He escaped from the chaotic whirlpool without any risk, and Floen breathed a sigh of relief in the dark back alley adorned with only a few magic stone lamps.

  "Your sister, this is too messy. No, I have to join the family quickly. I've had enough of this state of being powerless!"

  Rubbing his accidentally injured arm, he gasped.

  "These bastards, hiss... Don't let me meet you when I get stronger, you'll have your head smashed."

  He limped into the darkness, and returned to the hotel where he was staying in a slightly comical manner.

  Lying on the bed, facing the cold moonlight, Frohn imagined something, and fell asleep with a smile on his lips.

  Like the veil of the Lady of the Night, the darkness caressed the magnificent city until orange flames rose on the east side of the city walls.

  Because he was too excited and excited, a young man with dark circles under his eyes packed his luggage and hurriedly went out.

  As for breakfast?Is it important to join a family?Besides, as long as you join the family, breakfast is not free.

  With Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, Fron was already dressed as yesterday and went to the base camp of the [Rocky Familiar], the "Twilight Hall".

  "Oh, the children are all on an expedition, we are too boring! Can't we have some fun? And those boring gods, who know how to do some low-level fun every day, and they are still the same after hundreds of millions of years."

  A certain pillar of god squinted his eyes, and complained while wandering in the park in front of his house bored.

  A red hair like the setting sun was neatly tied back, wearing a white shirt with six-quarter sleeves, black eight-point trousers, and brown strappy wedge sandals. The slender figure contrasts with those rich goddesses It seemed, um, a little "humble".

  But in the whole of Orari, no, including the entire heaven, no one dared to underestimate this god.

  The number one troublemaker in the heavens, the murderous god who once planned to let the gods kill each other, loki, or... loki.


  A certain god, who was bored, seemed to have discovered some strange event. His squinted eyes opened slightly, and he smiled evilly.

  "The children who went to our "Twilight Pavilion" have no favors on them. Did they come to join our family? Hehehe, finally don't have to be bored!"

  When the voice fell, only a few fresh leaves were left in place, but the person had long since disappeared.

  Frohn, who was carrying the package, suddenly stopped and shivered suddenly.

  "What's with this ominous feeling?"

  Confused, he wiped away the cold sweat that didn't exist, pursed his lips and looked up at the only building complex standing in front of him, he was ready to move forward again.

  "Yo, newcomer. Are you here to join our family?"


  Are all gods so elusive?

  Fron looked dumbfounded at the red-haired goddess standing in front of him, his face stiff.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, is it human, or is it blond and golden eyes. He looks so handsome and has a temperament that we have never seen before. Although we don't have the ability to see through the soul of the nympho goddess, but well... It's decided, you It's already a child of our family!"

  Hey, hey, is it really okay to make such an arbitrary decision?

  Regardless of the confused blond youth, the god named Loki took Frohn, who was already in chaos, and returned directly to the "Hall of Twilight".

  The two passed by the courtyard covered with red bricks, and the remaining family members all cast curious glances at Fron. .

Chapter 4

  "Children, our family is ready to welcome the newcomer!"


  A bunch of family members came out of nowhere, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded Loki and him in the middle, staring at him like a curious baby.

  When has Frohn ever seen this kind of battle in his two lifetimes, this feeling of being focused, makes his hair stand upright, his expression embarrassed and a little nervous, how can there still be the wind in the tavern light.

  "Okay, okay! When we finish the ceremony, everyone is welcome!"

  "Hahaha, what Lord God said is. Then I'll notify the kitchen first!"

  "Ok! There will be a banquet tonight and a big drink!!!"

  "Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!"


  Are you just looking for an excuse to have a big drink?

  The keen Frohn suddenly discovered the truth of the matter.

  When he was able to think again, he had followed Loki to her shrine, and he didn't know how to get there along the way.

  Is this... is this God?Behavior or something, it is impossible to judge the thinking of the lower world creatures.

  "Okay, take off your shirt. Let's get started."

  You're all here, what's the hesitation?Frohn took off his cloak and shirt without hesitation, turning his back to his future master god.

  "Once the ceremony is held, you are a member of our family, that is, a family member. Do you understand what this means?"

  Covenants are sacred, even to detached gods.

  No one can break the contract that has been made, because it is absolute.

  Frohn, who has been in this world for a long time, of course understands all this.

  "Yes, I would like to be your family."

  Loki stared at Frohn with red eyes that were the exact same color as his bright red hair, then smiled.

  "Then, I'm going to start the ceremony."

  Loki pierced his finger with a needle, and used God's blood to bestow God's grace behind Fron's back.

  "Speaking of grace, do you know the basic knowledge?"

  Frohn answered honestly:

  "Well, I heard a lot on the way to Orari. I only know that the ability value ranges from i0 to s. One of the values ​​exceeds d500, and it seems that it can be upgraded."

  Loki wrote the word "Sacred Text" of the gods while writing to Fronk:

  "The essence of 'God's Favor' is only a catalyst. A catalyst for the development of the possibilities of the children of the Nether."

  "And the value generated by systematically parameterizing the favor is called the ability value."

  "It includes basic abilities, developmental abilities, magic, and skills, and the level indicates the overall level of strength."

  "The thing about ability value, after all, it is the result of long-term verification and analysis since the arrival of the gods for thousands of years, but the possibility that the children of the lower realms have, even the gods can't understand, this is the unknown that the gods pursue! In other words, it is possible for any strange magic and skill to appear.”

  Frohn pondered:

  "Is grace also a key, the key that unlocks the infinite possibilities of the body."

  Loki squinted his eyes and tilted his head:

  "The description is correct. Children in the lower realms have abstract things called 'tools', and proficiency is just water filled in."

  "Once the 'vessel' is full, that is to say to the point where it must be sublimated."

  "As for the method of sublimating the 'tool', this is still far away from you. After all, even our Aisi, it took a year!"

  Frohn nodded in understanding.

  "It turns out that the improvement of proficiency is water grinding time, I understand."

  In my mind, I was thinking about the plan to become stronger in the future, but suddenly I found that my Lord God had been silent for a long time, as if he had disappeared out of thin air, which was very strange.

  He turned around suspiciously, and then naturally saw Loki looking at him silently like a ghost, and Ben's squinting eyes were round and round, like a clown, very funny.


  Fron tilted his head, and slowly typed a question mark with a blank face.

  "Hey, Flonn. Let's ask you, is this the first time you've ever received a favor?"

  The confused young man opened his mouth and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Loki.

  "What the hell we asked such a stupid question."

  After all, his back was clean before Loki bestowed the favor, in other words, he was indeed receiving favor for the first time.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, it's amazing, it's amazing, you kid. I think when Finn first accepted the favor, he had one magic and two skills, and Riviria had nine magic and two skills, but you..."

  Only then did Frohn know the reason for the complex expression of his Lord God.

  "Forget it, translate your stats into common language and see for yourself. By the way, we've already locked your stats, but there are things like lockpickers. Don't let others see your back, understand. Yet?"

  Naturally, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing to leak his own information.

  Then he replied solemnly:


  Having said that, Loki has translated the ability value into the common language on the paper and handed it to him.

  Frohn looked down, watching Loki's pursed lips in delight.

  【Name】: Frohn Algonne

  [Level]: lv.1


  【Development ability】:




  ·Destruction attribute



  ·Strengthen spiritual power

  · Double the effect in the dark

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