Further back, Lefiya and Alicia were casting magic on Rivia, who had just become clear.

  It seemed that the magician had suffered the opponent's magic artillery bombardment and the magic backlash, and the injury was more serious than expected.

  "Leveria-sama, are you okay?"

  "Cough, don't worry, Lefiya. It's just a magic backlash. It won't affect the action after an emergency treatment."

  Glancing at the genuine joy on everyone's faces, Tsubaki also smiled.

  "[Loki Familia]? It's amazing. It opened my eyes!"


  The joyful cheers and excited roars of adventurers who crossed the "adventure" echoed throughout the 59th floor.

  And on the cluttered ground, broken weapons and broken armors are scattered upside down—they indicate that a real adventure has just been experienced here, which is a great achievement belonging to the [Loki Familiar]!



  "Bert, I'll leave the unconscious Frohn to you."

  "Ah—? Why did I let Lao Tzu carry him again, this is the first time!"

  "Well, you also have to understand everyone. Among all of us, you are the only one who has the fastest footsteps, and you should be familiar with this commission, right? Don't bother the second master."


  "Ahahahaha, let's go, everyone, let's go back to the 50th floor as quickly as possible!"


  "Of course, if you still have spare energy, you can also clean up the dropped props. After all, everyone has to live."

  Xiaoxiao made a joke, which made the atmosphere of the whole team lively.

  But compared to everyone who was happy, Ais pursed her lips and put all her thoughts on Frohn.

  "Ais, don't worry. A man as strong as Frohn will be fine."

  Alicia comforted the girl a little and told her not to worry.

  "oh, I understand now."

  "Everyone still needs you. As for taking care of Floen, leave it to me."


  (At the end of the war, ask for full booking, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets!) Door.

Chapter 212

  Everyone used the remaining medicine for a little treatment to restore their bodies to the point where they could move, and then retreated without hesitation in accordance with the orders of the little human race leader.

  Dragging the heavily wounded and tired body, under Finn's command, everyone had no choice but not to fight the monsters directly, and then passed the 58th floor "Dragon's Pot" which refreshed a large number of monsters without any risk, and successfully reached the 57th floor.

  Slowly passing by in an instant, the adventurers rushed all the way to the 51st floor.

  "Female-shaped monster, if you guessed correctly, this is the complete body."

  "Ah, and what I encountered on the 18th floor, it's basically two levels."

  "The twisted monsters on the 18th floor are parasitic in front of us. If you compare the [Orb fetus] to a seed, it will be a larvae after the parasitism, and it does not have much power. If you want to grow, you need to keep ingesting it. Energy, such as the nutrient solution overflowing from the "59 Food Bank", or growing through the magic stone that devours monsters, and finally reaches the level of [-] layers."

  "Ah, based on this calculation, the fallen elf that made us fight hard this time is just a clone cultivated from seeds."

  Finn frowned, and while he didn't want to admit the outcome, it was the truth.

  "I guess... it's just a forward sent by the other party to test it, or cannon fodder? It's possible that the body of that is still deeper in the dungeon."



  At the same time, those who made the same judgment as Finn were the old god Uranos and the [Sage] Firth who watched the entire adventure of the [Loki Familia].

  "It's amazing, [Loki Familiar]! After this adventure, those young people of them are probably going to be upgraded!"

  The sage in the hood and cape praised the adventurers of the Loki Familia, and then looked away from the crystal ball.

  "Well, the city's strength has grown further, which is a good thing. But the most important thing is 'she'."

  Fairs understood what the "she" in the old god's mouth was referring to.

  "The body of a fallen elves?"

  The torch was burning as usual, Uranos' pale eyes looked at the reflection in the crystal ball, and then speculated in a low voice.

  "That's right, the source of the [Orb Fetus] clone, that is, the main body - is still lurking in the deeper part of the dungeon, at least below the 60th floor! After the defense was broken by the [Flag Demon], the other party's behavior was very strange. It's like launching a distress signal. I can feel that after 'she' sent the signal, several floors in the depths were turbulent, which may be the defensive barriers deployed by other monsters."

  According to Uranos' speculation, Fels pondered for a moment.

