn understood and followed the way of others by showing his back for examination.

  "Well, I want to ask. Does this check have any special meaning?"

  "There's no secret. After all, it's Orari. There are always troubles in the center of the world, such as spies and smuggling of family members in other countries. You know what I mean."

  As a traverser, Fron understood instantly.

  Combined with the actions of the staff, something immediately came to mind.

  "Blessings of God", the only blessings that descended gods can bring to the next generation of people.

  The effect of this magic item should respond to the favor.

  "Is it something like scanning a code, so advanced..."

  After casually taking a photo, the orc youth signaled that he had finished the inspection and could leave.

  While arranging his clothes, Frohn asked:

  "Well, if you want to become an adventurer, should you first go to the management organization's guild level, or..."

  "Of course, you need to find a god to become his family and get the favor before you can register. Otherwise, you can imagine the scene of fighting monsters without favor."

  After realizing how idiotic his question was, Frohn cursed himself.However, he still showed his thanks with a smile on his face.

  "By the way, if you want to become an adventurer, choosing a god is the most important thing. How should I put it, the gods are actually just like us, and they have various personalities, and this kind of ministry can't help you. It's all luck."

  To the demihuman's kind reminder, Fron nodded, showing understanding.

  The laws of thousands of years have led people to conclude a very metaphysical law, that is, the main god of the first family to join is basically somewhat similar to himself, especially his personality.

  That's probably how the substitute messengers are attracted to each other.

  "Thank you for the advice, thanks again!"

  "Haha, it's the duty. I wish you a happy life in Oralee!"

  After saying goodbye to the enthusiastic trade union staff, he finally got his wish and walked into the labyrinth city known as the center of the world, Orari!

  I saw a prosperous street running straight through the square, neatly paved with white slate, and there were many shops lined up next to the wide street where even if four carriages were running side by side, it would not appear to be crowded.Centered on the majestic chalk tower deep in the field of vision, a prosperous labyrinth city shows its prosperity and liveliness with a strange style.

  Even though the combined age of the two worlds is no longer young, Frohn's hot heart still drives him to keep his hopes up.

  On the way, demihumans dressed in all kinds of adventurer equipment, some in full-body armor, with swords around their waists, and some in cloaks and bows and arrows on their backs.

  There are also sturdy and bold dwarves, all kinds of orcs wagging their tails, and little people with serious expressions and a little humbleness.

  At this moment, for Fron Algorn, the real feeling of coming to another world!

  "Fairy girls, beast-eared girls, are you ready! Hahahahaha!"

  Facing the strange eyes shot at him by passers-by, Frohn, who was already excited, had no idea where he had thrown it, and opened his arms and laughed loudly.

  The new book has been opened, please collect it, ask for evaluation tickets, and ask for flowers, please leave a message! .

Chapter 2

  Ignoring the strange eyes, Frohn was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

  Every building, every passer-by, and every scene in this city made him feel fresh, and the hustle and bustle of the crowd had an incredible power, which made his mood transparent and his whole body comfortable.

  "Well, that kind of surprise when you get a new toy when you're a kid."

  Tightening the package on his back, Frohn's face was filled with excitement as he walked down the street with the crowd.

  This avenue that runs through the north gate to the chalk tower "Babel Tower" has a very apt name, North Street.

  According to the information in the memory of the previous life, there are eight streets like this in the whole city, which correspond to a certain direction.

  Bajo Street neatly divides the circular city into eight areas like cutting a cake, and now Floen is in the northern part of the city.

  As he walked, he took out a precious parchment from his pocket made of inferior leather, and turned to a certain page to review a long-established plan.

  "First of all, you should find a hotel to stay in, and then inquire about the news of the family's residence."

  Yes, since Fron is a transmigrator, he will definitely choose the family that helps him the most.In one's own limited information, choosing the best option is actually a manifestation of plug-in.

  With such a grace, how could it not be used?

  As for the target you want to join, after careful exclusion, there is also a target.

  The protagonist in the story [The Hestia Familiar], not to mention the strength, just the Virgin-like character of Bell Kronen and Hestia's doting on him, Frohn consciously couldn't handle it.

  Moreover, the behavior of that young man is completely contrary to Floen's plan to develop vulgarly. After all, he doesn't have the aura of the protagonist, and the dangerous places in the dungeon are still flying.

  [Freya Familiar], Orari's most powerful faction, with the strongest man in the city, lv.7's fierce Ota, is outrageously strong.

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