Dione spread his hands and asked Finn:

  "Captain, what should we do now?"

  "Well, since we don't know anything, let's just go in and ask at any store. First, gather intelligence so we know what happened."

  Finn quickly made arrangements, and then led by him with a spear, Flonn and the others followed and left the street.

  Fortunately, the business in the store has not been affected, it should be old fried dough sticks.

  "Can I interrupt you, please?"

  "You are... the Loki Familia?"

  The demi-human shop owner glanced up and nodded after realizing that it was the Loki Familiar.

  "Can you tell me why the streets are so deserted?"

  "It seems that you have just come to the town. As for why you are so deserted, it is because someone was killed in the town."




  Dead in Rivera Town?Not by monsters, but by people!

  This is a big event!

  Everyone looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

  You must know that the unspoken rule between adventurers in the dungeon is not to interfere with each other, and even help if you are in danger.

  And taking the initiative to kill, this kind of thing... is usually done by lunatics of the dark faction!

  However, the dark faction should have been completely wiped out in the incident five years ago.

  Finn and Riviria thought a lot in an instant, and both understood what the other meant.

  "I heard that it was discovered not long ago. It is estimated that it was less than half an hour. The town is so big, and everyone is doing this. Basically, everyone knows it."

  Frohn's mouth twitched, and he smirked:

  "You mean...the people in the town are going to join in the fun?"

  "Ah, that's what it means."

  The tent owner said indifferently.

  'Hey, your indifferent expression is deceiving, isn't it? '

  Everyone: "..."

  They are all dead, yet they are still laughing and laughing to join in the fun?Sure enough... No matter where you go, eating melons or something is the root of human beings!

  Riviria sighed and looked down at the leader of the little human race.

  "Let's go over there too, Finn."

  "There is no other choice, we have to stay here today."

  After answering Riviria in this way, Finn and everyone followed the information just obtained and quickly found the place of the incident.

  The main location of the town is on the slope sloped from the top of the island towards the lake, so there are many slopes and sections of slopes in the town...  

  Flonn and the others climbed up the simple stairs made of tree trunks by the street residents, and soon found the gathered adventurers at another intersection not far from the central square.

  A fork in the road extends to the edge of the wall, where the crowd gathers is a cave-like entrance.

  As we all know, the dungeon will automatically repair the damaged environment, so... the cave should be artificially built, but it is only against the wall of the 18th floor.

  The place is secluded and in the corner of town, which is a good environment for a hotel.Likewise, it's a good place for a murderer to get his hands dirty.

  Frohn took off the cap of his cloak, raised his head slightly and glanced at the slanted plaque.

  '[Billy's Inn]? ? ? '

  Nima, when he sees this name, he has a certain sense of sight... These adventurers really dare to live, anyway, he does not dare.

  Also because of this inexplicable name, he became a little curious about the owner of this store.

  "So many people wow, they can't get in at all!"

  "This hotel is the one where the murder happened."

  "There's no other way, you all wait here, I'll go in and take a look."

  When Finn saw this battle, he knew that the matter of going in to investigate the information was in vain, and he had to go there in person.Having said that, Finn took advantage of the small human body and the powerful dexterity to easily drill into the gap, showing the idiom [insert the needle] to the fullest.

  "Captain? Wait a minute!"

  Diogene saw that he and Finn were separated by a human wall. Can Nima endure this?

  "Can you please get out of the way? I don't mind pressing your heads to the ground and stomping on them!"

  "Squeeze... [Rocky Familia]?"

  "It's an angry snake!"

  "My Cao, these eyes have turned black, and what is the black smoke on my body?"

  "Idiot, do you want that thing to be kicked out?"

  "Sorry, sorry, I was wrong."

  I'm sorry Sanlian, the adventurer who had been arrogant before was instantly cowardly.

  Frohn looked at this frequently, okay, brother, it is good to know how to advance and retreat, and there is a future...

  Then, just like a virus, wherever Tione went, "no grass grows", and one of them made way for her.

  "I didn't expect [Loki Familiar] to appear here, even [Nine Magic Princess]."

  "Just now I really wanted to see [Brave] also go in."

  "I seem to smell something going on..."

  "Return to the ground first to avoid the wind?"


  PS: Ask for full booking, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket and ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 113

  There is never a shortage of smart people among adventurers.

  In the corner of the light, he saw the figures sneaking away, and Frohn sighed sincerely in his heart.

  With Dione opening the way, everyone easily came to the door of the hotel.

  The atmosphere here is very depressing, just look at the two adventurers standing guard at the door...

  Those who can come to Rivera are at least Lv.2 high-level adventurers. Even if they are not a big boss, they must be an elite.

  Seeing that the control was so strict, Riveria stepped forward to exchange a few words with the other party, and then released them easily.

  The face of the Loki family still has to be given, and Finn should have passed it before, so they easily came to the scene of the crime.

  In the [Billy's Inn], which uses the cave as a room and passage, the surrounding walls can be seen to be artificially built, neat and square.

  The walls are inlaid with warm-toned magic stone sconces, creating a warm atmosphere.

  The gentle extension of the passage allows Frohn, Ais, Tiona, Lefiya, and Riviria to pass side by side without being crowded. The ceiling is also high, and there is absolutely no occlusion and depression unique to dungeon caves. a feeling of.

  "This shop should be considered a relatively high-end kind in Rivera, right? The shops along the way are either dilapidated wooden houses or tents, but this place is made of stone."

  As he walked, Flonn asked Ais next to him.

  "Riveria and Finn should be very familiar, and I haven't been there."

  "I know I know! It's really high-end here. Well, like Porus said it."

  Tiona helps Ace answer the question.


  Frohn recalled a little, and it seemed that there was indeed such a number one person.

  Poros, the second-level adventurer of level Lv.3, the rogue leader of [Adventurer Town Rivera], that is, the leader of this town.

  "Is that guy familiar with you?"

  Tiona put a finger on her lips and thought innocently.

  "Well, I was intimidated by Bert, Grace, Finn, and the others. Anyway, every time I see us, I always smile like that."


  The relationship is definitely not good.

  "Hmph, that man is a guy who sees money and has to twitch his fingers even to ask for news."

  Lefiya also groaned, it seems that she was extorted.

  "You young people, don't underestimate them. Porus has been in the Rivera for twenty years, and it is not a simple man to be able to sit firmly in the leader's seat for so long. ."

  Riviria turned her head sideways and whispered to them.

  "Huh? That bastard?"

  "Shh, here we are."

  Turning to the corner of the passage, the door of the only cave in front was open, and the three adventurers with flustered expressions hurried out, and their eyes seemed to see something terrifying.

  Several people looked at each other and stood directly at the door to look over.


  The terrifying crime scenes made everyone's eyes freeze instantly!

  It was too late to speak, and Frohn instinctively covered Lefiya's eyes, so that the girl could be protected from the powerful three-view shock and spiritual pollution.

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