Obviously it's just a quick-attack magic, but in the hands of Frohn, it has completely become a small-area light cannon that can continuously wash the ground.

  At this point, he has even given up the magic of short text chanting, because with his current combat power, the enemy that quick attack magic can't deal with, the short text chanting can't help either.

  "Okay everyone, I'm lucky this time, the "floor master" hasn't been born yet, we quickly passed through the floor passages, went to the 50th floor to camp, and then carried out a comprehensive renovation! "


  Finn stood under the flag of the family and gave the order to the members to move forward.



  The 50th floor of the dungeon, the security floor.

  The campsite chosen by the expedition team of [Loki Familiar] is still on the towering rock plate leading to the entrance of the first floor.

  Under the command of the cadres, the members were busy again.

  Standing at the entrance of the passageway on the 51st floor, Frohn could hear the sound of boots running on the ground behind him, or the sound of a hammer hitting an iron stake.

  Before he was in a daze for long, the tents were erected one by one.

  Compared with the last "Expedition", this time the road was quite smooth, not only because the level of Frohn, the [Mage] and [Healer] reached Lv.5, but also because the level of Ais increased It's because Lv.6 and the stats of the cadres have reached their limit.

  According to Flonn's speculation, if nothing else, this time back, all the members of Tione, Tiona, Bert, etc. will be upgraded to Lv.6.

  "looking at what?"

  Ais walked over with an expressionless face and stood side by side with the young man, followed by Tiona and Lefiya.

  "It's a bit of a sigh, just looking at this passage, I remembered the experience of the last "expedition". Speaking of which, it was the first time I went so deep into the dungeon for such a long time. It can be said that it was an unforgettable adventure. "

  "Hee hee, there was an accident last time, but this time, you will definitely see hell in the future!"

  "'Dragon Pot'..."

  "Ah, that's the real hell. The monsters on the 58th floor will launch a powerful attack across the floors, so from the 52nd floor, there must be no stop at all, and you must run all the way to the 58th floor!"

  "Okay, so scary..."

  Lefiya began to tremble again.

  "Lefiya, you have to do your best. This time you may have to become a supporter and follow the main force. After all, you are a precious magician."

  "No, no! It's enough to have Riveria-sama and this guy!"


  'This guy' touched his nose in embarrassment and kept laughing.

  "Hmph, to deal with strong dragons and flying dragons, the more mages the better, right, Ais!"


  "Hey, hey? Does Miss Ace think so too?"

  "Lefiya, don't belittle yourself, you have proved yourself in the last 'expedition', and everyone sees your strength. So..."

  "Hey, you guys! It's about to be eaten! And the head of the regiment has to make arrangements for tomorrow's exploration, so hurry up and come here!"

  All the way, the elder sister Tione waved and shouted at several people.

  "Come on!"

  Still on the broad ground surrounded by tents, the members in charge of logistics raised a bonfire, and the members sat around.

  It was a little different from the last time. This time, there were many new faces, that is, the blacksmiths from the [Hephaestus Family].

  Every time I reach the 50th floor, the food for the banquet is not only the abundant ground ingredients, but also the fruits and dried meat produced in the maze, as well as the thick soup cooked on the bonfire with fragrant fragrance filling the whole camp...  ....

  This is naturally to reward the members who fought hard along the way and to boost morale.

  At this time, the senior blacksmiths headed by Chun were holding food and feasting on them. The one they ate was a fragrance, and the girls on the side were envious.

  "They are delicious."

  The corners of Teona's mouth were drooling, and her throat kept sliding.

  "Uh, but, but I think Miss Tiona usually eats like this."

  "Ah, ah? Me too?"

  "Hmph, as my older sister, I'm really disappointed in you. As a leader of the [Loki Familia], you must abide by etiquette, like me."

  He saw Dione straighten his back, sip the thick soup with a spoon, slightly squinting his eyes with a look of enjoyment on his face.

  "Tionne, you were not like this before. Too hypocritical."

  "You said god horse!!!"

  "Hey, hey, please stop arguing!!!"


  Frohn and Ais sat side by side, smiling and not speaking, just watching the jokes while enjoying the food.

  It is worth mentioning that, under Frohn's compulsion, Ais no longer eats instant dry food, but eats the same food as everyone else.

