Frohn, who was driven mad by reality, made his initial determination.And... in this lower realm where gods and people live together, "God's skills" are really something that can be seen and touched.

  It's a craft that benefits a lifetime.



  On the bustling streets, he wandered for a long time.

  Finally, in a humble grocery store in a backstreet, I bought a short sword worth 1600 pf.

  The blade of the short sword is 40 cm long, slightly longer than the forearm. The blade is not bright, but the sharpness is not bad.

  This armament is more than enough to deal with the upper-level small monsters.

  In this regard, the store also gave a sword cover that I don't know what kind of leather, which is a quite satisfactory shopping.

  "Okay, the weapons are temporarily available, go back to the station to accumulate some knowledge, increase the attribute value, and explore the dungeon before the money runs out."

  Back at the "Twilight Pavilion", the horizon was already red.The mountains in the distance seemed to be on fire, magnificent and fantastic.

  First, I went back to my room, put away the cloak and weapons, then grabbed some bread in the cafeteria, and went to the underground library.

  As the most powerful family of Orari, the [Loki Family]'s library is naturally not enough.

  The huge library, which is many times larger than the restaurant, is divided into two floors, and a staircase covered with gorgeous carpets circles the huge space.

  Just standing here, you can smell knowledge in your breath.

  With the desire for the unknown burning in Flonn's eyes, he took out a copy of "The Labyrinth City of Orari and the Dungeon" and read it quietly.

  The chalk tower located in the center of the labyrinth city of Orari, called the "Tower of Babel", was built under the leadership of the famous craftsman "Daedalus" thousands of years ago.

  This building seals the only exit of the dungeon. It exists as a kind of "seal" of the cover, suppressing the monsters in it.

  Fron, who knew the mystery, understood that due to the repression and prayers of the old god Uranus, the monster could not appear on the ground.And the closer to the ground floor, the weaker and weaker the powerful monsters are.

  Under the "Tower of Babel" is the only "secret realm" in the world, the "underground labyrinth", also known as the "dungeon".

  Thousands of years ago, it was called ancient by modern people.

  At that time, before the gods came to the lower realm, the monsters born in the "dungeon" poured out of the ground frantically, and launched a frenzied killing in the whole world.

  It was a chaotic age, a dark age.

  The people of the lower world had no way to compete with the monsters, and almost wiped out their clan.

  From this merciful they descended their avatars, elves.

  The great elves assisted the human heroes to fight to the death with monsters, and finally blocked the torrent of monsters.

  And as time passed, the situation began to change.

  The heroes fought with blood and will, staged a magnificent epic, and finally pushed the monsters back to the dungeon, and established a huge fortress here.

  This is also the prequel story of "The Labyrinth City Orari".

  Then, the ancient times came to an end, the gods descended to earth, and the [Age of Gods] began, interpreting the myth of the family.

  But the legends of ancient heroes have been passed down to this day. They have been sung by bards, praised by people, and written into fairy tales, such as "The Holy Tales of Heroes".

  "Familiar myth, this is the age of gods."

  Closing some old parchment, Frohn's heart was tumbling.

  "It really makes people's blood boil. Even me, a guy who is not a teenager, is touched. Sure enough, the hero that teenagers look forward to."

  Then he laughed at himself:

  "It's a pity that I'm already past the age of Our Lady."

  Putting the book back on the shelf, he pulled out another hardcover parchment.

  "Introduction to the upper terrain and monsters of the dungeon"

  "this is not bad."

  Muttering to himself, Frohn turned the page.

  After thousands of years of exploration, the dungeon is divided into "upper level", "middle level", "lower level", "deep level" and "unknown level".

  The upper floor generally refers to the floors 1-12.

  There is no sunlight or water here, and all you can see are all kinds of forks, caves, and labyrinthines with no end.

  Relatively speaking, the "upper level" is not very difficult to conquer, even if it is a low-level Lv.

  When it comes to the "middle level" area, things are completely different.

  From the 13th floor, you enter the "Gravity Labyrinth", and it also has a special name, which is called "the first dead line" by the adventurers.

  Not only will there be "abnormal situations" here, but there will also be changes in terrain—generally large-scale collapses that block regular routes.The intricate route can easily consume the stamina and supplies of the adventurers, and then be chased by monsters like a shaft.

