A large number of piranhas poured out from the passage behind the two gates, surrounding the team in just a moment.

  Seeing the conflict between the adventurer and the monster below, Valetta laughed jokingly, then tapped her toes, and the figure suddenly retreated into the passage behind her.

  "Fuck (a plant)"

  Burt cursed out a foul language, then charged at lightning speed.

  "Everyone, stay in formation and prepare to attack!"


  With the encouragement of the [Brave] and Bert taking the lead, the morale of everyone was instantly mobilized!


  The two torrents collided, followed by the roar of the adventurer and the howl of the piranha to start the battle.

  The purple light seems to be dancing an elegant ballet, constantly drawing beautiful lines in the monster group. Every time it flickers, the piranhas crowded near the light will be cleared of a space out of thin air... but it will be replaced by the back. Monsters fill up in an instant.

  "Puff puff puff puff-"

  With the exceptional stat of lv.6 and the further "Learner Algorn", the efficiency of Fron's slaughter has reached a dream level.

  Even at level 5, he still needs to consume a lot of physical strength to deal with the charge of a large number of monster groups, but now...

  The wand gun in Frohn's hand slaughtered monsters with no effort at all, and could easily disembowel the enemy, just like cutting tofu.

  He only needs to provide a little help, and with the inertia and sharpness of this special weapon, he can crush the enemy.


  Suddenly stopped in the middle of the monster group, Fron tilted his head and pinched his chin. Under the situation that countless monsters were surrounded and attacked him, he looked at his love stick in his hand and fell into contemplation.

  'what happened?The feel is completely different. Even if you can easily eliminate the piranha before, it is not this easy method? '

  He didn't realize why the gods called lv.6 [Heroic Field].

  That's because... the leap from lv.5 to lv.6 is much more terrifying than the sublimation from lv.1 to lv.5.

  That is the sublimation of the essence of life level, and it is a ray of flame that ignites the countless possibilities of the individual.

  As long as you reach the lv.6 level, then... you can't count as a mortal, or it's closer to being called [Extraordinary], [Extraordinary], and [Hero].

  "Puff puff--"

  From stillness to movement, in the blink of an eye, countless staggered purple lights appeared around Frohn, and all the nearby piranhas were frozen in mid-air in an instant.

  "Bang bang bang bang bang bang-"

  With Fron as the center, all monsters within a radius of ten meters turned into dust in an instant.

  "You go to support the defender, and I'll come to the back."

  Glancing at the direction the team was moving, Floen said to Raul and An Qi.

  "it is good!"

  In this team, the strongest three are naturally Finn, Burt, and Floen.

  Burt was at the front, and Finn had to judge the situation and command in the center, so the almighty Floen would naturally depend on the work at the back.

  With his pad, it can give everyone an unparalleled sense of security.



  An hour has passed since the fierce battle began.

  I don't know how many monsters were collected by the [Dark faction] in the gloomy cave of this artificial labyrinth. Anyway, the two channels have been continuously outputting piranhas.

  The team followed the only passage and quickly retreated, but the monsters behind them were chasing after them.

  Floen is one enemy, ten thousand, one person hangs at the end of the team, the whole person turns into a barrier, no matter how many attacks, they are all easily killed by him.

  If it wasn't that the piranha would not leave corpses after being killed, then the corpses of the enemies along the way would definitely build up several mountains.

  "Okay... so strong, the frequency of face breathing has not changed!"

  "That is to say, Lord Flonn doesn't even consume it!"

  It was the first time since Floen upgraded to lv.6 that he made a move in front of everyone, not to mention other people, even his own team members were stunned.

  ".ˇ Don't get distracted! Pay attention to the queue length!"

  Finn sharply reminded everyone, while watching intently ahead of the passage.

  Bear in mind that there was another monster figure in front of the passage facing the team. As the striker, Bert took the lead.

  "Huh? Isn't this a piranha? Is it a new type of monster like a worm?"

  What appeared in front of everyone was not a piranha or a worm, but a monster like a water spider.

  It has six feet, the length is about the waist of a normal human, and there is a green crystal similar to a magic stone in the center of the body.

