Although it doesn't have the exaggerated coverage area of ​​the wide-area annihilation magic, but... the quick attack magic of these few seconds is enough to drink a pot, right?The most outrageous is the power of magic, what kind of quick attack magic is this?It can annihilate several huge piranhas with one blow. Who would believe it if it was said to be quick attack magic! ?

  Ever since he was transformed into a weirdo, Orivas felt that there was nothing in this world that could stop him, but the appearance of such an exaggerated existence as the Balrog made him stunned.

  Just as he was thinking about it, he didn't know that Fron had already been eyeing him.

  But in the chaotic battlefield, there is no room for Frohn to get close at all. Even if he is strong, once he breaks into the battlefield that has just been washed by him in front, I believe that the piranhas and the lunatics will instantly turn their attention to him.

  He was very afraid of dying, so...

  "Asfi, it's going to go on like this. See that... um, the white-haired guy with really bad clothes?"

  "That animal trainer?"

  "Ah, he hasn't come off to participate in the battle in person until now. Obviously, it's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't. You observe his position, and keep the baby orb and the giant flower behind him. He... should be the guardian."

  Frohn's analysis is clear and well-documented, so...his speculation is very likely.

  "So that's the case, is it him... That's right, as long as you kill it, these piranhas will be self-defeating, and monsters without a unified command will not pose a threat to our [Hermes Family]. You stay in Here, continue to cover everyone, I will find a way to break into the past, as long as I kill the white-haired ghost, the battle will be over."

  Asfi understands how dangerous the current situation is.

  Don't look at Fron's dashing use of quick-attack magic to repel the enemy, but... mental power is limited, and even Frohn cannot use quick-attack magic hundreds of times in a row.

  "I understand."

  After getting Fron's answer, Asfi felt relieved.

  Then... with a shake of her own pure white cloak, the girl rushed out.

  Her travel trajectory is very particular, not directly interspersed into the center of the battlefield, but drawn a huge arc around the edge.

  At the same time, Flonn also used magic to cover her intentionally or unintentionally. Even if an enemy noticed her and attacked her, there would be a quick attack magic to repel the enemy!

  "Oh? That tricky Flame Demon didn't come in person, so she came? That's right, once the Flame Demon moves, the entire front will collapse in an instant. I didn't expect them to come up with the Almighty to deal with me."

  In the pupils under the mask, there are eyes full of ferocity and tyranny, and there is no human emotion.

  He stared indifferently at Asfi, who was approaching rapidly, and the corner of his mouth under the mask raised a sneer.

  "It's [Almighty]! Quick, stop that guy,"

  Some people in white robes found Asfi who was rushing to the edge, and they hurried over, ignoring the obstruction of the piranha and the adventurer.



  The guy who commanded the death squad had just issued an order, and at this moment... he was greeted by a beam of flame that almost traversed half of the battlefield.

  "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

  Taking this opportunity, the girl jumped over the crowd in an instant and rushed directly to the man who, in her opinion, had extremely bad taste.

  There was no barrier between the two, only a broad green blanket remained.

  At this moment, the eyes are facing each other, and the conflict is close at hand.

  (Will Asfi get it, funny.).

Chapter 161

  "Be honest with me!"

  The dagger was unsheathed, Asfi's speed increased again, and she slashed directly with one sword!

  "Heh, if the long-rumored [Almighty] is just like this, it's really disappointing to me."

  Orivas didn't panic in the face of the rapid attack of the characteristic short sword, and even had the time to evaluate Asifi's skills. It can be seen that he is quite skillful.

  "It's now, Piranha!"


  "Puff puff puff-"

  In an instant, countless tentacles suddenly burst out from under the green blanket, with a rapid beam unseen by the naked eye, towards the princess-His Royal Highness who was attacking straight.


  She was too fast and too close!Trying to avoid it, it's already-too ​​late!

  This, everything is in each other's calculations.

  "Hahaha, die. [Almighty]!"

  "Boom boom boom boom boom-"

  However, the flaming beam of light that followed him completely ruined his long-planned sneak attack!


  Olivas raised his head sharply, his eyes crossed the chaotic battlefield and looked towards the farthest.

