Chun folded his arms, and thought for a long time without any clue.It stands to reason that the [Loki Families] are close strategic partners with their [Hephaestus Families]. Almost everyone knows each other from the main god to the team members, and many blacksmiths have signed exclusive contracts.Now that there is a personal name that she doesn't know, Rong has to be curious.

  "Frohn Algorn - never heard of it."

  Just listening to the young man said in a bad mood:

  "It's said that it's a newcomer, a newcomer! And—isn't you a busy woman? There should be a lot of orders to complete, right? Why don't you stay here and leave?"

  "Woooooo. Wei Zi actually hates me so much."

  "Poor acting!"

  "Cut, it's boring. Someone came here to order a magic sword yesterday."

  "It's not my business."

  "I'm telling you - you know that field, and you want to approach it, but you still naively think you can catch up with that person without paying everything? Stupid!"

  Tsubaki's eyes flashed fiercely, as if he had suddenly changed into a person. .

Chapter 32

  "Stupid obsession, when you regret it!"

  Facing the silent youth, Chun put down a harsh word and left angrily.

  "Damn, the good mood is gone."

  As if disgusting himself, Welf laughed at himself.



  "Hall of Twilight"

  Put on a brand new belt, put on a pure black cloak, put on a backpack and came to the hall.

  "F, Mr. Flonn, sorry! I'm late."

  The panting fairy girl put her hands on her knees, gasping for breath.

  It looked rather rushed.

  "No need to apologize, the time is just right. Actually, I just came here."

  "Have you brought your supplies or anything?"

  "Well, it's all in the backpack."

  "Leave it to me. The person with the lowest default ability in the team is the supporter. Your mission is to sing magic and destroy monsters!"

  "But, but so many things—"

  Frohn raised his eyebrows, a little flamboyant.

  "Ha, compared to fairies, humans are a lot stronger, right? Don't forget - I'm a movie king panel, a white board super soldier, what's a bag on my back, what a trifle."


  The people standing on the stairs watching the excitement were speechless.It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk. We want to be a panel actor, a whiteboard super soldier, and so on!

  Dione's fist squeezed with a "click" sound, and the black miasma was rising.

  "What should I do if I want to beat someone? Beat that handsome face to a pulp and crush the bones."

  Tiona hurriedly supported her runaway sister from behind, even though she also wanted to go up and kick her.

  As for the others, they also look different, but what's with that look of eagerness to try?

  "I said you guys, why did you still grab it when you were a supporter?"

  Riviria covered her forehead and shook her head:

  "Hurry up if you want to go, do you still have teammates waiting?"

  ——Frohn slapped his head sharply, a little annoyed.

  "Ah yes, Welf forgot, let's go, Lefiya, see you all!"

  "Come on, you two, stay safe!"

  "Don't worry - I won't let Lefiya get hurt a little bit!"

  "Wow!!!!! Good - such a bold statement."

  Tiona, Alicia, Elvie, and Li pinched a few girls screaming, praising Frohn's ball.


  Not to mention Lefiya, her pretty face and pointed ears were flushed red, and her ponytail kept fluttering randomly.

  "Hahahaha- Lefiya is so cute!"

  Noisy, compared to exploring the dungeon alone before, this time not only was there a partner to see off, but there was also an extra fairy girl.

  And—Fron knew that he was getting stronger again.

  "I have to find a chance to hone my skills, and my body is getting more and more out of control."

  He frowned secretly, keeping the matter in his heart for a while.The panel actor, super soldier or something is nice to say.

  In fact, it is a panel idiot with no moves, games, and no combat experience.

  Only use attributes to suppress and reckless - adventurers who are dominated by ability values ​​generally do not live long.

  This is the consensus of everyone, so this hidden danger must be solved as soon as possible.

  "Mr. Flonn--is there something to worry about?"

  "You goblins are just too stubborn, just call me Frohn, don't add Mr., it will make our relationship seem estranged."

  "Okay, okay."

  "As for worrying... well, it's nothing to put it bluntly. You also heard me laughing at myself as a panel actor."

  "It's not like that. Floen, who can leapfrog the saber-toothed tiger with his bare hands, is not an idiot!"


  Lefiya was quite excited about this, because it was something she couldn't do.In her eyes, the youth's actions are undoubtedly a kind of adventure, worthy of praise and respect by others.That kind of shock, for Lefiya, who came from the "school district", is undoubtedly the protagonist of the fairy tale.

  "You don't need to comfort me. To put it bluntly, it's still too weak. By the way, do you fairies eat meat?"


  Lefiya's mind went blank due to the sudden change of topic, and she couldn't keep up with Frohn's jumping thoughts.

  "No, don't eat—"

  "Eat, that's fine. You only prepared some portable dry food for lunch, right? How can this work? As an adventurer, I decided not to lose money to my stomach."


  After saying that, regardless of the dazed Lefiya, he dragged her to the bakery in the busy street.

  "Ma'am, three loaves, double cream."


  "Lefiya, you are waiting for the bread here, I'll go over there to buy other."

  "Wait, wait, Frohn first—!"

  Not listening to her advice at all, Fron went to the barbecue shop on his own, bought three more pieces of barbecue and put them in the bento box, and at the same time picked some fruits.

  Even this guy frantically bought two bottles of fruit wine and hid them secretly.

  Is this something that a rookie adventurer would dare to do?

  Whoever goes to the dungeon is not nervous and absorbed, how can he be like going to a picnic.

  "Wait, let's go!"

  Lefiya's eyes circled, she couldn't believe what Frohn was doing.

  What kind of adventurer is this——

  "Don't worry, Lefiya, with our strength, it's more than enough to be in the "middle level". "

  "Also, if we can't fight, we can run!"

  Saying that, she winked at Lefiya.

  "Frohn is really—"

  The fairy girl with the blushing blush on her pretty face has not retreated, the two of them merged into the crowd and finally came to the central square.

  "Yo, here we come! This is your family's—"

  With a smile on his face, Frohn pressed Lefiya's shoulders with both hands and pushed her out.

  "Officially introduce to you, the outstanding successor of our family, Lefiya Veredis, Lv. 3 magician, guard in charge, this year's 14-year-old fairy girl! Not only powerful, but also very cute in appearance, just I'm just a little shy, but as for the person I admire, it's "Sword Princess" Ais Wallenstein! "


  "Huh? Isn't this a well-known thing?"

  "How-how is it possible!"

  "Even I know-"


  Lefiya seemed to be drained of all her strength, the duck was sitting on the ground, her downcast eyes were in circles, and her long pointed ears were also drooping down, which was very cute.

  "Ha...haha, really, very special...hahaha!"

  Welf was embarrassed, haha, this girl - a little too shy.

  "Get up, Lefiya, the white stockings are dirty!"


  "Okay, our goal is the 13th floor of the "middle level", let's experience the pressure a little bit, and do reconnaissance for the official exploration later. "

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