  "The 59th floor is recorded in the library of the trade union headquarters. I'm afraid there is nothing wrong with it being the 'Glacier Labyrinth'. If it has become like this now, I'm afraid it is the handwriting of the enemy. 'She' completely masters the 59th floor's terrain, environment and ecosystem. , and then use those "giant flower seedbeds" to cultivate tentacles, completely changing the entire floor, turning it into its own domain, to warm up its own forces and recharge its strength-"

  "It is an unexpected and serious situation that such an unknown change has taken place in the dungeon."

  "Ah, those twisted weirdos that entered our line of sight are probably also the work of the other party."

  "Everything, just to destroy the city and return to the sky."

  "—Ah, the [God's Avatar] that was sent a thousand years ago to save the people of the lower world, apparently became the mastermind behind everything that was destroyed."

  What an irony, [Sage] Firth murmured weakly.

  Then, he thought of the guys on the 24th floor covering their faces.

  "Perhaps the situation is more serious than we thought. Don't forget that Uranos, the remnant of the [Dark Faction], also colluded with the other party."



  "It's a bit of a headache. Even our [Rocky Familia] can only win with difficulty. It's just a clone. It's a big joke."

  Finn looked bitter as if mocking himself.

  "I am afraid that the reason why the other party keeps producing clones is that they want to transport the clones to the ground unknowingly. If you really let the other party succeed and cultivate to the level of maturity, then with that kind of powerful magic, the whole I am afraid that the city will be bombarded into the sky in an instant.”

  "The ground summoning of the 'elf', this is the purpose of the enemy."

  "You mustn't let them get away with it."

  At this moment, Dione interjected.

  "Captain, assuming the enemy transports several such mature bodies to the ground at one time—"


  The terrifying conclusion made everyone instantly dilute because of the joy of victory...  

  "What does the enemy want? Destroy Orari? What a joke."

  Burt yelled to deny Thiogne's speculation, nearly knocking someone over his shoulder.

  "Go back to the 50th floor and take a break. After the preparation is complete, we will return to the ground as quickly as possible. This serious situation must be notified to Loki as soon as possible. Then we will discuss the countermeasures in detail."





  Just when the expedition of [Loki Familiar] was preparing to quickly return to the ground.

  Two unusual guests were ushered in the "Twilight Pavilion".

  "I said, are you free to do anything? Especially you, Hermes, your little white face came back early from the outside."

  "Well, Loki. Don't be so cranky, have a little patience, na!"

  The handsome man with short blond hair and handsome face raised his hands to comfort the red-haired goddess who looked upset.

  Ever since he returned to Orari and heard that the other party had exploded Apollo's descendants twice, let alone seeing each other, even when he heard Loki's name, he felt chilly below.

  If it wasn't for an important matter to discuss, he wouldn't want to come here even if he was killed.

  "Speaking of which, what the hell is wrong with you hypocrite!"

  In classical Chinese, the male god Hermes hurriedly put on a smile and explained:

  "I believe you have heard from the two children in your family. I am the victim of the incident on the 24th floor. Speaking of which, we are also allies, Loki."

  Glancing at the smiling male god who claimed to be an ally, Loki turned to another male god.

  "Hmph, what about you, what are you playing? Dionysus? Why do you come here to me if you don't make wine at home mysteriously every day?"

  He is also a handsome male god with blonde hair, but compared to the sleek Hermes (Hermes), this elegant male god is much calmer when facing Loki.

  "I'm sorry to bother you, Loki. But trust me, I can't help it."

  "As I told you before, because our children were also killed by those monsters, so..."

  "Also, everyone was involved in this kind of incident. Everyone who said something bad is now a grasshopper on a rope, so in order to fight the enemy, we should share information.".

Chapter 213

  The three victim gods sat together for some inexplicable reason.

  Compared to the two old hidden male gods who no one knows their true purpose, Loki is full of patience.

  But to underestimate Loki just because of that would be a big mistake.

  On the contrary, whether it is Dionysus or Hermes, they dare not underestimate the god Loki.

  It's really that her reputation in the heavens is too loud. Compared with the petty fights they have made, Loki will not do anything, and if he moves, he will be a blockbuster.

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