Everyone knows Ace's dedication to strength improvement.

  Speaking of which, it has been two years since she reached Lv.5, and she has reached a bottleneck.

  The attribute value that each "expedition" can increase is even a single digit.

  For her with grief and wishes, how could this rapid increase in strength not irritate her.

  With the sound of the door closing, the room darkened again.

  Only the sound of breathing, which was relatively gentle, rose and fell—.

Chapter 16

  The sun rises in the east, the sun shows its face from the eastern sky again, and a new day comes.

  The rest of the night allowed people to wash away their exhaustion and start the day's work in good spirits again.

  Loki Familia headquarters, "Twilight Hall".

  Everyone began to deal with the aftermath of the end of the "expedition".

  Submit the "Adventurer's Entrustment", sell the treasured materials collected by the "deep", replenish props, maintain weapons, equipment, and even report relevant information to the "guild".

  The busy members have their own work, and after having breakfast in the cafeteria hall, they left the station respectively.

  "Ai, Miss Ais, do you have any important arrangements today?"

  During the meal, the girl Lefiya blushed and twisted her body shyly to ask the person she longed for.

  "Um—going to maintain the weapon?"

  "Okay, okay! Then... can you let me accompany you—"

  "Does Lefiya's wand need to be repaired too? I think it's enough to change the magic stone?"

  Taking a bite of the bread, Amazon's sister Tiona delivered another fatal torture.


  "No, no. I'm just, just—"

  "Okay, stop bullying Lefiya, she just wants to accompany Ais."

  "That's it, that's it."

  It was her sister who directly helped Lefiya to express her purpose.

  "It's fine."

  "Thank you Miss Ace!"

  Tiona blinked:

  "I don't know if that little brother is awake? Shall we go and have a look?"

  "Yeah, I'm super curious about how quickly his strength has improved!"

  "Ace, where are you going?"


  Ace's answer was decisive and firm.

  "Since Miss Ais wants to go, then, then I too—"

  That's what the four girls decided.

  On the other side, the conference room halls that are commonly used by high-level people.

  Finn, Riviria, Grace, and Loki chatted about this "expedition" while drinking tea.

  "Well, I don't think it's that easy. If it doesn't work this time, let's go next time. After this 'expedition', whether it's experience or strength, I believe that my partners have also become much stronger, and the chances of the next raid will be improved a lot. cut."

  "It's time to do a little more work."

  "By the way, is the child awake?"

  Finn asks Riveria about Flonn.

  "I haven't heard any news yet, but I should be awake after counting the time."

  Speaking of which, Riviria also looked curious.

  "The information that he woke up, I believe that Ais and the others should not be able to sit still."

  "The old man is also very curious about how that kid became stronger so quickly, hahaha!"

  "Loki, can't you talk about it?"

  Loki got a bottle of wine out of nowhere, poured some ice cubes and drank it there.

  "Well, if he doesn't want to say, we, the parent, can't talk nonsense. Considering his character, we think he should tell you."

  Blinking, Loki showed a wicked smile.

  "Every time you show such an expression, it's not a good thing."

  "Oh, Finn, don't say it."

  Suddenly, a scream that tore the sky interrupted the conversation of several people.


  "My magic stone—"

  That scream was really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who heard it.

  Several people looked at each other, and then Finn blinked:

  "Want to go have a look?"

  "Let's go, after all, it's a new member of the family, so we need to meet."

  "Hey hey hey-"

  Loki smiled.

  On the fourth floor, near the end of the Frohn room.

  At this moment, someone with bandages all over his head, including his head, collapsed.

  After working so hard, he even lost half of his life's hard-earned gains. He was directly bombed and thrown into the dungeon, and he even lost 1600 Farleys worth of [Jungle Short Sword].

  By the way, plus two potato balls worth 60 pali.

  With only 30 Farleys left on his body, Frohn's life was full of gloom, and his whole body turned black and white.

  This was the first impression of Ais, Tione, Tiona, and Lefiya when they opened the door when they saw Frohn Algonne.

  "Gee, what's wrong with him. A smell of despair."

  "He—he screamed just now, as if he had mentioned some magic stone—"

  Lefiya blinked, making sure she heard it right.


  The sisters laughed and cried out on the spot.

  Ais was still like a doll, her cute head tilted at a loss.

  Of course, Frohn also noticed a few people.

  "Hello, newcomer! I'm Tiona Schillette, you can call me Tiona. This is my sister, Tione, this is Lefiya, this is Ace."

  In the face of the little angel's active introduction, Frohn naturally didn't have to pretend he didn't know him.

  "Fron Algon, just joined the family, just call me Fron."

  "That, that, Frohn! Tell me the reason why you can become stronger so quickly, please!"

  The boldness of the Amazon girl was directly attached to Frohn's arm, hugging him and asking with a smile.

  Frohn blinked, looked at a few curious eyes, and then suddenly realized.

  I just joined the family for a week, and I killed the Lv.2 Enhanced Seed. I don't know how it is possible.

  And they are all from a family, so it doesn't matter if they say it.

  "Actually, it's nothing, it's a skill."

  Ais stared at him dumbly, which made Frohn feel a lot of pressure.


  Seeing the doubts on the faces of the young girls, Fron nodded.

  "Ah, my skills allow me to increase my ability value faster, so it's not a big deal."

  He knew that those who could get into Lv.5 in Orari, which one didn't do it?

  The heavier the injury, the stronger it is, the special attack on monsters, and it is quite ideal, the higher the hatred value, the greater the damage increase, are you afraid?

  Even Fron, who has three terrifying skills, would not dare to say that he can catch up with Ais in terms of PVE output, of course, temporarily.

  As for those Lv.6, Lv.7, I can only say hehe.

  This year, if you don't hang up, you can't get along at all, so there is nothing to hide about Fron, his three major late-stage growth skills.

  Don't you just grow up faster?Isn't it just a high increase?Isn't that the ability to learn magic indefinitely?

  Didn't Lefiya have it too?

  Fairies are a magical race. What is the difference between being able to learn the magic of all fairies and being able to learn the magic of all races? ? ?

  "No—what's the big deal???"


  Thione, the Amazon, raised his voice, and his mentality collapsed at the time.

  "Do you know how much we have paid to get to the bottom? Damn—"


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