The neat and tidy uniform on his body also became tattered, as if torn by someone with great force, and hung on his body in pieces like a beggar's suit.

  Perhaps the owner of this secret room was afraid, and didn't do anything to the white-haired boy, that is, Bell Croney's pants.

  No, just because the pants aren't torn doesn't mean they haven't been caught by the Death Grip.

  Thinking of the fat figure more than two meters tall and the terrifying laughter of the clams, Bell Cronney's brain trembled as if it was contaminated by the spirit.

  Thinking of the other party's inevitable victory for him and the words he left when he left, his entire consciousness and body trembled.

  "No, you can't wait to die here! You have to run away before that monster comes back, otherwise... otherwise, all encounters and dreams will be over! Bell Croney can never be Bell Croney again! I have to run away, I have to run away!!!!"

  Recalling the shadow dominated by the fat giantess, the boy's teeth were shaking, his thin body was hung on the wall by handcuffs and chains, struggling with a grim expression.

  But facing the torture tool made of fine iron, all his struggles were in vain.Not to mention that he is a mere lv.3, even if he is not an adventurer who is good at strength, it is absolutely impossible to break free from the specially created shackles in this secret room.

  Looking at the blood on the ground that has turned black, you can see how many men have been toyed with in this secret room that belongs to [Men Killer] Phryne.

  Without exception, the man who was bound here and was fortunate enough to be favored by this Phryne, did not need her to buy the highest energy potion. She may not know why she still needs such a pharmacist because of her beauty. produced products to assist?

  Of course, the fate of these men was extremely tragic, and Bell Cronney could vaguely hear the extremely shameful screams of those grievances.

  "Help, help, help! Who will help me!"


  In line with the style that more things are worse than less things, Floen implemented a low-key style and went straight to the ceremony site.

  The plan of the [Ista Familiar] and the kidnapping of Bell Croney were brought to the goddess' eyes, just a casual move.

  Of course he knows, even if he doesn't do it...  …Ista is related to the [Dark Familiar] and provides them with funds, smuggling and channels. Once the [Adventurer's Guild] investigates clearly, she will also Can't escape punishment.

  Such evidence was enough for her to be expelled from Orari and even sent back to Heaven.

  But forget it, she still provoked the [Freya Familia] to death, and in order to provoke Freya, she kidnapped her heart and soul, and raised Bell Croney as her own son.

  With Beauty's morbid love for Bell, isn't this the old birthday star hanging - courting death?

  Not to mention [Dark Faction] and [Urban Destroyer] Ainio, even if she seeks refuge with Uranus, the high-ranking member of the [Adventurer's Guild], no one can save her.

  Thinking of the other party's ignorant appearance, even if it was a god, there was a trace of disdain on Frohn's face.

  "Thinking that with the cards and strengths of 'The Bull of the Sky', 'Killing Stone', 'Made Labyrinth Knossos', 'Weird Reeves', and the mysterious masked man, the one who can deal with them Goddess Freya? I'm thinking too much. You think that you have many tricks and one card after another, so how do you know that the [Freya Familia] that stands at the top of Orari has no cards? I really think The full strength of others has been shown? He is obviously a god of the heavens who has lived for infinite years, how can he be so stupid?"

  Whispering mockingly, Frohn seemed to have heard something, and his body abruptly stopped in the corridor from moving to stillness while his eyes narrowed.

  Squinting the pupils of the blue circles, Frohn turned and turned to the other end of the fork in the road.


  The leather boots stepped on the expensive carpet like a cat's footsteps, silently.

  The dark environment couldn't stop the top adventurer's gaze - at the end of the passage, a thick wooden door made of solid steel framed into his eyes.

  Before he got close, Frohn's keen five senses fed him an aura that was completely contrary to the gorgeous and luxurious corridor behind him.

  In the dark, rotten, and humid environment, the strong smell of blood mixed with some unexplainable smell came from behind the door.

  It made him raise his brows with interest, and even a little playfulness appeared in his eyes.

  "Is this... a private cell? Some prostitute's bad taste?"

  "Oh, rich people just know how to play.".

Chapter 318

  Standing in front of the door, across the door.

  Even though the walls and the generous wooden doors are made of special materials and have a good sound insulation effect, Frohn's superhuman hearing can still hear the unwilling and angry cries vaguely emanating from the room.

  Without any hesitation, he kicked open the wooden door unceremoniously, and in an instant... he met the red eyes of the boy whose body was stiff and stopped struggling.

  "Yo, isn't this our lovely junior, Bell Cronney? How come you've been mixed up and become the male pet of the [Ista Familiar] after a long time? You even have people tied up here."

  Glancing at the various instruments of joy hanging on the wall, Frohn's face trembled, holding back a smile and mocking the white-haired boy who was kneeling in front of him and left tears of shame.



  What kind of service did Phryne have to do to make a youthful youth full of dreams become like this?

  The snot was flowing, the eyes were red, and the face was dry and circles, which was obviously the saliva left by some monster.

  Plus the torn clothes, tsk tsk tsk...

