"The last time I entrusted him to go to the 30th floor, the exact same situation happened on the 24th floor. So I speculate that the two things must be related."

  "So, it can be concluded that the mysterious red-haired female animal trainer who attacked the small town of Rivera must be related to this incident!"


  Suddenly, Ace's expression changed.

  Recalling her cowardly performance when she was in the small town of Rivera because her body became restless and almost insane because of the mysterious orb fetus, even she felt extremely ashamed.I was even more determined in my heart: it would never be like that again.


  'This man, came to us...and told the news.It is obviously a bait used to make us accept the commission.But Frohn seems to be very interested in the commission remuneration, so, then, it's up to him. '

  Neither Frohn nor Firth knew about Ais' current mental activity, and the girl was unconsciously helping the young man. Maybe she didn't even realize that her position had changed.

  Killing monsters and taking revenge on the black dragon was no longer her whole life.

  She has a new bond.

  "Okay, let's take this commission, but... Frohn's reward must be given to me first."


  Fron is slightly different. Is this still the sword girl who is indifferent to monsters and a bit natural?Actually——Fels felt that this small change should be written in the observation diary of the [Loki Familia], and it should be very valuable as a reference for the heroes in the future.

  "No problem. But - I also have a small request, I hope you will act immediately, because the situation has not allowed delay."

  Ais looked at Flonn, waiting for him to make up his mind.He also understood what the girl meant. Besides, this place was only the upper level, and the two of them had no consumption at all, so there was no preparation to talk about it.

  "Okay, but I hope you can help inform the family about the information of the two of us. This is easy for you."

  "Leave this trivial matter to me, then...you must be careful about your reward."



  The deal went smoothly, and Floen got what he wanted.

  At the same time, while Floen was carefully observing Firth's magic, Ais also tore the notebook that Floen carried with him overnight, and wrote the information and events of the two of them with the "Blood Tide Pen". The important thing is - she is using the sacred script.

  "This time, I asked not only the two of you, but other people as well. After all, it would be too dangerous to deal with sudden abnormal situations if it was just the two of you, so I also found a helper for you. Please go to the 18th floor. The small town of Rivera, the helper was waiting there before you."


  Ais was a little surprised, but Fron felt that this was in line with Firth's style.

  Didn't the previous orb delivery event entrust the adventurers of the Ganesha and Hermis families at the same time?

  This time, it would be strange if they just hired their Loki Familiar.

  The matter was accurately entrusted to the two of them. Fels did not hesitate at all. He retreated a little and disappeared into the white mist.

  "Let's go too, Ace."


  "The first stop is the 18th-floor Rivera town..."


  "By the way, I have to say the ugly thing first. If you come across that red-haired female animal trainer, don't mess around and keep calm."


  Frohn's face was full of helplessness, and Ace's unchanging expression was obviously taking his words on a deaf ear.

  At this time, Ais was full of stories about [Bob fetus], [Red-haired woman], [Mother Arya], and how Flonn was protecting herself from a coma.

  The girl's body and mind were filled with anger and doubts.

  Absolutely, I can't spare you!



  at the same time.

  On the ground, in the Adventurer's Guild Headquarters on Northwest Street.

  When the hand of the wall clock hand-crafted by the goblin pointed to ten, the hall was deserted after the peak period for adventurers to handle the commission.

  The receptionist ladies also became free.

  In front of the huge billboard with only one corner, intelligence personnel from various factions and forces gathered on a daily basis. They waited patiently or communicated in small voices in twos and threes.Of course, there are also all kinds of intelligence dealers among them. They trade intelligence with adventurers who are familiar or unfamiliar, experienced or new. As for whether it is true or not, even they themselves do not know.

  However, the hottest topic recently is the [Loki Familiar].

  Following the successful upgrade to Lv.4 by 【Blago】Fron Algon, the strongest female swordsman in the city, the cadre of 【Loki Familiar】with beauty and strength, 【Sword Princess】Ais Hua Rinstein, who achieved the feat of single-player crusade against the "floor master" Udeus on the 37th floor, has been upgraded to Lv.6.

  "As expected of the Loki family, they are really strong. Flame Demon, Sword Princess..."

  "Guess, how long will it take for the Fire Demon to upgrade next time?"


  "No, I bet, two years."

  "A year and a half, shorter than this time, I will eat upside down in public."

  No one subconsciously believes that Balrog can be upgraded in the near future.But often the truth is hidden in the corner that you ignore. .

Chapter 143

  At this time, a fairy girl silently stood at the outermost periphery of the huge signboard crowd, neither communicating with others nor paying attention to others, not even bothering to take a look.Just browsing today's information alone.

