"Hey? Fron? Why are you here? You should have gone home long ago at your speed, why are you..."

  The sweet voice came first, followed by Riviria and Ais, who was in a mess, with tattered clothes and light armor—they emerged from the floor passage one after another.


  Frohn raised his chin helplessly beside him, motioning for Riveria to help.

  Following what he was pointing at, Riveria looked away, looking at the unconscious teenager, her emerald-like eyes were full of doubts-.

  "Who is this boy?"

  But before Fron could explain, Ais took the lead in telling her.

  "I, have an impression. Frohn's fellow countryman."

  The blonde girl recalled the Minotaur incident on the 5th floor, recalled the conversation between the two at that time, and quickly recognized the identity of the white-haired boy.

  "How could he faint here? This is a dungeon."

  Not to mention Riviria, even Ais was amazed.Going deep into the dungeon alone, and then fainting, isn't this courting death?Too that, yes, reckless and stupid behavior.

  In this regard, Frohn had to bite the bullet and explain.

  "Ah, we originally returned to the ground early. I felt that the weather at night was pretty good, so I wanted to drink some wine alone and blow the night wind, so I asked Finn, Lefiya and the others to go back first."

  "Then I saw this kid who didn't sleep in the middle of the night and came to the dungeon alone. After all, he was a fellow, and he had a good relationship. I couldn't watch him do such reckless things, and then I followed. As you can see, that's it."

  Riviria reached out and probed under the boy's nose, and then laughed:

  "[Mental Fatigue], using magic indiscriminately leads to mental overdraft. Oh, isn't this your specialty, Fron?"


  Someone turned away embarrassedly and touched his nose.

  Really, since Fron became a mage, how many times has he fainted because of [mental exhaustion]?Not to mention for the time being, the number of times he was picked up by his friends and brought home is almost impossible to count on one hand.

  Fortunately, he joined the Loki family, and there are always strong partners behind his back. If he enters something like [Suma family], he is afraid that he will die without knowing how to die, because he is the first to pass out to him. The one who undermined must be the partner of the same family.

  [Sumo Family] It is such a family, it is common to eat black and black.

  "Cough cough, that's what. I'll send him back. I have met the Lord God of his family a few times, so I know him."

  Riviria stood up and nodded, and instructed.

  "That's it, we understand. Then he'll leave it to you."


  Since he said so, Rivilia naturally won't say anything more.

  On the other hand, Ais, with a naturally dumb expression, was a little hesitant to speak.

  Looking at her appearance, Frohn of course knew what the girl was trying to say. He smiled, reached out and rubbed Ais' golden hair, his eyes were gentle and he said in a positive tone.


  The girl was taken aback by his sudden action, and then... she lowered her head slightly with her cheeks flushed, her shy eyes kept wandering, and she was completely at a loss.

  Finally... she resisted the comfort coming from her head and nodded reluctantly, her eyes filled with joy.

  'It's so comfortable...so warm. '

  I don't know because of the various waves in the girl's heart because of his accidental actions, Fron touched her head again and laughed softly.

  "Congratulations, you have achieved an impossible feat!"

  Very sincere wishes, accurately conveyed.Then... the girl's ears blushed with shame, biting her lip hard to make herself a little awake and reluctantly respond.


  "What do you say thank you, please treat me to a drink."



  This promises?

  The moonlight poured on the slate-paved road, and the slightly damp ground shimmered.

  The Northwest Street of the City is located on a dilapidated and cold street in the seventh district. A figure walks slowly as if carrying something similar to a sack on his shoulders.

  Street lamps made of magic stone are rare in this area.From the ruins of the building, this area should have been a fairly prosperous urban area, but for some reason it fell into disrepair.

  Even after the erosion of time, it can be discerned from the many details in the ruins of the building, which was destroyed by some kind of force or melee.

  Carrying someone, Frohn looked around.

  'The Northwest Street and the seventh district are in ruins, I remember... The headquarters of the original [Asteria Familiar] five years ago was near here.In other words... This place experienced the melee of Orari's dark period, and was it affected and destroyed when the dark faction was annihilated. '

  'After taking it off for five years, the union didn't plan to rebuild this area. Maybe there are other arrangements. '

  He thought so.

  Walking along the path, soon, a half-destroyed church appeared in his field of vision.

  destination, arrived.

  The surface of this church has been dilapidated, but magically, there is a small hidden room in the basement.

  Here, it was also used by the main god of the [Hephaestus Family], the god Hephaestus, as the last gift of being driven out of the house to the good friend Hestia as the [Hephaestus Family Headquarters]. .

  For a dead house goddess with only one family, it would be good for a weak family to have a foothold in Orari.

  Don't forget, when Floren came to the city, he knew how outrageous the cost of a night's stay in a hotel was. Oralie's house price was not affordable for ordinary people.

  The center of the world, the labyrinth city of Orari, can be described as an inch of land.

  There are countless family members, big and small, and the competition is more intense than that of the big cities in the previous life.

  So for a god who didn't even have a family at the beginning, didn't have any craftsmanship, and was just in the lower realm, Hephaestus' approach has been done.

  Thinking about it, he stepped forward and politely knocked on the church door.


  "Is it the residence of the Hestia family, is the goddess Hestia there?"


  A cool night breeze blew through, and the slightly confused consciousness after drinking a little wine also quickly sobered up.

  "anyone there?"

  After waiting for a long time, there was no sound.

  After 5 minutes of knocking...

  Then came the sound of shredding footsteps from inside.

  "Which one?"

  As the sound came first, the wooden door was then opened from the inside.

  Then, in the faint moonlight, Frohn could see the figure who opened the door.

  Not the legendary kitchen god Hestia, who else?

  "Hey, you're, that, that... that tomboy Loki who sells equipment at the equipment store, the family blacksmith??? F, F, what's going on?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????


  As soon as these words came out, coupled with the confused expression on Hestia's face, Flonn's mentality almost collapsed. If it weren't for the iron will that he had cultivated as a high-level adventurer, he would have been directly defeated.

  Shaking his face obscurely, he bravely introduced himself.

  "Lord Hestia, it's Fron, Fron Algorn."


  "Oh! That's right, it's you. What am I here for so late..."

  Hestia suddenly realized, but before he could finish speaking, his eyes were attracted by what Flonn resisted on his shoulders.

  "This is... Bell!??? What's wrong with you, Bell, wake up, Bell, woo woo woo... How could you leave me alone!"

  While weeping, he hurriedly put Cronney in his arms from Frohn's shoulders, while crying without any clue.


  This, this is God? ? ?

  Frohn's face was full of daze, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

  Although it controls the eternal flame that symbolizes family and guardianship, but... it's hard to describe.

...... 0

  "That, Lord Hestia. Don't get excited. Krony went to the dungeon by himself and passed out because of mental exhaustion. I just helped you pick him up."

  "So, my Bell is still alive?"

  "Well, it's okay to say that."

  "Too...too good, woo woo woo!"




  The interior of the first floor of the dilapidated church.

  After handing Kroni to the god Hestia, Flonn was ready to leave.

  "Boy, thank you. If it weren't for you...my Bell..."

  Seeing the little dwarf goddess weeping again, Fron waved his hand hastily.

  "It's nothing. Speaking of which, we're even. I already got the reward for saving him. It's just a coincidence."

  "Huh? Reward?"

  When it comes to money, the goddess Hestia was quite sensitive at that time.

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