
  "Well, this is your transcript. As you expected, your great achievements are enough to upgrade to Lv.6, but unfortunately... the ability value has not been exercised to the bottleneck."

  Loki smiled and handed the parchment full of sacred words to Floen, sighing regretfully.

  "Before the expedition, I was only Lv.5. It's a little exaggerated to go up to Lv.6 in less than a month. I don't have enough accumulation. breakthrough."

  "Looks like you've made arrangements!"

  Loki is not worried at all about the accumulation of Floen's ability points. Even in the eyes of her goddess, who doesn't know how many years she has lived, he is a monster and an outlier.It is better to worry about the reality of other children coming than worrying that Frohn cannot continue to grow up.

  "Well, it's all arranged."

  "That's good, since the update is over, hurry up, there are still people lining up behind!"


  Speaking of which, the start and end of each expedition is the peak period of Loki's work. It can be seen from the eagerness of everyone in Tione to update their ability values. Not only the cadres, but even the grassroots personnel have made great progress. growing up.

  【Name】: Frohn Algonne

  【Title】: Weaver of the Night

  [Level]: Lv.: 5


  [Development ability]: "Mystery G", "Forge E", "Magic E", "Healing F", "Escape G", "Abnormal Resistance F", "Lancer H", "Broken H"

  [Magic]: "Surter"

  [Skills]: "Reader", "Scholar", "Unlimited Superman", "Magic Dominator"

  【Special Skill】: "Surtur's Fire"

  ============================================(Is Zhao good) === ===========

  Standing in the corridor, looking at his updated ability value, Floen sighed.

  First of all, the [ability value] increased from 0 to 1456 in one breath, because of the ability of the "infinite super magic" skill, all the power values ​​also increased to this number at the same time.

  Secondly, the [Development Ability] has also improved. "Magic", "Healing", "Escape", "Abnormal Resistance", "Lancer" and "Broken" have all been upgraded by one level, only "Mystery", "Forge" "Stay in place.But this is normal, after all, it is an expedition, and the auxiliary ability has not grown as expected.

  Finally, there is the change of title.Flonn, who had reached the [First-Tier Adventurer], finally got rid of the stupid title of [Flaming Demon] and became [Nightweaver].

  Although it doesn't sound as domineering as [Flaming Demon], this title seems mysterious and low-key at first glance, which is very in line with the habit of big bosses.someone expresses considerable satisfaction. .

Chapter 225

  After updating the attributes, the full sense of gain made Frohn's body and mind satisfied.

  This kind of feeling that as long as you pay, you can get a visible reward, no matter how many times you experience it, he will be addicted to it, making him happy both physically and mentally.

  After coming out of the God's Room, he bid farewell to his friends and went to Northwest Street alone.

  No matter when, Adventurer Street is still crowded, noisy and lively.

  Shops are lined up on both sides of the road, and all kinds of exquisite weapons, props, and potions are displayed in the window, which is dazzling.

  I don't know how many adventurers turned into paupers on a whim, and then left here with a respectful and smiling farewell from the shopkeeper.

  In the crowded street, Frohn touched his wallet with a stiff expression and sighed inwardly.

  'Hey, who said that the first-level adventurers are not bad for money?One expedition consumed all my savings, and I didn't even have money to replace the magic spar on the staff. A top-level staff with a good end was completely reduced to a "not bad" spear...'

  Thinking of this, he faintly felt pain.

  Because of the shattering of the magic spar, the magic amplification ability of "The Loremaster Algorn" was basically down, leaving only the simple magic power transmission ability and magic power carrying capacity.

  "Well, it's enough for the time being anyway."

  After comforting himself, Fron stepped into the hall of the Adventurer's Guild headquarters.

  The first thing that came into view were the adventurers lining up in front of the counter in the spacious hall, and then the huge notice board on the side of the wall.

  This time, when he came to the Adventurer's Guild, Frohn came to choose the commission.

  This time, he will go to the northern volcano adjacent to one of the three secret realms, the "Big Sea of ​​Trees", to collect a large amount of volcanic flowers to supplement the magic items. On the way, he can take the commission of clearing monsters to earn rewards.

  When he came to the periphery of the crowded notice board, he frowned slightly because of the crowd.

  "Hey, look over there."

  "My Cao, [Flaming Demon], no, it's [Nightweaver]!"

  "It's too awesome, the first-level adventurer, the title has become more handsome!"

  "I'm envious, it's Lv.5, let's see you again?"

