"...Finn, leave the trash here, or stare at our hind legs!"

  Abruptly, Bert said something rather poignant.

  The grassroots members were slightly taken aback for a moment, but then their expressions were embarrassed and embarrassed.

  When Burt was talking about trash fish, of course he was referring to him.

  Although he knew that Bert was kind, his mouth was too poisonous, so Frohn silently stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and then he comforted everyone.

  "Bert's intentions are good, although I don't know what kind of danger and battle will be encountered inside, but... it's really not suitable for you."


  After being translated by Frohn, everyone's faces looked better.

  "Hey, you two. Don't decide (Li's Zhao) without authorization. If you don't bring supporters in, we won't be able to exert our full strength without backup weapons and medicines, okay!? Besides, as you said, there are many Like a dungeon, then we should at least take the attitude of attacking the dungeon!"

  Diogene slightly refuted the opinions of Frohn and Bert.

  In her opinion, this must be the second entrance and exit of the dungeon that she has been looking for. Since it is the entrance and exit of the dungeon, according to the tactics, a large number of personnel should be dispatched for exploration and search.

  Seeing that the cadres were about to quarrel because of disagreements, Grace, Riviria, and Loki all turned to the real decision maker, Finn.

  The little human race leader was also very tangled, but the throbbing thumb told him that it was very dangerous here, very dangerous.

  That being the case...

  "Don't be arguing, the team is divided into two groups: avant-garde and defender. The rest plus the treatment class. No supporters are needed this time.".

Chapter 285

  The leader gave an order, and rarely followed the advice of Frohn and Bert, but he didn't really bring any supporters.

  "This time is different from exploring the dungeon. Our opponents are not only monsters, but also humans. Therefore, even I can't predict what will happen. If there is an accident, if only we go in, the loss will be reduced to a minimum. , This is also to protect everyone. You can understand!"

  Explain your original intention to the team members, so that they do not misunderstand.

  After all, once this matter is not handled properly, it will shake the cohesion of the family, which no one wants to see.

  "Rivelia, you and your goblin troop stay here, and in the event of an accident, provide immediate support when you get a distress signal."

  Riviria nodded, and Finn's assignment was reasonable.

  Because of such encounters and battles, in unfamiliar environments, the goblin troop is not very good at it.

  On the contrary, it is just right as a support force.

  "By the way, when you are stationed here, remember to collect information around and in the secret passage. Don't forget this."

  the other side.

  The good friend Philvis who came with Lefiya was silent, she stood beside Lefiya, as if she had no sense of existence.

  "Are you... going too, Lefiya."

  The coldness revealed a tone of concern, and the dark-haired fairy's scarlet pupils flashed complex emotions.

  As if giving the atmosphere again, Lefiya clenched her small fists, her eyes reflecting her longing back with dazzling blond hair.

  "I'm lv.4, since Lord Riviria is not here, I need to participate even more! Whether it's my healing magic or remote support, my comrades need me!"


  The crimson eyes stared straight at the girl, and the stern aura didn't mean to give in at all.

  "Although I hate that wolf and that blond human being, I agree with their judgment... Here, it's very strange, maybe... there is something weird."

  "Why do you say that?"

  Lefiya was a little confused.

  "It's...it's my intuition."

  The conversation between the two was heard verbatim by Frohn, the young man lowered his eyes, and no one knew what he was thinking.

  "Lefiya, you...stay here, with the goblin troop. Assault operations and encounters are not friendly to you guard wizards, and you have to draw out your strength without knowing the situation. Protecting mages is not in the interests of the team."

  It wasn't enough for Burt to play Blackface alone, so Floren had to play it himself.

  "What, what! You, you despise me?"


  The girl looked at Floen with an incredible look on her face, never expecting him to say such a thing.

  "Lefiya, don't be self-willed this time. Stay here and support us, and this [White Witch] is right, I also have a bad feeling."


  Even the object of her longing said so, and Lefiya looked at the fairies such as Riviria and Alicia who were watching their fate, and finally pulled her ears down in frustration, feeling very depressed.

  Although he was a little shaken by the girl Chu Chu's pitiful expression, in the end, Frohn still gritted his teeth.

