Looking at the beauty of the goddess so close at hand, Fron was stunned for a moment.

  Isn't this unfolding a little too fast?It's a little inappropriate!

  You are the noble goddess of the moon and the goddess of hunting!

  "That, Artemis-sama. Don't get excited, you have something to say. Although I know you are talking about the 'Ruins of Elsos', I am still a little vague. Can you explain it in detail?"


  The goddess did not expect that she would make such a rude move, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she took a step back while pretending to cough to hide her embarrassment.

  "The thing is..."

  "Hey hey? Artemis!!!!!!!!!! You, do you finally have a man!? Too, that's great! Woohoo, we're finally free!".

Chapter 229

  A sudden exclamation interrupted the conversation between the two.

  The voice sounded lively, and there was a deep joy in it.

  Looking at the expression on the other's face, breaking free from the bondage and letting go of himself, Frohn had no idea why the other party showed such an expression!

  "Lanti, don't reveal your true nature in front of outsiders, be more serious with me, we [Artemis Familiar] have lost all the faces of you!"

  The one who reprimanded the girl was a human girl with a short single ponytail at the back of her head. She should be about 20 years old as young as Fron.

  And the more lively girl, the age is slightly younger, from the tone of the other party's reprimand, it seems that this is not the first time.

  "Yes, I'm sorry, Letsa!"

  Glancing fiercely at the open-mouthed girl, the red-haired human girl took a few steps forward and saluted Artemis respectfully.

  "Sorry, Lady Goddess. You were left alone..."

  "It's okay, Letsa, I asked for a bath alone, I don't blame you."

  "...then who is this?"

  As an adventurer's perception, it is easy to feel a sense of oppression like a mountain from the opponent's not strong body, which is very strong.

  No, I should say very strong.

  "Hey, Letsa. I've seen him!"


  The human girl looked at Ranti, and when she saw the other party's eyes and looked at Frohn again, she was full of interest.

  "[Nightweaver] Hey, the first-level adventurer of [Loki Familiar], known as the strongest and invincible Floen at the same level, Flonn Algorn!"


  Litesa opened her thin lips slightly, and looked at the young man who smiled at them in surprise.

  "[Nightweaver] Fron Algorn, that monster that everyone guessed is really a monster whose combat power can surpass a level?"


  "Cough, although I am very happy that my strength is recognized by beautiful girls, but... can you not always describe me as a monster?"

  Frohn spread his hands helplessly, and complained slightly.

  "Uh, I'm sorry. I'm really surprised. I didn't expect the famous [Night Weaver] to come to the "Big Sea of ​​Trees", and meet our goddess by such a coincidence."

  "This time, Lady Goddess, you should be at ease. With such a strong reinforcement coming, even if the monster really breaks the seal, it can still be dealt with!"

  Knowing the worries of her goddess, Randy comforted Artemis with a smile.

  "Phew, that's right. That's the only good news."

  "Master Artemis, can you explain to me specifically about 'Elsos' and the sealed monster, the content of the request is very vague. So..."

  "No problem, let's go to the camp."

  "That's disturbing."

  Since the other party graciously invited him, Frohn agreed, of course. Chatting with the beautiful girls over a bonfire in the wild is not much better than looking up at the fragrance of the stars alone alone?



  "I said, Lord Hermes. Now that you're all here, you should explain the content of the quest in detail to us, right? And the quest says that they are going to join other family members. Which one is their identity? Family?"

  The footsteps of the [Hermes Familiar] were half a day slower than Fron, and at this time they had also entered the range of the "Big Sea of ​​Trees".

  "And... [Gale Wind] Why is it here, you should also explain it well?"

  Because of Frohn's relationship, Asfi and Ryu Liang are both friends and rivals.

  After all, there is such a powerful opponent, and it is a very good motivation for them to be a powerful woman.

  Coupled with the [Sword Princess] who was one step ahead of them, the strength of Asiffei and Ryu Rion skyrocketed like a rocket.

  "Cough, there are too many questions, I will explain them one by one."

  The destination was almost reached, and Hermes did not want to hide it any longer.

  "Lyu came here, I invited us. After all, we are not a powerful family like [Freya Familia] or [Loki Familia], so in terms of combat power... I decided to invite [Galeous Wind] to help in the battle, which is more secure. ."

  "As for the family we need to meet, I believe you should have a good idea of ​​it. In addition to our [Hermis family] wandering in the city most of the time, there is another family with the same nature as us. You should also be able to guess. Come on."

  As he said that, Asfi and Lyu looked at each other for a moment, and said the name of the family in unison.

  "[Artemis Family]!"

