Then Ais took it from her hand, carefully and a lot.

  'Is this to save the fetus, what a monster looks like.It's a real lament that a fallen elf has become like this. '

  Frohn frowned, staring at the baby gem.

  This is a green orb, like a crystal ball, with liquid wrapped in a translucent film and - a creepy fetus.

  At this moment, it suddenly opened its eyes, and stared at the blond swordsman with large eyeballs that were completely disproportionate to the body curled into a ball.

  'This feeling……'

  Ais' heart's 'thump, thump' beat faster, and a strange feeling began to resonate from the depths of her blood vessels, shaking her spirit.It stared at the specious monster fetus, and met the big eyes.

  'what is this! '

  Suddenly, the intense resonance transmitted from the depths of her mind to her eardrums made Ai feel in a trance for a moment, her muscles kept twitching, cramps, nausea, nausea, dizziness, and various negative states came one after another. It was just a moment, that one. The girl named [Jianji] softened, the things in her hands loosened, and she fell down behind her!


  Frohn had a hunch for a long time, and he quickly supported the suffering girl, held her in his arms, and kept comforting.

  "It's alright, Ace."

  "...Well, it's so uncomfortable."

  The girl was breathing heavily, her mind chaotic.

  'Is it the resonance of the elves' blood, the spiritual wavelengths emitted by the filthy elves... Is it polluting Ais' spirit? '

  While comforting the girl, Frohn was thoughtful.

  And Lu Lupin, who was beside him, was frightened for a long time, and his body kept shaking.

  Feeling that the girl had recovered, Fron bent down to pick up the orb on the ground and covered it with a white cloth again.

  This time, Ace completely calmed down.



  Under the weak light of the portable magic stone lamp, there was a brief silence in the dim warehouse, and only a few people's rapid breathing echoed.



  On the street wall where the whole body can be hidden, in the darkness of the dark shadow.

  A pair of pupils looked down from a height.

  And right in front of this direction, it is in the corner of the warehouse where various cargo boxes are placed in a disorderly manner.

  At the same time, the scene where Ais fell was completely reflected in her eyes.

  The shadowy figure stayed on the three of them for a while with a line of sight that was completely integrated with the darkness, and finally stopped on the blond girl.

  'It's very strong, it looks a little troublesome, it's really such a big basket, and I want to come out to clean up the end, the trouble is to death. '

  'So what do we do now? '


  Lifting the corners of its eyes, it reached out and took out the grass flute.

  "Come out!"

  The crisp and loud flute sound, like some kind of signal, echoed over the town.



  Turning his head sharply, Frohn's expression changed suddenly, his eyes fixed in that direction.

  "Suddenly... what happened suddenly?"

  The dog girl who was taken aback by Frohn's actions hurriedly asked.

  The young man straightened the girl in his arms, squinted his eyes and looked at the huge rock wall on the 18th floor, and whispered softly:

  "Something happened."


  "Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom-"

  Lu Lupin and Ais didn't know what Floren was referring to at first, what happened.

  But in the next second!

  The earth-shattering vibrations and the sound of collapse from a distance, the screams that came after one another, and the dense roars of monsters entered the ears of several people from all directions!

  ——! ?

  "Monster invasion? Impossible! This is the 18th security floor!"

  This scene in front of her broke the cognition that Lulu had cultivated for 400 years.

  I saw that almost endless piranhas broke out from the ground, walls, and springs, revealing their tall stature, frantically destroying all people and things they perceive.

  Houses were crushed, flammable objects set fire to debris, and crowds were thrown into endless chaos.

  Almost instinctively, Ais rushed out!

  The wind-like speed left everything behind the warehouse, crystals, and rocks.

  Cross the trail and come to a vast protruding high platform.

  Then...the panorama of the town of Rivera, full of smoke and endless riots, appeared in her eyes.



  In the square of the twin crystals, the rioting crowd and the calm and usual Loki Familia are completely two completely different extremes.

  "Finn, what should I do?"

  The little human race leader bit his fingers and smiled.

  "What else can I do? It must be repelling the monster. It's just that I have a little doubt."

  "Really, I'm also a little confused, but let's talk about it later."

  "Tione, Tiona, you protect Lefiya and sing and fight off monsters!"

  "Yeah! I'm just waiting for your words, Rivia!"

  The ferocious killer's big double-blade [Olga] was swayed by Tiona and made a harsh air tearing sound, and her pupils shone with excitement.

  "I heard that your epidermal tissue is very hard, hum!"

  "I'm coming!!"

  (please ask for full booking, ask for flowers, ask for all kinds of tickets!!!).

Chapter 119

  In the small town, a battle began to fight against the monster Loki Familia.

  Piranha has a hard epidermal tissue, and if the level is not high enough, the ability value is not high enough, and the weapon is not sharp enough, it can't bring them even the slightest damage!

  On the contrary, their terrifying tentacle slams and every twist of their huge bodies can cause great trouble for adventurers.

  The first encounter with a new species of flora caught everyone off guard.


  The Twin Crystal Plaza was destroyed by intensive slamming, and the shattered crystals scattered all over the sky.The powerful impact blew away the rain of shining fragments scattered.

  A monster broke into the square, and other monsters used this as a breakthrough, easily dismantling the resistance line temporarily organized by the adventurers.

  "Ah... help!!"

  "Damn, these guys are so tough, the weapons can't be chopped at all!"

  "Idiot, get out of the way! Here we go again!"

  All kinds of yells and screams were mixed together, and the waving tentacles swept away the crowd and weapons with just one blow.

  The rout had a chain effect in an instant, and the adventurers were beaten back and forth!

  On the contrary, the fronts on the side of Tionne and Tiona are as stable as Mount Tai.

  The two of them protected Lefiya while chanting the incantation, and only moved within a certain range.

  All the piranha monsters that entered the defensive range of the two were easily cut in half by sharp weapons.

  "Humph, I'll just say, it's a weapon problem!"

  "Tiona, don't be distracted. Don't forget the losses you've suffered in the square, they will react to magic! Be sure to protect Lefiya!"

  "A little bit, I know!"

  Tiona made a face, picked up [Olga] a charge and directly killed a series of enemies.

  When the escaped adventurers saw this scene, they were dumbfounded.

  "[Big Cut] Diona Sirut, [Angry Snake] Dione Sirrutte, strong."

  "Let's lean over!"

  "it is good!"

  As a [Brave], Finn is obliged and must stand up and rebuild the battle line at this time.

  "Polus, this scene, let everyone listen to my command to fight, no problem" 〃ˇ!"

  "Ah!? Alright, alright! No... Hey, should you panic a little now? Why don't you have any!?"

  While running, Poros complained.


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