  "It hurts, brother."

  When the surrounding crowd saw Frohn's face, they recognized him in an instant.

  No way, from the moment he became Lv.5, his name and appearance had been spread all over the city by the union, and no one would care about a strong person like a first-level adventurer.

   Add the opponent's background: [Loki Familia].

  Therefore, these people consciously made way for him.

  Facing the trembling, very polite and polite crowd, Frohn raised his eyebrows, and then he smiled naturally.

  Everyone is like this, why are you still writing ink?

  "Let me see, what are the tasks that need to go out of the city..."

  The first thing that caught his eye was the list of titles bestowed by the gods in this issue in the upper left corner.

  Floren was lucky to be in first place.

  [Loki Familiar] Fron Algorn, upgraded to Lv.5, title changed to [Nightweaver].

  A very formal document, even with the seals of the gods and unions on it.

  Then there is the parchment, which takes up 90% of the notice board.

  These are all entrusted by adventurers.

  Among them, collecting dungeon materials and dropping props accounted for 80%, and these entrusted Fron directly passed away, because they were not on the way.

  Among a lot of commissions, Frohn searched for a long time, and finally found a commission by the way.

  [Investigation: One of the three major secret realms, the "Big Tree Sea". 】

  Mission content: As shown in the title, go to the "Big Tree Sea", one of the three secret realms at the northeast end of Orari, to conduct a detailed investigation of the causes of monster riots and forest changes, and carry out crusades if permitted.After the end, bring the information and results back to the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild in the labyrinth city of Orari.

  Mission requirements: Single level Lv.2, no team.

  Remuneration for the task: to be discussed in detail.

  Client: Adventurer's Guild

  "That's it, although it's a little farther, but it's just on the way, it doesn't matter."

  After memorizing the order number above, Floen turned around and came to the front desk of the union, leaned forward slightly and tapped the marble table with his knuckles.

  "Misha, long time no see."

  "Hey? Nightweaver? What wind is blowing on your hot big man?"


  Are the advisors of the Adventurer's Guild a per capita onmyoji?

  From this opening, you know that it is an old onmyoji.

  "Cough, what's hot, it's all blown by others. I still know how much I have."

  Mi Xia narrowed her eyes, looked at the handsome face of the other party, and pouted.

  "Dignified first-level adventurer, quite modest. Forget it, seeing as you haven't become the same raccoon dog with those inferior guys, I'll be fine."


  Touching his nose in embarrassment, Frohn pointed in the direction of the sign.

  "I want to take entrustment numbers 5215 and 5686, please help me go through the formalities."

  "Numbers 5215 and 5686?"

  With that said, Misha took out the pile of adventurers who were piled up on the side and asked to rummage there, and quickly took out two of the parchments.

  She first looked at the contents above, then gave Floen a slightly different look, and then picked up the seal of the union and started processing.

  "Commissions starting with 5, these types of commissions are generally tasks outside the city. For example, acting as an escort to escort a noble, or going to a small town or village to slay monsters, and some delivery tasks, but without exception, all are Exit tasks that require going through the formalities for leaving the city.”

  "The clients of these two tasks are unions, so congratulations, the long review and processing time has been saved."

  "However, I still want to remind you that the task has a limited time, and it cannot exceed 3 months. If you haven't returned to the city and submitted the task after 3 months, then the commission this time will be considered a failure. Get on the union's blacklist. You also know how strict the union is to control the entry and exit of high-level adventurers and gods in the city."

  Frohn knew about this on the first day he came to Orari.

  When the gods came to the lower world, they were only mortals and sealed their divine power. Without any means of self-protection, they had better stay in the city.

  Not to mention high-level adventurers, in order to fight against the monsters in the dungeon, every high-level adventurer is a valuable battle force in the city, so the immigration control is so strict.

  "I know all of this. Since Party A has already completed the formalities, it will be a lot easier for me."

  "Here, this is the entrusted task book, and it must be kept. If there is no such parchment, we will not recognize the completion of the character, in other words, we will not get the reward."

  "Understood, it's time for me to say goodbye after the matter is settled. And the guy at the meeting can't wait! Bye!".

Chapter 226

  The next day, the sun was still bright, and Oralie was still bustling and bustling.

  People come and go on the avenue, and carriages gallop in the center of the wide street.

  Demi-humans and humans of all races enjoy a peaceful and peaceful daily life;

  However, the adventurers are the opposite of the general public. Another day full of hopes and dreams has just begun!

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