In addition to the gods, the access control of high-level adventurers is second only to the gods.

  As a top combat power, even if they lost a guild, they would be distressed to death. Under normal circumstances, they would never let them leave.

  As for the average person, it is limited to checking the degree of favor.

  As the center of the world, Orari was originally a fortress city that suppressed dungeons.

  This situation has only changed after the lower realms of the modern gods.

  In order to meet the requirements of the gods, the fortress city also began to gradually increase various entertainment facilities.

  For example, the [Casino] opened by Santrio Becca, a distant entertainment city, and the [Grand Theater] built again by Melstra, the country of opera.

  These entertainment facilities attract more than just the gods.

  The big businessmen and adventurers who travel to and from Orari are also their big clients.

  Naturally, nobility is indispensable.

  There are many countries and empires along the whole road.

  The aristocrats from these countries, one by one, are very rich, and in order to find stimulation, Orari is of course second to none.

  Some of them spend a lot of money in casinos, and some of them throw a lot of money for a certain sub-human.

  Of course, there are nobles with strange three views, their hobbies are different, and they like to raise monsters.

  The nobles from Ellia are such a group of people.

  Oralien South District.

  In a corner tavern, two mysterious people in capes were talking.

  "The quality of the shipment is quite high and the employers are quite satisfied."

  "I don't care if they are satisfied or not, the important thing is the gold coins, you know."

  "Huh? What are you talking about. Those nobles have money, as long as it makes them happy."

  "Don't worry, as long as you wear a collar, even monsters must be obedient."

  "That's fine."

  "And what about the money?"

  "it's here."


  A large bag of gold coins was still on the table, but it was such a move that others in the tavern completely ignored it, as if they hadn't seen it.

  "Really convenient ability."

  "Thank you for the compliment."

  "When is the next transaction?"

  "Three months later."

  "Business needs integrity, but nothing goes wrong."

  "You think I don't want to? The last time someone on your side made a noise and was discovered by the trade unionists. If I hadn't acted fast, it would have been exposed now! I don't want to face a behemoth like the trade union now, it will be finished. ."

  "Ha ha ha, the dignified [Barbarian] Dix Perdix will be afraid too??"

  "Hey, hey, what are you talking about, as if you're not afraid? Then why don't you just transport those monsters out of the city?"



  Dix sneered and left with the money.

  As for the guy who spoke to him, it was the Chamber of Commerce agent elected by the nobles.

  To put it bluntly, it is running errands.

  In the face of a Lv.5 powerhouse like [Savage], it's right to be a coward when it's time to be counseled. You must know that they are all the guys who kill without blinking an eye.

  "Bah, a bunch of lingering remnants, if it weren't for the face of gold coins, who would sit here with you."

  The darkness that happened in a corner of the city, Frohn didn't know yet.

  In other words, he knew the general situation, but not the specifics.

  Others may not be clear, but he is very clear.On the surface, Orari, who ended the [Dark Age], is undercurrent.

  Not to mention that the remnants of the dark faction are just around the corner, and a certain god who goes by the pseudonym [Urban Destroyer] Ennio is constantly doing things in order to seek pleasure.

  This sense of crisis constantly stimulated Frohn to speed up and improve himself.

  "Ding, ding, ding..."

  The forging hammer pounded the hot metal, constantly changing its shape.

  As he thumped, a mysterious red circle of light loomed over the tools and arms, and some force began to change the properties of the metal.

  "Oh, is this the developmental ability of "Forge"?Bravo.No wonder it is said that only by learning "smithing" can one enter the level of a senior blacksmith. "

  Not only did she widen her eyes out of curiosity, but Ais was also the first time she saw the forging process of a blacksmith with the ability to "smith."

  Soon, with Frohn's efforts.

  The equipment is gradually taking shape.

  It was a silver hairpin, the same color as Ace's light armor.

  The difference is the mysterious lines on the inside of the card.

  "This is a card issued by me with the "durability" attribute, which can increase some battle continuations by a small amount.It's not really precious equipment, but it barely reaches the third-level armament. Of course, with this beautiful appearance, it can add a little added value. "

  The delicate hairpin shines with a mysterious brilliance, and after adding a little mithril, it has a very good magic power transmission performance.

  "Wow, it's beautiful!"

  "Ace quickly put it on and try it!"


  Taking Flonn's small gift, Ais took off her hairpin and put it on.

  "It's a good match for you, I was attracted at first sight."

  There is no sense of abruptness at all, and the hairpin fits perfectly into Ais's appearance.

  "It's beautiful, I like it, thank you... Floren."

  Aisi's pretty face blushed, and she squeezed her fingers in stammering thanks.

  Tiona blinked brightly:

  "Wow, is this a token of love? Hey, hey, Loki will kill you if he finds out!"


  Frohn slowly asked a question mark, who is Loki?

  "Well, this is your collar. I can't understand the brain circuits of your Amazon female warriors. Why do you like this kind of collar around your neck."

  "Che, what do you know, this is a custom, a custom!"

  What was made for Tiona was a gold-colored collar, which was also engraved with intricate patterns.

  "This is a special weapon enchanted with the attribute of "Strength", so please be satisfied! "

  "Very satisfied, hehehe!"

  Put on the collar, Tiona is so beautiful.

  As a special weapon, it is quite rare, and there are not many senior blacksmiths who can make it.

  Frohn also relies on his own two developmental abilities of "smithing" and "mystery" to make it successfully. .

Chapter 59

  Playing with the small gifts, Tiona asked curiously:

  "By the way, Fron. Can you make a magic sword?"

  Magic sword?

  Ace's attention was also attracted.

  "Uh, did you bring this up all of a sudden?"

  "That's a magic sword. Even our 'expedition' is a necessity. And this thing is too expensive. It's a million cheap, and a little better is tens of millions!"


  The magic sword can unleash a power comparable to magic just by swinging it.

  Of course, like the sorcerer, the power of the magic sword is also uneven, and even the magic sword that is close to it cannot break through the defense of the Minotaur.And strong, even the first-level adventurers of Lv.6 have to temporarily avoid the edge.

  After all, it is undeniable that the power of the magic sword is very strong, very strong!

  Even if it's just a consumable.

  To put it bluntly, it is for the exclusive use of krypton gold.

  "Building a magic sword..."

  Frohn squeezed it, and fell into contemplation in front of the two girls.

  "It's not that I can't fight, I already have the basic building conditions, that is, "Forging".But if you want to be powerful, it's not an overnight thing. "

  However, compared to building a magic sword, the method that can quickly increase the combat power is to sing in parallel.

  As long as Frohn learns the parallel chant, his combat power will increase explosively, not to mention the 13th floor, even the "floor master" Goliath who allows him to single-play Lv.



  "Riveria, please teach me how to sing in parallel."

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