"Hey hey, I said it the first time I saw brother Frohn, he's a little special."

  Only Cory was like a detective, as if she had seen through everything.

  "Ah, that's Mr. Flonn, the rookie adventurer you're talking about."

  "Yes, meow, I heard that it is still from the Loki family."

  Aniya's small face was like a bun, and she said with a smile to "Witch" Xier with a finger on her lips.

  Seele, her full name is Seele Forova. A veritable kanban girl in the tavern of "The Mistress of Abundance".

  With his pleasant and simple character that can treat anyone without any barriers, he is very popular among male customers.

  In front of her unfamiliar smile, no matter how rough the adventurer is, his expression will gradually relax.

  And——she has a pair of eyes that can easily penetrate people's hearts and souls.

  But unfortunately, these eyes seem to have lost their usefulness when facing the individual named "Frohn".

  The girl squinted and tilted her head to look at the blond youth who met Lyu, her cute face full of curiosity.

  "It's weird-"

  She blinked and stuck her hands behind her back.

  "You're Mr. Floren, and you and Lyu—"

  Saying that, the girl turned her head in a funny way, with a shy look on her face.


  Frohn almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, but fortunately he swallowed it back with his willpower.

  "That, Xier-chan - please stop talking nonsense."

  "I'm not talking nonsense, Lyu. This gentleman touched your hand just now—"


  "Hee hee hee~ Lyu looks so cute now, I've never seen such a Lyu before."

  At this time, Liu Liang still has the cold appearance of "Blast", she is completely a shy girl——

  "Cough, I'm sorry, Miss Liu, for causing you a lot of trouble."

  "No, Mr. Algonne, you have already apologized."

  Welf was bewildered by the side - what's the matter with this guy and this goblin?Are the two of them acting in an idol drama here?

  "Then—then I have work to do."


  In the end, Lyu hurriedly lowered her head and ran away, and the shop girls who were watching snickered.

  "Mr. Flonn can make that Lyu—you're special!"

  Not finished yet.

  This witch has come up.

  Unlike the others, this one is the one who hides the deepest in the tavern. It is impossible for Frohn to be unscrupulous in his heart.

  "In the end, it's just a newcomer, by the way - to say something special, I know a person. This person is still my fellow.".

Chapter 30

  When Seele left happily, Frohn wiped away the cold sweat that wasn't there at all.

  Welf came up with a playful look:

  "Frohn, are you afraid of that girl?"

  Glancing at him, Frohn gulps down his meal as if he was venting his nervousness.

  "Where did you see that—"

  "Haha, you sold all your fellow villagers-"

  Frohn moved for a while, and his face fluctuated.

  Well, he spoke out about Bear Crowney, as to whether it was true or not - it was all true.

  After crossing over, Floen lived in that village and met this young man.

  That's why he immediately confirmed that this world is the anchor there.

  He calculated the current timeline - Bell is now 13, less than 14 years old, so it is speculated that it appeared more than half a year before the beginning of the plot.

  This is the opportunity for him to quickly set off for Orari, otherwise the world is so dangerous, with the body of an ordinary person encountering a monster, then basically you can only play GG.

  "By the way, do you have time tonight? Come with me."


  "Ah, didn't you let me teach you the basic knowledge of forging, won't you forget it!"

  The mention of this made Frohn excited.

  Forging knowledge is not knowledge?It's not much more interesting than watching hero calls and idle trivia!

  That's one of the shortcuts that can lead directly to "God's Skill".

  "Ok, let's go now?"

  "Hey hey hey - you don't have to be in such a hurry!"

  "I'm not in a hurry, but you can see that this meal is almost eaten!"

  After saying this, Welf was stunned——

  What the hell, just look at the stack of plates in front of me, it's already empty.

  All the wooden wine glasses were drained, and Fron touched his stomach with a contented expression.

  "This, this is too delicious-"

  "Hiccup, so full. Mainly because I haven't had such a delicious meal in a long time, you know, the troubles of the poor."


  And then -- at the checkout, Frohn shed tears of poverty.

  "13000 Farleys, half of a day's harvest, just one meal..."

  Mia weighed the gold coins and patted his shoulder with a smile:

  "What, isn't this very capable, that's what adventurers dream of, eating meat and drinking alcohol."

  "Old, the boss is right."

  With a dull pain in his shoulders, and the giant force that was almost knocked out of breath, Floen quickly subdued.

  "Come again next time, meow!"

  Aniya kept waving at the door with crescent eyes, her brown tail wagging.

  "Goodbye, Sister Aniya!"

  "It's my sister, meow!"


  After a long time of drinking a drink, the two of them walked unsteadily to Northeast Street.

  "Now, Flonn. You know why I don't want to make magic swords for others?"

  After teaming up for an adventure and drinking together again, a solid friendship was soon established between the men.

  "Oh, this. Let me guess, is it possible that you think the weapon should be the user's half body, and the magic sword will shatter after being used, and will abandon the owner, so you spurn the magic sword with such a nature? After all, it is a taboo for adventurers. ——Is it that you can never abandon your partner?"


  Welf didn't know how many times he was stunned today.

  Can this guy really see through his heart?

  "Am I right?"

  "—big, probably, I hate this, those guys said that in order to become famous, they need stronger power, and let me make them magic swords—it shouldn't be like this, I think the weapons should be with the master Grow up and become stronger together, not consumables!"

  Frohn didn't have such annoyance, he instinctively put two fingers on his mouth, and found that there was no tobacco - shyly smiled.

  "Then you have to work hard. As far as I know, a weapon that grows with the master and becomes stronger together is a weapon made by gods that can only be created by "skills of the gods". "

  "For example, the Lord God of your family must have such strength."

  "—Hey, don't hit me."

  "Aren't you guys just chasing this, why—don't you have confidence in yourself? Otherwise, why did you join the Hephaestus family?"

  "No, no, no, no, is it because of love???"

  "To shut up."

  "Oh, oh, a little sensitive, lad—"

  "Shut up - asshole!"


  On the tongue, 10 Welf is not the opponent of Frohn.

  By the time the two of them arrived at his secret stronghold, the down-and-out blacksmithing aristocrat had long lost his temper.

  "It's a little messy, you can just stop."

  Flonn's secret base is near the edge of the city walls.

  This place is desolate, overgrown with weeds, and the mansion is surrounded by giant withered trees for some reason. There is a sense of ritual in a boy's secret base.

  Or - every boy wanted a place like this when he was a kid.

  "It smells like that, messy yet neat, it's the look of my dreams."

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