  Because of their very small size, the number is extremely terrifying, and it makes the scalp tingle at first glance.

  "Bert, be careful!"

  "What are you afraid of, monsters are monsters after all, you're done!"

  The werewolf youth looked arrogant, and while speeding up again, the sword and boots flashed a silver cold light, and a large number of enemies were cleared away in an instant.

  "Bert, look up!"

  Then...the crowd discovered that, around them, several square (Li's Zhao) steps suddenly appeared in the passageway with a width of 5m.

  Monsters kept pouring out of the cave.

  It is said to be a cave, but according to Frohn's observation, this thing should be an unfinished mechanism and trap that is temporarily used as a monster's lair.

  Because of the sudden change in the situation, Raul, An Qi and the others could only be forced to raise their shields and weapons to start fighting with the monsters around the fork in the road and the caves above.

  This change made the team's retreat speed abruptly reduced by a large margin.

  Waving the stick and gun in his hand, Fron slaughtered the monsters behind him like a door god. The team speed was reduced, and he could only stop in place.

  While killing the monsters instinctively, Floen observed the surrounding situation.

  'It's not very good, Valetta is trying to drain us to death in Knossos, this plan... It is estimated that it has been formulated for a long time, so is it that we are put into the lower layer before we start? '

  In an instant, he saw through the enemy's means. .

Chapter 290

  That crazy woman must be watching, Frohn and Finn thought at the same time.

  Still the other party's care and hatred for Finn, it is impossible for the other party to run away, especially in the perverted heart, if she was not afraid of accidents, she would like to watch the live broadcast, and then cheered for Finn's miserable condition and desolation.

  "Finn, that guy is waiting for the opportunity, once we are dragged by the monster and consume a lot of physical strength and supplies, it will be dangerous!"

  As for the opponent's means, when he only has lv.5, Frohn can't think of any other means for the opponent other than the trap of the artificial labyrinth Knossos itself.

  But...because it's the man-made labyrinth Knossos, it's even more worthy of vigilance.

  There is no problem with such a creation only relying on its own strength, but it will be difficult to bring the team back without any shortage.

  However, thinking of his own inflated strength now, Frohn raised the corners of his mouth confidently.



  "Strong, it's so strong, that gesture, that expression, I haven't seen such a child in a long time! I remember the last time I saw a child who was attracted to me was when I met the little girl Jian Ji on the 12th floor. ."

  In the huge and spacious hall, God Thanatos, who watched Finn's battle through the reflection of a certain plant, exaggeratedly praised the human blond young man.

  "Who is he? Can anyone introduce him?"

  Below, a group of mysterious people wearing hoods and cloaks looked at each other, and finally a leader stood up.

  "My god, he is [Nightweaver] Fron Algon, the cadre of Loki's family."

  "Oh, oh, so that's it, it's him! He's the Night Weaver. So... dear Baka, can you take special care of him? How can you separate the Brave, the Wolf and the Night Weaver? Sample?"

  The gloomy man watched the battle through the biological projection prop, and nodded silently.

  "Hee hee, as expected of a direct descendant who created this work, then leave it to you! As for Valetta, I believe she will definitely agree with my plan."



  The Fron team, which was fighting fiercely with monsters and advancing with difficulty, finally got through the way after half an hour of fighting.

  "Quick, speed up!"

  The messy footsteps speeded up again, and soon a crossroad appeared in front of everyone.


  But at this moment, the accident happened!


  The gate to the crossroads suddenly fell, watching when a member of the group was about to be crushed into flesh.

  Floen supported the attack of the piranha with one shot, turned around quickly with the help of the rebound, kicked the opponent's back, and sent him over!



  The scene engraved in Frohn's mind at the last moment was everyone's horrified and worried eyes.

  "Don't worry about me, I'll catch up with you soon!"

  At this moment, Frohn, who was isolated in isolation, did not panic, but had a faint smile on his face.

  Even if his life was blocked, and there were dozens of piranhas in front of him, he didn't panic.

  "Using the advantages of the terrain to divide the combat power, and then destroy each one? The commander of the other party is quite smart, knowing that the front is just too good to play this kind of conspiracy. But ah..."

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