Every "expedition" is a real adventure. No one knows what will happen, whether there will be a partner who will stay in the dungeon forever, so today's breakfast is very formal.

  until everyone came to the courtyard.

  "Everyone, the 'expedition' is about to begin again!"

  "This time, we will definitely go to the unknown floor and gain the glory that belongs to our [Rocky Familia]!"


  "According to the original plan, it is still divided into two teams!"

  "I, Rivia, lead the cadres in the first team."

  "Grace, come and lead the second team and the blacksmiths of [Hephaestus]."

  "Ah, don't worry Finn."

  "Then, everyone pack up and gather at the entrance of the Tower of Babel facility in the central square!"


  Following Finn's order, the family of the family left the courtyard one by one, and followed the North Street to their destination, the Tower of Babel.

  "Hey, Flonn. Your condition this time seems to be different from the last expedition, huh?"

  Fron and Ace walked side by side in tacit understanding, and neither of them spoke.But... as expected, you were the first to come alive, Tiona.

  "Huh? What's the difference between me? I don't feel anything? Even the equipment hasn't changed much, just a different weapon."

  "Regardless of those things, I'm talking about some small details, such as... the last time you were on an expedition with the team, you wore a hood to hide your figure, but this time it's upright, does that count as a change? "

  ——Yes, from the point of view of small details, Frohn has indeed changed.

  Standing side by side with Ace with a cheerful and sunny smile is an expression of confidence.

  Confidently showing himself in the eyes of Orari adventurers and the public is because he has a reputation that makes people admire and sigh.

  The individual named Frohn Algorn has grown.

  Moreover, he has grown into a well-known and respected adventurer!Door.

Chapter 177

  [Loki Familiar]'s "Expedition" team, not surprisingly, once again attracted a lot of attention, some were curious, some envied, some envied and some admired.

  For most of the clans in the labyrinth city of Orari, which exists above the dungeon, the [Loki Familia] is the target they need to catch up, because they have not only stood at the top of the city and even the world, but even Still want to go further.

  The goal of the "Expedition", the unknown floor of the "Super Deep", is also a well-known secret.

  Most of them are expecting him to create miracles and break this record.

  In the same way, the partners in the family are also high in morale, and they must work hard for this common goal!

  Not only others, but also Fron. After joining the family, he has deeply realized the benefits of prestige and glory...

  Walking on the streets, you can more or less get adoring eyes, and the bosses you know when you buy things will smile and say hello to you, and even give you some extra gadgets.

  The same is true when going to the goblin's big library, as if he has the privilege, the restricted-level library on the third floor is also open to him.

  You must know that this is a big library established by the earth elves, and it is no worse than the book inventory of the Loki family.

  Travel notes outside the city, for example, describe in detail the form and ecology of other countries.

  Thinking about the knowledge of receiving the goods these days, everyone soon came to the central square of the Tower of Babel.

  In front of the entrance and exit facilities of the big cave in the dungeon, the family members have packed the materials they need to carry into wooden boxes, neatly stacking them together, and the flag belonging to the [Rocky Family] is fluttering high above.

  "Yo, you are finally here!"

  When Fron and Ais came here, a few acquaintances had obviously been waiting for a long time.

  "Lulupin, and Asfi."

  "Ah, I wish you all a successful "expedition", this is a little bit of my care, take it and eat it on the road."

  With that said, Lulu pinched the packed lunch she made by herself and gave it to Ais, but the other girl was a little puzzled by the fact that there was a pendant on it.

  "this is?"

  "Shh, just put it on when you're exploring below, the one who asked me to hand it over to you"

  Seeing the mysterious look on the girl's face, Ais instantly thought of the magician named Fels.


  On the other side, Fron looked strangely at the blushing cheeks in front of his face, and turned his head away from the princess who dared not look at him.

  "That, Asfi?"

  "Ah!! Yes, yes. This is for you, you must cheer, if you fail, I can't spare you!"

  For some reason, the girl raised her voice in humiliation and pretended to stare at Frohn fiercely, then shoved the leather bag in his arms into his arms, turned around and left, but looking at that appearance, she ran away in a little embarrassment. what's going on?

  "Wow, Asfi. You stole away, so bold!"

  "Shut up, you stupid dog!"


  Ais stared blankly at the two who were leaving, and when she walked to Floen, she tilted her head in a daze, bewildered.

  "...Uh, this is."

  "I know, Asfi's gift to you."

  "Uh, aren't you that what?"

  However, Ais looked at Flonn with doubtful eyes:

  "Frohn is very good. It's normal for other girls to like it. And, and, and... that."

  I don't know what to think, the girl's red eyes wandered for a moment, and said shyly like a mosquito.

  "Like, if we, that, that,...I, I don't mind if Frohn has other, female, female, female,..."

  ——? ? ?

  Fron looked at the blond girl who was already ashamed and wanted to get into the cracks in the ground in front of him. Hearing her stumbling speech, the whole person was shocked!

  Such a bold statement, and... don't mind having other girls?

  But obviously, Frohn did not understand Ais' attitude as magnanimity, but self-confidence.

  The self-confidence of the Zhenggong declaration!

  "Hey, Ace, Flonn! Assemble!"

  Tiona stood on tiptoe and waved to the two of them in the crowd!


  Frohn showed a smile, and regardless of the girl's struggle, he grabbed her little hand and walked over.

  "Ashamed, ashamed... Frohn!"

  "What are you embarrassed about, don't we all know the relationship between the two of us!"

  "Ah, this..."



  Unlike ordinary team leaders, Finn usually stands on the supply box to make himself look more leadership.  … (Parum’s height and Zhengtai’s face)

  "Everyone, for the glory and prestige of our [Loki Familiar], this 'expedition' can only be successful and not allowed to fail. I hope you will show your courage and wisdom in the next exploration, and then go all out!"

  "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

  With Finn's morale-boosting speech, the expedition team suddenly became excited, and everyone raised their weapons in their hands, excited shouters!

  Looking at the members below, Finn glanced around the crowd, and raised his arms with fists.

  "Then now, let's go!!!"

  "Oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!"



  "Is Lefiya also assigned to the first team this time?"

  Walking in the "upper level" area, led by Finn and Riveria of the Big Three, followed by cadres such as Ais, Flonn, Amazon sisters, Bert, plus Raul, Angie, and Alicia Miss and Elvie, and finally Lefiya.

  "Hmph, Lord Riviria has recognized my strength, don't think that you are the only one getting stronger!!!"


  It seems that Lefiya is still very unhappy with Floen, but according to the plot... The more beautiful girls who don't deal with the male protagonist like this, the easier it is to give them in the end.

  Frohn shrugged, but ignored the conversation.

  "You guys, don't do this in the next battle, or Finn won't be merciful."

  Riviria smiled and shook her head, and gave the two of them a fictitious nod.

  "Hey, do you think something is wrong here?"

  Burt put his hands in his pockets, wagged his fluffy tail, and narrowed his eyes.

  "Huh? Did you find anything, Bert?"

  "Che, we walked for about half an hour, and we didn't even encounter a monster, don't you think it's strange? Even if we are on the upper floor, we will encounter some monsters more or less, right?"


  Everyone looked at each other in amazement, that's right... Even if they were first-level adventurers, they would occasionally encounter monsters that had just landed on the upper floors, but now... they didn't encounter any of them, so it was obvious that there were question.

  Finn pinched his chin thoughtfully. .

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