  Just imagined the scene of 16 a little, and Frohn had a shuddering sense of sight.


  Freyne, I'm afraid it's the shadow of Belle Croney that will linger in her whole life. I wonder what Goddess Freya's expression will be when she sees the stain on her soul again?It's fun to think about.

  With a sigh, he picked up the sharp point of the cane and spear, and then smashed the handcuffs and ankle cuffs with lightning speed and precision, and said at the same time:

  "This world is not as beautiful as you imagined. After this lesson, you won't naively think that all adventurers are as kind as you, right? The relationship between the family and the family is more complicated. Maybe you should have a little more Some self-knowledge, isn't the lesson the Apollo family has taught you enough?"

  Frohn scolded the other party in an unceremonious and cold voice, but seeing the miserable appearance of the other party, he finally stopped.

  "Forget it, there's a family war going on here. You'd better not get involved. Even if you don't care about yourself, you should think about Goddess Hestia and your family and friends. That's it, you can do it yourself."

  After all, Fron turned and left.

  It was a coincidence that Bell was saved.His original mission target was not teenagers.

  "Thank you, thank you, Brother Fron, I won't forget your words!"

  Bowing respectfully to him ninety degrees, Bell bit his lip and lowered his head in shame.

  As Frohn said, the world is not black and white. It has been a few months since he became an adventurer, and the teenager has initially come into contact with the real side of this world.

  The cruel reality ruthlessly shattered the fantasy and made the young man mature rapidly.

  Especially after the incident of Phryne, the alarm bell in his heart has been sounded.If Frohn didn't happen to find out that he had rescued him, what would happen in the future, the shuddering imagination didn't even dare to let him think about it any longer.

  "You must leave here and inform the Lord of the matter."

  After rushing out of the cell and identifying the direction, the boy quickly left.



  At the same time, at the end of the episode here, Floen rushed towards the rooftop of the tower again, which was the place where the ceremony was held.

  The members of the [Freya Family] and the [Ista Family] have already started fighting.

  "Boom boom-"

  The happy street and the palace are full of metallic sounds from the collision and friction of weapons, mixed with the shouts and roars of adventurers, and the entire battlefield is extremely chaotic.

  The raging fire was ignited by the magic of the sorcerers, and billowing black smoke and fire lit up an entire area of ​​South Street.

  Northwest Street (Adventurer Street), [Adventurer Guild Headquarters].

  It was already very late at night, and the whole hall was no longer busy during the day.

  Occasionally, one or two adventurers who have returned from the dungeon are greeted by the night shift staff, or do commissioned tasks, or exchange magic stones for gold coins in the surrounding environment.

  Even the lively notice board area was deserted. A few spies sitting on the corner sofa covered half of their faces with their hats, leaning against their arms and falling asleep.

  The night wind that seeped in from the gate occasionally caused his body to shiver.

  "What did you say!?????"

  But at this moment, the quiet hall was pierced by a sharp voice from the receptionist.

  These drowsy guys were startled, they stood up and looked at the counter area with a confused look.

  Then I saw a few guys in suits and ties, but the clothes were disheveled, talking to the half-goblin lady with panic on their faces.

  Coupled with the body language of the other party's non-stop gestures, the spies understood... something big.

  Looking at each other tacitly, they all stood up and leaned over, and set up their ears to collect information.

  Counter area.

  Today at the front desk is the adventure advisor, Miss Aegina, the half-fairy.

  Pushing her glasses, she apologized to everyone in the hall, and then looked solemnly at the few guys in messy suits who exuded adventurer vibes in front of her.

  "You mean, Huan... There's a war in Happy Street? Adventurers and wizards fight each other? Even the streets are destroyed?"

  "No, that's right. Believe me, the guys who shot are definitely not low-level adventurers, and the minimum is lv.2!"

  Hearing this, Aegina's expression changed, and she knew something big had happened in her heart.

  "you sure?"

  She seriously wanted the other party to confirm again. Once the news was confirmed, then... the Adventurer's Guild would definitely take action.

  "I'm sure, and sure!!! Those guys... must belong to a large family, don't forget that Happy Street is the site of the [Istar Family]!"

  When the name of this family was mentioned, the expressions of several adventurers and eavesdropping spies changed slightly, with expressions of fear on their faces.

  Obviously everyone knows that [Ista Familia] is not a good thing.

  But when I think about it, I know who the other party is and dare to start a war blatantly. There is something strange in this.

  Not to mention... Such a move completely ignores the order maintained by the [Adventurer's Guild].

  And with this kind of combat power and influence, there are only a handful of them in the entire Orali.

  Everyone who got the news, including Aegina, was wondering which family was behind it.

  "[Rocky Familia]? No, they have no motive. And the members of the [Rocky Familia] have been secretive these days, and they seem to be busy with other things."

  "[Ganesha Familiar] As a military police, there is no reason..."

  "Could it be..."

  Thinking of the bad relationship between the two gods, everyone widened their eyes and thought of the answer almost at the same time.

  "Yes... [Freya Familiar]!"

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