[Dagger No. 6], the sixth generation.

  〖Night fa-ⅴ〗, fifth-generation armor.

  Coupled with the various magic items carried in the bag, Frohn's overall combat effectiveness has reached an extremely terrifying level.

  Summarizing his own combat power, Fron smiled gloomily.

  "The upgraded information can't be hidden, and it will definitely reach the ears of the other party. But the real combat power can be hidden. Ha!"

  With a playful smile, Frohn opened the wooden door that had been closed for a long time and returned to the room.



  Pushing open the door, walking in the corridor, breathing in the clear air with the fragrance of flowers, Frohn stretched fiercely.


  As a result, half of the enjoyment was interrupted by a sudden little hand.

  "Yo, good morning, Frohn-kun~"


  "Let me tell you, Tiona. Why are you walking silently? Like a ghost, you can scare people to death!"

  "Hee hee, who do you see here?"

  Rubbing his aching shoulder, Fron turned his head.

  In the early morning sun, the dazzling golden hair reflected in his pupils, and Floen felt his mood change in an instant.Door.

Chapter 267

  No matter what time, no matter what mood, as long as Ais appears in front of him, Frohn can instinctively calm down.

  This reminded him of a sentence.

  Lover, when you give up, thinking of her figure is always full of strength.

  "Hey, hey, I'm such a big magic stone lamp here, so I can't see the occasion when you two are scolding me."

  Just as the two looked at each other affectionately, and even had to stick to each other immediately, when they went a step further, Tiona, the magic stone lamp, came out to disrupt the situation.



  After reacting to her actions just now, Ais's little face flushed red, and she immediately turned her head away shyly.

  On the other hand, Frohn was used to it, but there was a little regret on his face.

  "By the way, who is that?"

  The appearance of Ais made Frohn forget to ask about the identity of the handsome [-] male god who was talking to Loki in the courtyard downstairs.

  Plus Tiona interrupted.

  "It's him, oh... that's right! I forgot that you really haven't seen this god."

  This male god has a handsome appearance comparable to that of Hermes, no... If the God of Hermes has the style of a little white face, then... the man downstairs has a golden ratio, clear muscles and bronze skin. The handsome male god is the kind of handsome man full of masculinity.

  "This is the chief god of the Nyode family, Lord Nyode."

  Aisy, who had regained her strength, lifted the blond hair that was scattered around her temples, and softly informed the other party's identity.

  "It's really him."

  "Hey? Have you seen Lord Nijord?"

  Tiona thought Frohn didn't know him, but it was strange for him to say that.

  Frohn raised an eyebrow at Teona.

  "I have a good relationship with Loki. I came to Loki at this point in time, and he looked a little helpless in his words and expressions. On the whole, it should be the only Lord Nijord who was involved in the turmoil, right?"

  As a result, just as he was talking, Loki happened to see the three people in the corridor from the corner of his eye.

  "Yo, Aishan~Tiona-chan~Flonn~"

  "Oh, it's rare that you get up so early, Loki."

  The three walked over together, and Frohn took the lead in joking with Loki.

  "Cut, it's not that the relatives are so poor that they can't even drink wine!"


  It turned out to be the case. I stopped drinking last night, so I didn't drink into a state of drunkenness, so I woke up early.

  "Hey, hey, hey~ Fron, the family is still a little short of money to pay off the arrears, you see..."


  Seeing Loki hugging his arm and acting like a spoiled child, Frohn got goosebumps all over.

  "Let go, let go, let go of you. I promise you that, I still have a few magic swords, just sell them! Let me go!!"



  "Yeah!!! I finally have the money to buy wine!"


  Looking at Loki and his family members joking, thinking of his own family... The male god Nyode is full of bitterness.

  "Loki, you haven't introduced me yet."

  Quite euphemistically reminding this neurotic goddess who has a good relationship with herself, and also shows Nijord's character from the side.

  "Oh oh oh, isn't this too exciting, I almost forgot!"

  "You know both Ais and Tiona, but this one, you should know his name too!"

  Nijord smiled slightly and looked at Frohn with admiration.

  "If I guessed correctly, it is the legendary figure who gained fame in the past two years and became a first-level adventurer in just two years, [Night Weaver] Frohn Algonne. Bar!"

  "Uh, Lord Nijord, don't brag about me, this isn't flattering me. What a legendary character, I'm just a rookie, even if the upgrade speed is a little faster than others, but still in experience There is a gap with the seniors. So I still have a lot to learn.”




  Ais, Tiona, and Loki all looked at someone with a humble face with strange eyes, and couldn't help muttering in their hearts.

  'What do you mean by upgrading a little faster?It's too bullshit! '

  If Tiona knew the term Versailles, she would definitely say: This guy is old Versailles...

  "Uh, huh, huh... That's it."

  Sure enough, as soon as he opened his mouth, Njord didn't even know how the conversation should go on this day.

  Fortunately, Loki came to the rescue in time.

  "By the way, how did you deal with it?"

  Speaking of this, Nijod Shuaibi's face was pulled down.

  "Hey, don't mention it. After you can't use magic stone powder, the sea has become the same again, the frequency of monster attacks has increased significantly, and the danger of sailors going to sea has increased a lot, you know it's less than a week... ..”

  Loki didn't care.

  "Your children should also exercise. You must know that the monsters in the sea and the monsters in the dungeon are not the same level. Even ordinary people can easily deal with them if they master the skills, not to mention the sailors who have gifts in your family."

  "Ah, there's no way around that."

  "By the way, that dwarf Carly is still in your "Wharf House", right?"

  "Yeah, I'm still tied to the base camp, what's wrong?"

  "Oh, just right. The time was urgent, and I still had a lot of things to ask. I'll go with you."

  "Frohn, Ace, Tiona, you come with me too."



  A group of five people first followed the male god Nyode to the seafood area divided by the trading market, and gathered the sailors to sell fishery products, and then came to the town of Melen.

  In the far northeast of the port area, on a small highland facing the sea with its back to the woods, there is a multi-storey building similar to an anchor standing here.

  Needless to say, this shape is naturally the base camp of the [Nyod Family], the "Wharf House".

  Before they got close, everyone heard a burst of begging for mercy.

  "You bastard Nijord! Even if I lose this time, I will demand preferential treatment for the captive! Hurry up and let me go, you handsome man with a dark heart!"




  Nijord's face darkened, and he hurriedly pushed open the gate of the base camp.

  "You bastard, keep your words. The union didn't send you back to the heaven, so you're just having fun, and you're still saying that I abused the prisoners???"

  Beside him, Loki also approached gloomily.

  "Hey hey, little dwarf. I didn't expect us to meet again so soon, hurry up and bring in all the shady secrets you know, maybe I can help you beg for mercy."

  "Huh, okay!"


  Loki was stunned, never expecting Carly, the little dwarf, to agree so readily.

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