The familiar and frightening song was sung again.

  Seeing that he was about to approach the enemy's body, the battle situation was changed once again.

  'What to do! ?The remaining physical strength, mental strength, and magic power are only enough for a full blow, so I have to keep it until the end or now——'

  Frohn clenched his cane and gun, his face was tangled, he didn't know what to do!

  Once he threw the cane with all his strength, how would Ais approach the enemy next?That was like giving up last hope.

  The tangled torture made him suffer, and at this time of life and death, he chose—


  "Damn, the shelling is coming again!"

  The faces of the fighting partners also changed greatly. There is still a distance from the monster, and there is no means to effectively stop the opponent's magic chant.

  The adventurers who were running desperately had their faces twisted because of this accident.

  "[The concubine issued an order in the name of the agent, and granted the concubine the name of the elf of flames, the incarnation of flames, the queen of flames—]"

  The brilliance of magic power expands under the protection of the layered petal armor, and the incantation chanted at high speed is like a prayer before death, suffocating and despairing.

  But at this moment, the tyrannical Berserker clenched the long spear in his hand.

  "Crack" clenched his teeth, and the short figure turned into a human cannon-like existence at this moment, and then——used the strongest strike of the spearmen!




  The spear radiated golden brilliance, and this throw—was the roar of the [Brave].

  This was the ultimate blow of Finn, who had turned into a Berserker .

  I only felt dazed for a moment, and the dazzling golden light reached a distance that was out of reach for adventurers, and came directly in front of the enemy's cheek.


  The head of the female body was pierced through the mouth by this peak blow without any accident.

  Throwing, hitting, and piercing, the golden spear tip refined by [Brave Iron] directly penetrates the entire head of the enemy!


  A vague and painful scream came from "her"'s mouth, it was the backlash caused by the chaos of something in the body!


  In the tyrannical chaos of scarlet magic light, it exploded!

  Frohn's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

  "The violence caused by the forcible interruption of the chant ran away, and the enemy was devoured by the magic power. Good chance, Ais!"


  The girl nodded heavily, blurred her figure at the same time as Frohn, and rushed forward!

  The enemy is near. (Is Wang good)

  "Now, everyone—"


  Bert, Tionne, Tiona and the others rushed towards the female monster like crazy. Because their head was blown off, the monster group suddenly became chaotic in the absence of command.

  This is an opportunity, an unparalleled opportunity!

  "Wait, what's going on!?"

  But obviously the adventurers' imagination is too naive!

  The twisted fallen elves with the characteristics of [Enhanced Species] and monsters easily inherit their characteristics and regenerate at a super high speed!


  I saw that the scorched upper body shook in the thick smoke after being blasted by the magic backlash, and then easily pulled out Finn's spear and broke it.

  Then, the ominous dark purple magic power burned on her body, quickly repairing the wounds caused by Finn and the magic backlash.

  That kind of speed, in the blink of an eye, is back to normal!

  "How is this possible!?" Yi.

Chapter 210


  It's still a look of disdain, but this time I can see a trace of anger in the eyes staring at myself and others.

  "[Let's strike, the spear of thunder, the concubine ordered in the name of the agent, and granted the concubine the name of the elf of thunder, the incarnation of thunder, the queen of thunder—]"

  The magic of short texts chanted at high speed!

  In just a few seconds, right in front of him—the golden magic circle unfolded again.

  The shelling, which hardly gave anyone any reaction time, caused the expressions of the people whose morale had just risen suddenly changed.


  Biting his lip and spitting out a mouthful of blood, Frohn grimaced, his brain enduring the stinging pain also used a high-speed chant to cast a magical incantation.

  "10 meters away—"

  "Victory is already cheering us!"

  "[Burn it all out, foreign karma!]"


  Invisible magic bullets quickly shot out of the colorless magic circle in front of Flonn——

  Although the flying speed of the magic bullet is not as fast as Finn's throwing magic, it is only the blink of an eye in this extremely short distance.


  The upper body of the female body swelled again!


  It's like an inflated balloon breaking a certain limit.


  The deafening magic backlash explosion countered the opponent's magic for the second time!

  "That magic actually detonated the magic power of the enemy!?"

  "An anti-special magic? Where did this guy Fron learn this extraordinary magic!"

  Several fairies could see clearly, especially Lefiya, facing Frohn who mastered this kind of magic, she was simply the strongest nemesis of mages.

  It's not an exaggeration to say a lawbreaker!


  Less than half a minute after the repair was completed, the pulpy enemy that was bombed again was angry!

  The shrill cry accompanied by the filthy spiritual pollution tormented everyone's eardrums, distorting their faces like a magic sound filling their ears.


  The completely immune Frohn frowned, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

  "Ais, I'll help you break through the enemy's final defense, and you'll complete the final blow!"

  "Wait, Frohn! Should..."

  "No, it's up to you, whether it's your skill blessing or its origin, you must be the one who does the last blow!"

  "Also, my magic has special effects!"

  Frohn sneered, and then—

  The flames and thunder all over the body boiled.

  "【Let's end (Ragnarok)—!】"


  Without any gaps, Floen turned on the maximum power of his magic!


  Frohn Algon, his entire body was engulfed by the dark flames and the crimson flame thunder, and he could only vaguely see a twisted and overlapping figure swaying along the flame thunder's coat.

  The gilded eyes and the azure aperture gleamed in the erratic flames, and Floen adjusted his state to the peak!

  "'Reader', activate!"

  "'Learn', activate!"

  "'Infinite Super Demon', activate!"

  "[Magic Master], activate!"

  "Finally, [fireblot—!]"


  With a love staff wrapped in dark flames, crimson flames, and a ring of magic halo in his hand, the entire staff of "Learner Algorn" suddenly turned red from the inside out, like a red-hot iron, emitting a sizzle. sizzle.

  "Ace, I'm in!"

  Without waiting for the girl's answer, Frohn, who gritted his teeth and endured endless pain, clenched his magic wand and spear, and suddenly turned into a black flash, and rushed straight towards the enemy who was close at hand!


  Following the screams of the enemy, the vine tentacles on the lower body were activated again, trying to stop the black flash that exuded a strong threatening aura.

  "Puff puff puff-"

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