  I don't know when, the girl has gradually begun to change herself, what kind of thing drives her to change like this, the girl who lacks emotion keeps asking herself.

  'Is it...because of Frohn. '


  "You've worked hard on this journey, Tsubaki."

  Finn thanked Tsubaki and the others. After all, they did not carry spare weapons this time. If the blacksmiths did not follow, it would be a disaster for the entire team.

  "Why are you so polite? It's our job to prepare weapons for you, and we've already traded them. Just give us all the deep drop items."

  "You're still the same guy."

  "How dare you talk about me at this age?"


  Facing the city's strongest blacksmith, Finn was speechless. .

Chapter 183

  "By the way, Tsubaki. It's time to show us the "not bad" equipment you prepared. "

  "Ha, I've been waiting for this sentence for a long time. I've memorized it all the way. I'll leave it to you."

  Even equipment with the attribute of "not bad" will reduce its sharpness after frequent use, so when he first entered the dungeon, Tsubaki didn't hand it over to them first, but took it out now.

  Tsubaki stood up and greeted Finn, Grace, Riviria and others to enter the tent and spread a huge package on the ground.

  Then, an exquisite weapon was presented in front of everyone.

  "The Roland series has a total of 5 weapons, all of which are first-tier weapons with the attribute of "not bad". "

  Frohn and Ais, Riviria, and Lefiya stood on the side, looking at these special weapons called [Roland series].

  "A whole series, worthy of being the strongest blacksmith in the city."

  Tsubaki turned his head to look at Floen with a smile:

  "Fron, I heard that you can also create special first-level weapons? And combined with "smithing" and "mystery", you have made an unheard of cane gun, and it has "not bad" Attributes, is there such a thing? "

  "Uh, it's a fluke, it's just a fluke 16. Because my own combat system is relatively special, I created such a special weapon."

  "Cut, if you're too modest, you'll be annoying, man!"


  Facing the overwhelmingly powerful Tsubaki, Fron hurriedly raised his hand and laughed.

  "This, if you insist that I am a very good blacksmith, I am honored to accept it."

  "That's right, my generation of blacksmiths, the main thing is self-confidence. As long as you have self-confidence, the weapons you create will be able to go to the next level! Remember, the younger generation."

  "—I was taught, I was taught!"

  "Cough, Tsubaki, thank you. Seriously, these weapons are perfect."

  Finn played with the silver spear and finally slung the weapon over his shoulder.On the side, Mr. Grace picked up the "not bad" double-edged axe and weighed it in his hand.

  "I can't see that the "Not Bad" weapon is so light, it's better than I thought. "

  "But, but... there is no big double-blade that I customized."

  In this regard, Tsubaki spread his hands:

  "Ah, that is really impossible. If you make something so exaggerated, you won't have time to make other things, so you can make use of this two-handed sword."

  Frohn listened next to him and almost laughed.

  It's not enough for the destroyer, the blacksmith who finished the Gubonyu family, to harass the blacksmith of the Hephaestus family... Really.

  "Hey? Not only did Miss Tiona change her weapon, but Miss Tione also changed to a large weapon? This is... an axe gun, right?"

  Trying to wield a brand-new weapon, Thione was quite satisfied.

  "Ah, on the next floor, the monsters are all large species, so it is more convenient to use large weapons."

  "I see."

  "By the way, it is worth mentioning that due to the material limitation and the additional "not bad" attribute, the power is not top-notch, but at least it has the attack power of the second-level armament. From this point of view, it is still Flo Brother En's technique is better. "

  Frohn's "Learner Algorn" not only has the attribute of "not bad", but also has powerful attributes of "magic transmission" and "magic amplification", and even if the power is reduced, its power is still in the within the range of the first-level armament.

  And from this weapon, it can be seen that it has the particularity of "smithing" and "mystery" at the same time, because such a weapon, even Tsubaki, the strongest blacksmith in the city, will definitely not be able to create it. of!

  "Well, I'm just taking advantage of the "mysterious" development ability. "

  "I said don't be humble, the fact of holding "mystery" is a proof of your own strength! "


  After everyone saw the prepared weapons, they returned to the bonfire again.

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