  If the situation cannot be handled calmly, the only result waiting for the adventurers is death.

  As for the types of monsters refreshed at the upper level, they are generally small types that are easier to deal with. Most of them have no special abilities and are the best types to deal with.

  The recorded monsters include kobolds, goblins, lizards, frog shooters, war shadows, killer ants, and more.

  Newcomers of Lv.1 are in the first few layers where the monster spawn rate and number are not high, and they can complete the exploration even if they deal with it calmly.

  Closing the book with a snap, Frohn let go of his frowning brows.

  "It's not as simple as I thought."

  After putting the book back, this time he did not rush to read other books, but quietly digested the unknown knowledge he had collected.

  It was not until a long time later that I picked up the next book and walked to the reading area to continue reading.

  At the beginning of the moonlight, the night was fading.

  The entire "Twilight Pavilion" has darkened, and the lights dotted in the courtyard slightly illuminate the dark corner.

  The castle-like station, like a giant beast crawling in the dark, stands quietly.

  It is completely two extremes with the brightly lit downtown area and Happy Street by magic stone lamps. .

Chapter 8

  In the basement library of the headquarters, the dark atmosphere made it look a little mysterious. There was only a corner of the reading area, and there was the light of warm magic stone lamps.

  In the state of full concentration on reading, in Frohn's golden pupils, there are two blue circles containing the flow of blue and blue around the pupils.

  And this is the special effect of triggering skills.


  ·Strengthen spiritual power

  · Double the effect in the dark

  ·Immune to mental pollution

  The powerful mental force made Frohn's memory ability improve rapidly and keep his spirits full.

  When night comes, this effect reaches its peak.This made him more interested in absorbing knowledge.

  I don't know when, there was an inaudible sound in the long corridor of Jingse, until it extended to the hall on the first floor and then to the basement.

  Gently, there was a gap in the door of the library, and a divine eye that shone red even in the dark opened slightly, and passed through the space to secretly stare at the back swimming in the sea of ​​knowledge.

  "Is this his skill? Damn it, the increase in spiritual power and the doubling effect of the dark night. In the future, there will be a nerd at home who will read at night."

  A mischievous smile appeared on the face of the god of mischief whose lips were drawn together.

  "Maybe with him joining in, it can also stimulate the stagnant children, but isn't it too much to take the child Floen as a target? No, for everyone, I will sacrifice you a little bit, sorry. Hey Hey."


  A chill made Frohn wake up suddenly, and he looked around suspiciously.

  "...There's always a bad feeling about what's going on."

  In the end, I didn't find anything, so I immersed myself in the book again.

  With the help of interest, no matter what you do, time will pass quickly.

  Sunrise and sunset, day and night cycle, the city goes from noisy to silent, day after day.

  The changes in the Nether are fascinating, and the eternal gods are having fun every day, exploring the unknowns and possibilities that delight them.

  Loki's family, their popularity as a newcomer has gradually dissipated. The family has a great career. At the moment when most of the family members are going on expeditions, everyone is busy.

  On this day, the door to the library, which had not been moving for a few days, was opened.

  Holding the head of the chicken coop, Frohn walked out staggeringly.

  The clothes on his body were actually wrinkled, and the whole person looked a little sloppy.

  Counting the time, it has been five or six days since Frohn stayed in the library.

  The companions hadn't seen the newcomer in the past few days, and thought that something had happened to him when he got into the dungeon, so they hurriedly asked their master god.

  As a result, the Lord God waved his hand and said no need to worry, so the group of people had no choice but to go to work with their doubts.

  ——Only Loki knew how terrifying that child's growth was.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, I haven't seen such an exaggerated child in thousands of years. I just stayed in the library and read books for five days, and the ability value increased by 2505 casually. We are really looking forward to his future, wait for Aishan and the others. Back from the expedition, hehehehe-"

  Loki took a sip of wine with a suspicious look on his face, and then let out a funny laugh.

  He casually burned the Common Language proficiency score table in his hand, and vaguely, the name of Fron Algorn appeared on it.

  【Name】: Frohn Algonne

  [Level]: Lv.1


  【Development ability】:



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