  Her arrival also attracted the attention of many people.

  In the eyes of the people around, this fairy girl has an amazing beauty.

  She has a long black shawl hair, which is neatly combed behind her head and reaches her waist. In contrast with the bright black hair color, it is her amazingly white and tender skin.

  Coupled with the pure white combat uniform, gloves, and boots that resembled a sacrificial attire, the prudence of the dress that covered all the exposed skin seemed to fully highlight the cleanliness of the fairy race— This kind of dress reminds people of the word "forbidden".

  The girl's crimson eyes quickly swept across the parchments on the huge sign, and finally paused slightly on the one in the middle.

  "[Sword Princess] Ace Wallenstein, is it Lv. 6?"

  Repeated the message on one side of the parchment in a whisper that no one could hear, and she quickly passed it over.

  But knowing the last piece of information, there was no commission she was looking for.

  Shaking her head gently, she turned around and went to the service window 16 in the counter area.

  "Sorry, the 24th floor request for monster riots that I posted before doesn't seem to have been posted? I don't know what happened."

  The sharp words shook the heart of the Asian lady who received her.

  "Please, please wait a moment." - After saying these words, Miss Yajin ran into the depths of the office area.But this Asian lady didn't know that the other party was just using a request that was not issued by herself to make a cliché.

  The black-haired fairy girl squinted her crimson eyes as she watched the other party who left in a panic, thinking secretly in her heart.

  'I just tried it out a little bit, and I panicked into this look.Did something happen, or... is it something the trade union did?Forget it... let's report the information to the god Dionysus. '

  The girl was keenly aware that this matter was quite strange, perhaps... the trade union was deliberately manipulating information, maybe, no!It is information that the union must control.Whether it was the absence of the entrustment on the notice board or the panicked mood of the grassroots consultant, it all showed that the top of the trade union must have done something.

  She thought so.

  The fairy girl belonging to the [Dionysus Familia], Philvis Shalia, left the guild headquarters.

  In the corner of the first district, the farthest from North Street, on the side of the crowded street, there is a flower shop run by Asian girls.

  From the lovely wooden signboard, you can feel the emotion of the owner of this shop.

  "Flowers and Grasses" is the name of this flower shop.

  It is very famous in the whole North District. Whether it is the surrounding clothing street or the high-end residential area under unified management where the union employees live, these residents often visit here, especially the fairies who love beauty and art.

  Of course, this is the center of the world, the labyrinth city of Orari.

  No matter in the inconspicuous street corner, once they find a satisfactory storefront, they will take care of them frequently.

  Flowers and adventurers, from the name to the picture—these two are unrelated in every way.However, the business of "Flowers and Grasses" is surprisingly good, and to the surprise of the public, most of its customers are adventurers.

  The demi-human girls in the store saw those rude adventurers holding flowers, always hiding in the corner and covering their mouths and snickering. Obviously... girls with delicate minds can always accurately judge their ulterior motives.

  The sun rises high in the sky, and the warm sunshine pours on the body, making people feel happy.

  Today's "flowers and grasses" are still in the city.

  "Hello, can you help me pick some flowers?"

  An elegant and smiling blond man visited this little-known flower shop.

  Facing the demi-human girl, her handsome face had a polite smile on her face, which naturally gave the girls an inexplicable favor, making the cat girl who received her reddened her cheeks.

  "Minnie, the rest of the work is up to you. I'm going to pick some flowers for this guest."

  Saying that, the cat girl happily ran away, picking out products for the handsome guest who was quite fond of it.

  Of course, in addition to her, the other girls in the store also peeked at the handsome man standing in front of the door, Dionysus.

  That handsome face that makes one look like a spring breeze, as well as the aristocratic exquisite dress and quite extraordinary noble temperament, make the hearts of the girls who are counted are like deer collisions, and they are not shy.

  The male god just stood there, with a gentle smile, and let them sink.

  "Excuse me, which girl are you giving it to? But... they seem to accept the flowers you sent."

  The demi-human girl who had been selected quickly gave the flower to the male god with a red face, and asked awkwardly and embarrassedly.

  The male god showed a smile and spoke extremely tenderly.

  "Then, why don't I accept you who are more beautiful than these flowers?"

  "God Dionysus."

  The cold and chilling words floated into the shop, causing the handsome smile of the male god Dionysus to freeze.

  He turned around mechanically, looking awkwardly at the fairy girl who appeared here at an unknown time, not knowing how to explain what just happened.But a male god is a male god after all. He quickly adjusted his state and looked at the girl he loved with soft eyes.

  "Cough, Fairways. Why did you come back so soon."

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