  "Ah, that's right, it's the [Artemis Familiar]. They are active outside the city all the year round. The character of that goddess... how should I put it, it's similar to Astoria, right? Save the weak and justice, um... ...The most loving thing is that these two Pillars of Heaven have recruited all female dependents."

  ".ˇIs it really them? I didn't expect that Artemis-sama was also involved in this situation."

  But Hermes held down his hat and shook his head.

  "No, Asfi. It wasn't Artemis who was involved in this situation, but she discovered the abnormal situation of 'Elsos and' this time. Time passed the information back to the union headquarters, so that's why we came here."

  "Is that so? Two family members and a lineup like Lyu can actually deal with the ancient ruins on the ground..."

  "Heh, don't look down on the other party because it's just a monster on the ground. It's sealed in the 'Essos Ruins', but the 'Wonderful Creatures', even the great elves can only seal rather than crusade, you can imagine The strength of the opponent is now. What's even more terrifying is that the monsters left over from the past like 'Andaris' have some kind of special ability."

  "for example?"

  "For example... a means that even the gods are helpless."

  "what did you say!?"

  As soon as Hermes finished speaking, Asfi's originally cold face broke through and screamed.

  The reaction of the head of his family was completely within Hermes' expectations, but... the male god just smiled wryly, not knowing how to explain Khan.

  "As far as I know, the power of the gods cannot be used against ancient monsters with "power", which is why our gods have nothing to do with it. If we want to fight it, we can only rely on your own power, the children of the lower world. , We gods can't help, even if we break the rules and use divine power, there's nothing we can do. That's the real reason why it's just sealed instead of destroyed."

  Hearing the main god's explanation, Asfi, Lyu and the others were immediately stunned. .

Chapter 230

  After being revealed the goal of this mission, the atmosphere of the [Hermes Familia] team became heavy.

  Anyone who hears the truth can't help but tremble.

  Fortunately, after explaining, such monsters have been weakened to a certain extent by the seal of thousands of years, and the current adventurers still have a certain chance.

  When they gradually approached the center of the sea of ​​​​big trees and moved towards the meeting point provided in the commission.

  In the camp of the [Artemis Familiar], it was already lively because of the only male present from Frohn!

  "Hey, ah, ah, brother Fron, can you tell us about your adventures, the adventures of a big man like you who are legendary in the whole Orari, we are super super curious! "

  Ranti, whose personality is very similar to Tiona's lively and cheerful personality, leaned over with a glass of wine, grinning and chatting with Frohn on his shoulders.

  Is there a difference between men and women?I'm sorry, they are all beautiful girls from the Artemis family. They have already reached the season of youthful sprouting. If it wasn't for Artemis, the goddess of purity, they would have turned into birds and let themselves go.

  Of course... even if there is a goddess, in places where Artemis can't see, such as going out shopping, girls will instinctively observe those excellent opposite sex.

  Of course, there's one more thing that makes Ranti and even Letesa curious about...

  Why does her goddess wear a bathrobe and remain calm and unshy when facing Floen?No... The most important thing is how did Frohn get close to Lady Goddess and survive?

  This matter, even Frohn himself does not understand, maybe only Artemis himself understands it.

  Being haunted by the girl, Flonn had no choice but to tell them about his adventures.

  Although he himself felt ashamed, others listened with relish.

  As he spoke, the entire camp fell silent, leaving only the young man's magnetic voice and the crackling of the bonfire burning.

  The sky was getting dark, and the lush forest became gloomy.

  Hurry up and hurry, and before the sky was completely dark, the [Hermes Family] and Lyu and the others finally arrived at the meeting point with the [Artemis Family].

  "Shh, listen."

  Originally, when he saw the camp, Hermes wanted to go up to say hello to the fellow in the heaven, but an absolutely impossible male voice came from the front.

  "This voice..."

  Asfi and Lyu looked at each other in surprise, and then each showed a different reaction.

  Her Royal Highness pushed down her glasses with her middle finger, her pupils of the same color shone with wise light, and her heroic face seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

  Miss Fairy Warrior's expression did not change, but the surprise and expectation in her eyes could not be concealed from anyone present.

  "This guy actually got mixed up with the [Artemis Family]. Does he have the physique to attract bees and butterflies?"

  Asfi grumbled angrily, then flicked her pure white cloak and strode up.

  "If it wasn't for my inspiration, I would have died on the 17th floor at that time, maybe this is fate."

  Someone is still talking about his adventure experience without knowing it, and he blows up when he talks about it.

  Well, just like the adventurers who brag about each other in the tavern, Frohn also entered this rhythm...

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