"You think only your [Olga] is finished? No, my [Dagger No. 4] and the [Water Cang Scepter] that Riviria gave me are also finished."

  "I used magic continuously on the 51st floor, and the staff couldn't bear my magic power, and it was broken."

  "As for that dagger..."

  He shrugged:

  "It's barely a third-level weapon. That thing can cut down the black rhinoceros on the 51st floor?"

  The weapons he built before were completely unworthy of him now.

  It can only be said that the growth is too fast, he can now use the first-level armament, but unfortunately the price is touching.

  It is also because of this incident that the deposit has shrunk extremely, and now I can barely maintain a food and clothing.

  "Well, if the equipment sent today can be sold, it can make a fortune, but that might be a matter of the year of the monkey and the month of the horse."

  Equipment that costs tens of millions at every turn is not so easy to sell.

  There is no adventurer who harms weapons as often as the Loki Familia. After all, they are the ones who eat, and everyone takes good care of them.

  "Hee hee hee, if we count Frohn, there are four of us. Do you want to go, Tionne?"

  Thione pretended to be eating dinner elegantly, his expression unchanged.

  "Don't go, I want to stay at home with the head of the group!"


  Then, Finn and Riviria appeared.

  "Tionne, what are you talking about?"

  Frohn knew that the Big Three would not usually come to the cafeteria to eat, so he was a little surprised.

  "Why are you here?"

  "Well, come to the cafeteria occasionally to eat, otherwise I always feel like I'll be alienated from my friends."


  "Finn Finn, we are going to the dungeon tomorrow, do you and Riviria want to go!"

  "Go to... the dungeon?"

  For this proposal, Finn is slightly interested.Of course... the main reason is that the family is about to go bankrupt, and the expedition failed twice in a row.

  The expenses of a large family plus the management fees paid by the highest-ranking relatives on the union side are all astronomical figures.

  Finally, Finn's reworked weapon, the Dominance Spear, also owes a debt of [-] million Farleys.

  "Okay, let's go with you. Occasionally a few people go to the dungeon, change your mood and relax."


  Should I say it's Lv.6, it's arrogant and arrogant to say terrifying words with a smile.

  Frohn said that I also want to pretend like you are.

  "Okay, counting Finn and Riviria, there are only six people!"

  "Tiona, I'm going too!"

  "But you just clearly refused..."


  "Sister's Death Gaze" activates.

  This damn love.

  "Then with Thiogne, we're a team of seven. With Floren, an all-around defender, it's really reliable."

  Yes, Floren's nickname within his family is the all-around defender.

  Single-shot magic, wide-area annihilation magic, short text chant, long text chant, super long text chant, plus terrifying healing abilities.

  As long as there is no problem with Frohn, everyone can fight to their heart's content.

  "Don't talk about me like that, Finn. I'm embarrassed. It's true, but I like to keep things low-key."

  The crowd looked at each other for a while listening to the young man say such a serious remark, and even wanted to hit someone.



  As always, on the Northwest Avenue or "Adventurer's Street", countless adventurers crossed endlessly.

  The morning light sloping down from the pure azure sky was adorned with armour of all kinds.

  On both sides of the main road, all kinds of weapons, equipment, props, taverns and other shops also opened their doors early, with open windows and heavy wooden doors and erected signboards as if to attract customers.

  Indistinctly, in the dark and damp back alley, suspicious traders in black hoods and cloaks would occasionally appear with elixir in their hands, smilingly greeting some newcomer adventurers to sell their products.

  The dense crowd inevitably collided with each other, and their roars and curses were endless.

  It was eight o'clock in the morning, and it was the peak season for adventurers planning to go to the dungeon, and Orari was still very lively.

  Diagonally opposite the union headquarters, a gorgeous building made of pure white stone stands, with the emblems of herbs and light balls shining brightly.

  Dean Kate Hospital.

  "I'm bothering you again, Amed."

  "Long time no see, Mr. Flonn."

  It was completely impossible to see that the private relationship between the two was very good, so good that they even occasionally flirted with this beautiful girl who looked like a delicate doll.

  "Do you need elixir this time?"

  "Well, 10 of each elixir, 2 of the panacea."

  "OK, just a second."

  "Amid, we are the same, but we just need to restore the elixir."

  "Okay, Mademoiselle Thiogne."

  At dinner last night, everyone agreed to form a team to go to the dungeon today, so of course they have to be prepared.

  The supply of elixir is the top priority.

  That's why they are here.

  Amed's actions were fast, and everyone quickly completed the transaction.

  "Goodbye, Amed."

  "I wish you a prosperous martial arts, Mr. Flonn."

  "Lend your auspicious words!"



  "I can't see it, you and Amid have a very close relationship."

  Tiona looked curiously at someone.

  "Well, everything starts with Amid's magic."

  "Hmph, you two are having an affair, and Amid gave you her only magic so easily..."


  A look of concern shot over, and you don't need to look at Frohn to know who its owner is.

  Then someone justly and justifiably turned back Tiona and Lefiya with quite legitimate reasons.

  "It's just a deal, I paid Amed to heal me, so learning her magic was just an accident."

  Lefiya looked at him with contempt.

  "'Learn' or something, such a despicable skill. Humph!"

  "Thousand Fairies, are you talking about me? It's alright for the two of us!"

  In terms of mouth gun skills, ten Lefiya are not opponents of Frohn.

  Sure enough, the girl's little face flushed red, "staring" at someone angrily, as if she wanted to get angry and completely lost her goal, which was kind of cute.

  PS: The six chapters have been updated, please order all of them, please ask for flowers and all kinds of tickets! .

Chapter 111

  This time, there are a total of 7 people in the team (Golden Team) who went to the dungeon to explore (shove monsters).

  Lv.6: Finn, Riveria.

  Lv.5: Ace, Tionne, Tiona

  Lv.4: Flonn

  Lv.3: Lefiya

  The supporters are usually Fron and Lefiya, the two defenders. As for letting the strongest magician in the city be the supporter?This is obviously impossible.

  With their exaggeratedly strong combination, let alone in the "lower level", even if they went to the "deep layer", they were enough to kill with enough supplies - to about 40 floors.

  Therefore, this exploration of Floen came with the relaxed mentality of picking up money from tourism.

  The group walked in the complex dungeon, and many adventurers saw their conspicuous team.

  "That's the team of Loki's family, right? Hiss... [The Brave] and [Nine Demons] are also here!"

  "What the hell, what is this for?"

  "It's not like an expedition, maybe it's just like us to make money..."

  "Do the Loki Familia also need to make money?"

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