  Especially in front of Fairways, he didn't want to add extra surprises.



  The team was led by the first-level adventurer, and the second-level adventurer began to explore.

  Standing at the forefront are the two humanoid tanks Grace and Tionne. As the two stepped into the secret passage, everyone stepped on the slate and moved forward cautiously.

  Soon, in the eyes of Rivilia and others who were waiting outside, they lost their figures.

  "Tread, step, step."

  The heavy boots and equipment repeatedly collided with the slate, and as the team advanced, they gradually discovered some features.

  "I said, although this is the old nest built by the enemy, why do I feel... This place seems to be a bit like an underground labyrinth?"

  Flonn glanced at Teona, who was talking.

  She has a very naive personality, but she always has a super instinct in this kind of thing.

  After thinking about it, Frohn explained:

  "In the ancient documents in the library, I have seen the introduction of castle architecture. The ancients built castles to guard against enemy attacks. Such buildings often involve structures that are extremely difficult to invade, and even large castles have more complex structures. , with countless traps that make the enemy tremble."

  The passage is very wide, and there is a sense of sight in the underground maze.

  Even with Grace's physique, it can fit five people in parallel.

  However, although this place looks like a dungeon, it is different after all.

  The floors, walls, and ceilings of the passage are not as varied as the underground city, but are flat, well-crafted, and uniform.

  Coupled with the cracks on the stone surface due to the baptism of the years, it is conceivable that this is definitely from the hands of the craftsmen of the past, rather than natural formation.

  "Grip the grass! What is this!"

  Raul, who was at the front of the team, suddenly exclaimed, startling everyone.

  The light of the portable magic stone lamp soon came over, and everyone could see clearly the body of Raul who frightened him.

  It was an anthropomorphic statue, like a demon from a fairy tale standing on both sides of the passage.

  The vigilance that was suddenly raised by Raul's exclamation, after seeing what it was, An Qi helplessly rolled her cute eyes.

  "I told you, Raul. Can't you learn from Mr. Flonn and Mr. Cruz? The boss is not too young. As an adventurer, where have you lost your basic emotional control."

  "Hug, sorry, An Qi, I'm really nervous."

  Seeing Raul being reprimanded again, everyone smiled.

  Because of this incident, the originally tense atmosphere relaxed a little, and the entire team continued to move forward.

  Not long after, what appeared in front of the team was a sudden fork.

  Two, four, six, eight, and countless intersections made the members of the Loki Familiar embarrassed.

  But under the firm will of everyone, they were not afraid and confused, but quickly broke through these differences.

  As long as the team is not broken up, then with their combat power, any enemy can deal with it.

  This is where Finn's confidence lies.

  Every time this happens, Finn will send scouts to quickly explore the path, and if it is a dead end, choose another one.

  As the fork in the road increased, the team's advancing speed also slowed down.

  And the secret passage has also changed significantly from the entrance section, that is... there are more and more artistic sculptures of that kind.

  Not only demons, but all kinds of monsters, and even plant-like reliefs began to appear on the walls.

  Just looking at it, one can't help but think of those new species and piranhas. .

Chapter 286

  In the dim environment, the dim blue magic stone lamps embedded in the walls illuminated the nervous faces of the adventurers.

  The successive slender shadows kept swaying on the wall, together with the gloomy, damp and rotten stench, making everyone involuntarily tense their heartstrings.

  "Tread, step, step—"

  The sound of footsteps coming back beside the eardrums of everyone was rendered inconsolable, and gradually... oppression came from all directions.

  "Frohn, here...it makes me very uncomfortable."

  Ais put her right hand on the hilt of her beloved sword vigilantly, and whispered to Flonn beside her.

  "Ah, yes. Compared to the dungeon, this place is more gloomy. Even if the dungeon is dangerous, it is alive and has an instinctive sense of vitality."

  "And here..."

  Glancing at the statue's eyes, the inconspicuous thing resembling dandelion petals, Frohn ~ smiled strangely.

  "Here, here is a completely inorganic existence, and in the underground environment, it is destined to be a cold and lifeless thing."


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