  I saw that the circle of magic circle on the staff that had not receded was slowly rotating, and its owner, [Flaming Demon] Frohn Algon, there was a hint of sneer and disdain at the corner of his mouth.

  "Flame Demon!!"

  The chin exposed under the mask was twisted.

  Who does he think Frohn is?Since he is a tamer, isn't it common sense to drive monsters to meet the enemy?You just stand there alone and wait for others to attack you. Isn't this straight hook fishing?It's okay to be damned.

  Frohn is now ashamed of Olivas' IQ, that's all?The self-proclaimed guardian of "It" is really a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from Rivis.

  "Thank you."

  Asfi, who hastily backed away, gave Flonn a grateful look.

  "Be careful, this guy is very strong."

  Asfi's face became serious, she could already feel it.

  Seeing the tentacles and the open fangs approaching her face, she had a solemn expression, and then gritted her teeth.

  "There's no other way, since the Flame Demons have taken out their trump cards, I can't hide it any longer."


  The girl's lips lightened, and she spat out a name...

  "Boom, boom, boom, boom—"

  At this moment, the monster's attack arrived!

  The tentacles carrying the giant force slanted into the ground, lifted the green carpet, and even pierced the rocks below, and the dense cracking sound resounded in my ears!


  But at this time, Olivas frowned.

  He didn't have the real feeling of hitting the target, and then... he saw the figure floating in the air.

  "What? It actually flew?"

  As the holder of "Mystery", 【Almighty】Asfi Al Andromeda has the ability to create magical items with magical effects.

  And her most proud masterpiece is this pair of boot-shaped sandals on her feet.

  At this time, two wings of light were unfolded on both sides of the pair of shoes, a total of four.

  "Talaria", is its name, this is a pair of flying shoes, literally, can give the wearer the ability to fly.

  "You forced me to do this. I didn't want to use it. Since it has been exposed, I must kill you today!"

  After all, Asfi dived, blurring her figure with unparalleled acceleration, and hurriedly attacked the mysterious masked man who had no time to react and was defenseless!


  On the other side, when Flonn saw that Asfi had used his trump card, his eyes shrank abruptly.

  Then, he fired the quick attack magic [Flame Volt] three times in a row, directly annihilating the monsters and the remnants of the [Dark Faction] who stood in front of him, picked up his footsteps and rushed over.

  "No, Asfi!"

  A cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Before he induced Asfi to delay Orivas, he didn't let you do it. Don't you still have liquid bombs in storage? It's not enough to attack him from a distance.

  But obviously, his reminder was too late!


  The specially refined short sword, coupled with the rapid dive acceleration provided by "Antalya" and its high stats, this blow is absolutely impossible for anyone to block in Lv.4!It was Asfi's strongest blow.

  The short sword flashing with cold light, at a speed that is difficult to detect with the naked eye, like a hunting bald eagle, blurring the light and shadow, and stabbed straight into the masked man's chest without hesitation!


  "Crack" - a sound.


  All sorts of bewildered and puzzled expressions appeared on Asfi's delicate and pretty face, and then the cold sweat dripped from her forehead.

  She saw that in her field of vision, a hand—so naturally and contrary to common sense, grabbed the blade of the dagger, and abruptly stopped the girl's attack in place!

  Because of inertia, her body was forced to stop, causing a tearing sensation, and she stared into the tyrannical eyes of the masked man in awe.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  'This man, this look, who is he! '

  The scene in front of him was also watched by the members of the [Hermes Familiar] who were paying attention here.

  "How is it possible that someone could take the commander's blow with his bare hands, and he wouldn't move! What a joke!"

  "It's a lie, Asfi even used 'Antalya', but..."

  With a "bang", the tiger man Falgar knocked away the martyrs who had attacked the two in a daze from behind with a single blow with his shield, and severely reprimanded them.

  "Hey, Lulupin, don't let your mind wander! Do you want to die!"

  "Hug, sorry!"

  "Be serious with me, [Flame] is watching from behind, you don't want us [Hermes Familia] to make a joke, right? Then my reputation will be over! Don't forget, he is [Loki Familia] of."


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