"Yes, it turned out to be made by Frohn."

  "Unfortunately, when we go back to the ground to confirm the identity of the buyer, it is estimated that the murderer has already escaped."

  However, Finn refuted Riviria's words.

  "No, judging from her unusual behavior, she should be looking for something! Now... this thing must still be in the town, so she will never leave!"

  "Cut, you big family are just talking about this and that, it's going to be troublesome to die. Use this directly!"

  Poros, the rogue, took out a bottle of Rivera's black market specialty: unlocking medicine directly from his arms.

  "Unlocking the medicine? It's taboo to desecrate the body of the deceased (good money is good), but the current situation..."

  Riviria was out of sight and out of mind, and closed her eyes directly.

  Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone...

  A drop of unlocking medicine was poured on the dead man's back.

  "Hey, high goblin over there, do you know the sacred script?"

  "Let me do it."

  Knowing that Riveria was in conflict, Flonn took the initiative to stand up.

  "You know it too?"

  "Why, I look like a fool who doesn't read books?"

  "How, how could it be!"

  Porus was stunned by Floen and directly counseled.

  With just a glance, Fron knew the name of this person and the family he belonged to. In his impression, he seemed to have seen this person once.

  "[Ganesha Familiar], Hasana Dolria, Lv.4!"

  Following Fron's words, the Loki Familia and his party didn't react, just a little surprised.

  And Porus and Billy over there jumped up in shock, yelling impossible! .

Chapter 115

  "What did you say!?"

  "Second-level adventurer of Lv.4?"

  "Hey, hey, don't make such a joke with me, Lv.4 was killed or something."

  The possibility that a murderer with strength comparable to a first-level adventurer might still be hiding in a small town, just thinking about it made the two of them feel a tinge of cold trembling.

  The cold sweat of Poros and Billy dripped with a brush, and they looked at the corpse on the ground in horror. When they thought of the enemy who could kill Lv.4 adventurers, their scalps felt numb.

  It is human instinct to seek security when timid, and Porus catches a glimpse of the others in the room out of the corner of his eye.

  'That's right, isn't there a Loki Familia?As long as you follow them, your life can be saved! '

  The terrifying feeling in my heart was calmed down a little, so when I looked at the Loki Familiar group, they all looked a little better.

  In the silence, everyone didn't know what to think.

  Frohn stood up, looked down at the messy corpse, and covered the white cloth with ease. At the same time, an inexplicable sense of familiarity lingered in his heart for a long time.

  As he searched, fragments of deep memories emerged intermittently...

  The adventurer who stood side by side with the demihuman youth of the union on the first day of coming to Orari, lined up at the city gate for inspection...

  "It's him!"


   Everyone looked at Frohn, who was stunned, and was equally puzzled.

  He nodded, his eyes determined and affirmed.

  "Hasanna Dorelia, Lv.4! Nicknamed [Steel Fist Fighter], on the first day I came to Orari, he was the one who was in charge of security at the city gate. Because he was the first person I've ever seen. I am a high-level adventurer, so I am very impressed."

  Tiona raised her hand and said:

  "I also know him. It is said that he always goes to the [Golden Continent] to play on the basis of his position. It is said that he has lost a lot of money recently."

  "So... he should have received a commission with a high remuneration to go deep into the dungeon alone, can you understand that?"

  Finn licked his thumb, his pupils filled with wisdom.

  "Do you want to find something to kill?"

  Riviria was also thoughtful.

  "It's a very important thing. It's related to Hasana's mission this time. I heard that it was a secret entrustment. The orc didn't say that they came back from below..."

  "Item from below? Is this what the killer was looking for?"

  Finn and Riviria looked at each other and said to Porus:

  "It is certain that the murderer did not find the target item, so she must still be here before she finds the item, Boros, call all the adventurers in the town, we have to check them one by one. Otherwise, one can kill one. The murderer of Lv.4 is a disaster for you all!"

  "Alright, alright, I'll organize the staff now!"

  With that said, Poros hurriedly ran out, and of course, the innkeeper did the same.He didn't dare to stay in this terrifying place anymore.



  Just when Frohn and others were in trouble.

  The meeting room of the "Twilight Pavilion".

  Bored Burt lay sound asleep on the sofa, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth.

  "Bert? Why are you alone? Where are the others!"

  "He? Humph."

  Dazed Burt wiped his saliva and opened his amber eyes.

  His throat slid twice, the gray wolf ears twitched twice, and he sat up on the sofa, then rolled his eyes and opened the door to Loki, who walked in with a displeased expression.

  "Go to the dungeon."

  "Oh? Have you been abandoned!"

  "What was abandoned, it's the uncle's lazy move, boring!"

  "Oh oh oh, arrogant again!"

  "I'm bored, what are you doing?"

  "Hee hee hee hee hee, I'm a little confused about the monster festival incident, and I got some interesting news yesterday."

  "Monster Festival? What a mess. That kind of boring thing is only attended by Xiaoca!"

  "Oh, it's too much trouble to explain, let's go out with us!"


  "Bert~~~~~~ You won't let people wander around alone, will you? It's dangerous to say."

  "Hey...you let go, stay away from me, I'll go with you, it's really troublesome."

  "Hey hey, people know that Bert will definitely agree! After all, Bert is also very Asaxi!"

  "Stop disgusting me!!!"

  Pulling on Bert, Loki boldly entered the underground waterway of the city.

  Burt stood with his hands in his pockets and looked suspiciously.

  "Why are you here?"

  Slightly opened his eyes, looking at the underground water channel in front of him, Loki's lips twitched with a wicked smile.

  "Well, I got interesting news from someone, and it happened that we were also investigating the monster festival incident. At that time, I felt that something was wrong."

  Burt walked in front, Loki followed behind, chatting while walking with a portable magic stone lamp in one hand.

  "Heh, isn't it the monster rampage incident, it's all settled by Ais, right?"

  "However, our Lefiya suffered a lot and almost lost her life, so I can't ignore it!"

  As she said that, Loki's expression became fierce, not like the one she usually showed in front of the children.

  "In this matter, in addition to me and the nympho, there is a third party, this guy is the culprit who hurt Lefiya, don't let me catch... Otherwise, we will let him experience something Cruelty!"

  The divine will roared like a raging wave, and the cruel god revealed his true nature.

  "The new species? That 'faceless snake'? The little idiot suffered from it, didn't he?"

  "Ah, I heard that there is something interesting here. You have a good sense of smell, Bert? Can you find anything?"

  Loki's words just fell, and Bert stopped in front of him.

  "Someone smells like..."


  Loki narrowed his eyes, thinking about something...

  'Is it Frohn's?It shouldn't, if it was him, Burt couldn't smell it.So...is it someone else? '

  "You, showing your feet - smashed."



  【Rivera Town】

  The noisy town has been completely blocked by the Porus people at this time, and all the adventurers have been gathered in the small square.

  On the temporary high platform, Finn, Riviria, Poros and others stood at one time, and young people such as Floen and Ais stood on the side.

  Looking down from the stage, the crowd was densely packed, about four or five hundred people.

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